Chapter 8

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Harry sat on the sofa alone, opening a letter that an unfamiliar owl had delivered this morning. He read the cursive handwriting multiple times as he digested what it meant.

Dear Harry,
I'm sorry to trouble you like this,
but unfortunately I'm getting a bit
to old to still be doing this. I would
appreciate it greatly if you would be
willing to help me out. Maybe we
could meet up later to discuss the
matter? Sorry to trouble you,

He then put pen to paper and wrote a swift reply.

Dear Andromeda,
Of course, we're planning on
heading to the Burrow later and
you're welcome to join.
I'd love to help.

Harry sent the owl off with his letter securely tied to it's ankle. He smiled as he caught a glimpse of long, red hair in his peripheral vision. His girlfriend sidled up beside him, smelling unexplainably of flowers; a scent which, before Ginny, Harry had only encountered in my sixth year.
Harry remember vividly, the lesson in which they had all crowded around the armortentia potion, eager to smell it.

"Harry, what time did they ask us to be at the burrow later?" Ginny asked him, wrapping her arms around his torso from behind.

"I think they said any time now. Do you want to leave, it won't matter if we're early" Harry suggested, turning around to face Ginny.
She nodded and kissed his lips lightly, "ok"

A little while later, they were stood in the Weasley's living room alongside, Mr Weasley, Mrs Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Percy and George. Bill got everyone's attention and stood up, "thanks everyone for coming at such short notice. We just have some very exciting news" he gripped tightly onto Fleur's hand and smiled.

"I'm pregnant!" Fleur exclaimed. Mrs Weasley let out a cry and hurried over to embrace them both. They all congratulated the soon-to-be parents when they heard a knock at the door.

Harry slipped away from the celebration and opened the door to see Andromeda. He welcomed her into the living room where she too, offered her polite congratulations to Bill and Fleur once she heard the news.

"Harry, I was wondering if I may speak to you in private?" She asked and Harry couldn't help but notice how tired and, well, just old she looked. Of course he obliged and the two headed into the kitchen to talk.

"As you are aware, Dora and Remus made you godfather of their son Edward" Andromeda started, "I have been raising him for the past three months with difficulty. I'm getting old you see and he resembles my Dora too much. I can barely look at him without crying these days..." She hiccoughed and sobbed the last sentence out.

Harry don't need her to say anything more. "If it's your wish, I would be happy to take Teddy out of your care and look after him myself Andromeda. Of course you would be welcome to visit or have him any time you want"

Andromeda gasped at his kindness. She had expected him to offer respite care at most. She dabbed at tears in her eyes, "that would be wonderful Harry, thank you. Of course you understand I would never normally ask, it's just that-"

"I completely understand, you have no need to explain yourself" Harry smiled and Andromeda nodded gratefully.

"Would it be alright if I was to go back and get him now? I left him with a neighbour while I came here. You can have all the furniture from his room don't buy more..."
Harry agreed and she thanked him tremendously and apparated back to collect Teddy.

In her absense, Harry pulled Ginny away from the celebrations next door. He knew he had to break the news to her.

"Gin I understand if you don't want to help, I just couldn't leave the poor woman with no help. She looked awfully tired and-"
"Harry I'd love to help you. You're going to make a great dad one day" she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me and we heard the familiar POP of someone apparating. Andromeda enters carrying and turquoise haired baby.

"He just turned 4 months old" she informed handing him over to Harry. Young Teddy felt so precious, so delicate in his arms. An outstretched hand made to grab my glasses as he gurgled groggily, waking up from his slumber.

It's a bit shorter than usual and I apologise for that, I've been really busy. I've been so excited to bring Teddy into the mix and it's finally happened! Hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote if you did! Thanks for reading!

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