Chapter 17

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Ginny's POV

I stepped out of the fireplace with Harry and Teddy, brushing some soot off myself. I subconsciously held my stomach even though I didn't have a bump yet, Fleur saw me for a cross the room and came rushing over. She suspiciously eyes my hand on my front, but said nothing as she greeted us " 'arree, Ginnee, eet is good to see you again! And little Teddee! How 'ave you all been?"
"Good auntie Fleur! Where's-" Teddy yelled happily.
"Victorie is in ze living room" Fleur laughed and ruffled his hair. Teddy ran off to find his best friend. "We will talk about zees" she gestured between me and Harry, "later". She raised her eyebrows and walked off to the next room. I blushed and Harry grinned.
"Do you think it's really that obvious?" I asked him. I was hoping it was only because Fleur had been pregnant before and noticed, not because I gave it away. I don't think I can wait to have it all in the open.

Nope. I take that back. We are all finishing our meals when Harry's and I stand up. Merlin this is harder then I thought it would be. How will everyone react? Help me. Help us. Wait, help Harry! Oh I hope my brothers aren't too hard on him!

I look over and see Hermione grinning from ear to ear, and Fleur is smirking while cocking one eyebrow waiting for the news she guessed. Everyone else however, is staring at us with blank, confused or interested faces.
"I'm sure your all wondering what's going on" Harry started, I gave him a reassuring smile, "Well Ginny and I have some exciting news-"
"I'm going to be a big brother!" Teddy shouts while standing on his chair. As unexpected and as unplanned as it was, I couldn't have asked for a better reveal. It was perfect. Mum gasped and started crying.
Fleur smiled politely and winked at me, "zees is wonderful news. Our babies will be in ze same year at school!" She smiled and rubbed her swollen belly.

Bill congratulated us, as did George and Angelina, Percy and Audrey. Charlie couldn't make it as usual, so I'll have to remember to owl him later, all eyes were on my last brother, who was yet to say something. Instead, he got up and stormed upstairs, I'm guessing to his old room. Hermione shot up and muttered something like, "I'm sorry guys, I'll go and get him". I wasn't really listening. My vision went blurry amd the tears started spilling over my cheeks. I just wanted everyone to be happy for me, and I couldn't even get that. I felt someone brush away my tears and pull me into a hug.
"Come on love, don't let that git spoil your day" Harry whispered in my ear. I held his head close to me and put my hand in his messy, unruly hair and cried. I cried on his shoulder. I could hear the others trying to comfort me but I only wanted Harry. I only needed Harry. He stroked the back of my head and calmly said "sssh love, it's ok, let it out" over and over again.

After a couple of minutes, Hermione reappears pulling Ron down the stairs. "Go on Ron, say it for merlin sake" she pushed him forwards towards us.
"I can't believe you knocked up my bloody sister Harry!" Ron yelled. Hermione face palmed, this was obviously not what she had planned for him to say.
"Ron" she hissed, "stop being a selfish git"
Ron's ears turned pink and he looked at her. Oh of course Ronald. You bloody care what she thinks of you, yet you don't mind hurting anyone else's feeling do you!
"Sorry ', It's just- well it's my sister, it's weird! I feel I have to be protective of her but I also want to be happy for them..." he rubbed his neck sheepishly.
'Git' I thought. 'Absolute git'

"Anyway, we really must be off, come on Teddy!" I said holding out my hand for the little boy. "We've got out first appointment in half an hour!" I tell everyone whilst putting in a fake smile.
"Oh don't you worry! We can 'ave 'im at ours until you get back. I understand you might appreciate the peace," Fleur offered kindly.
"Yes! Yes Teddy you can come over again!" Little Victorie was literally jumping up and down in excitement. Her long blond bunches were flying all over the place and yet still she managed to look graceful. She must take after her mother.
"Are you sure Fleur, I understand you have Vici, Domi and this one on the way, I don't want to trouble you further!"
"I can promise you we'll be fine thank you Harry!" Bill assured, "don't worry about us! Go and have a scan in peace!"
"Yes enjoy eet!" Fleur chimed.

Harry's POV

Ginny and I flooed to St Mungo's hand in hand.
"Oh for merlin sake!" I groaned as we were almost immediately swamped by paparazzi.
I glanced over a Ginny who was wearing sunglasses which covered her beautiful, chocolate brown eyes; her hair blew behind her in the wind.
Squeezing my hand reassuringly, she smiled and we ploughed through the crowd. When we made it to reception, we walked over to the desk.
"Hi we have an appointment under the name Ginny Potter" she asked. The woman at the desk immediately looked up from her papers.
"Ah. Yes. Mrs Potter, yes, er, right just go to the maternity ward, room 602" She stuttered. I sighed, if everyone is this 'star struck' then it will be a long day.

We took a lift to the maternity ward and found the right room. When we opened the door, we walked in and saw a fairly young, blond healer.
"Hello Mrs Potter, Mr Potter, I'm Healer Gilbert, the healer that will see you all the way to the delivery of your child." She smiled.
"Oh hello, it's nice to meet you. Please just call me Harry" I said. I'm just thankful she isn't asking for an autograph.
"Yes just call me Ginny"
"Ok, Ginny would you please take a seat on this bed. Harry you can sit here" she pointed to a chair next to the bed. I sat down on the chair next to Ginny who had payed on the bed. I held and squeezed Ginny's hand.
"Ok I same going to put something in ur abdomen, it might feel cold, but it's a muggle thing that allows us to see your baby" Healer Gilbert said kindly. She put some kind of gel on Ginny's stomach and pressed the tip of her wand to her skin. A small bubble appeared above Ginny. "This," she said pointing at a small white thing, "is your baby".
Oh my. Suddenly it just felt so much more real, seeing my baby. I looked over and see Ginny is bawling her eyes out. Wiping some of her tears away, I said "here love, it's ok".
She smiled, "no, I'm fine it's just the hormones Harry. I'm so happy"
"I'm happy too love. It's ok that your emotional, I don't mind" I told her. The truth is, I was emotional too, I just don't want to show it.
"Would you like a copy of the scan?" Healer Gilbert asked.
"Yes please" Ginny and I said at the same time, we laughed at that.

Healer Gilbert handed us a small piece of paper. It was exactly like a muggle scan, except our baby was moving as it did when the bubble was still there.
"Thank you" Ginny said. "I look forward to next time"
"Next time, you might be able to find out the gender if you want to!" Healer Gilbert informed us kindly. "Just go to the front desk to book your next appointment, see you then" she smiled and we left the room.

When we got back to the desk to book our next appointment, the same woman as before spoke, "would you be interested in having a private room for the labour? It would come at an expense of course, but it would mean you would have a private waiting room for family and friends so that no one else can visit you" she nodded her head in the direction of the crowd of paparazzi still waiting outside for our return.
"Oh yes please, that sounds perfect!" I said.
We payed for the private room, booked an appointment and headed outside. Cameras flashed and people swamped around us shouting.
"Why are you at St Mungo's?"
"Is it true your pregnant?"
"Can I have an interview?"
"Who were you visiting?"
"Daily Prophet exclusive?"
"Are the rumours true? Are you ill?"

I sighed as we flooed home, (it's not good to apparite while pregnant), and only imagined what tomorrows papers would read.

Thanks for reading!

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