Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

I wake early the next day and headed into James' room. He is already standing up in his cot when I open the door and whimpers for me to lift him up. "Morning Jamesie" I chuckle and lift him up.  Not expecting a response as he hasn't spoken more than 'mama' and 'dada' yet, I carry him downstairs and set about heating up his porridge for breakfast. While it's heating up, I take James with me to wake Teddy.

Opening the door, I let James down and he runs over to Teddy's bed. He pulls off his covers, (with a bit of help from me and a flick of me wand), and the poor 9 year old sits bolt upright in shock.

I laugh quietly and tell Teddy to get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast. In a few minutes the three of us were sat around the table and the two boys were eating hungrily. Once they were down, I set the bowls to clean themselves, and headed upstairs to find my wife.

Ginny's POV

Blinking my eyes open slowly, I smile when I see eyes as green as a fresh pickled toad staring back at me. "Morning" I smile, laughing softly at how close he is to me.
He closes the gap between us momentarily and his lips brush mine. "Morning beautiful" he whispers, and then offers me a hand to pull me out of bed.

"Harry!" I laugh, swatting at his arm playfully, "I'm not that big that I can't get out of bed on my own- yet at least"
"Who says I can't help my drop dead gorgeous wife out of bed in the morning?" He smiles, and helps me up despite my protests.
I sigh and let myself be pulled up, "no one"
"Good" he grinned.

I lifted my nightshirt over my head and walked over to my wardrobe to hunt for an outfit. "I was thinking we could go to St Mungos today, see if we can book an appointment for a scan or something" I informed Harry, as I pulled on my bra and a pale, sky blue top.
"Sounds like a plan, would you like me to make breakfast for you?" He offered.
Jumping up and down to get my jeans on, I spin around so I can smile at him, "sure thing". He opens his mouth to speak, but I silence him with "I don't mind, surprise me".
He chuckles, kisses my cheek and then hurries off downstairs to make me something to eat.

I head downstairs when I'm dressed and join my husband at the table, we each have a small stack of pancakes with banana and strawberries. "These look amazing love! Thank you" I smile and heartily tuck in. Afterward a couple mouthfuls however, I feel a sudden wave of nausea and I have to run to the nearest bathroom. Harry is hot on my heals and immediately takes up his position, holding back my hair and rubbing circles on my back and I wretch into the toilet.
"I'm going to assume this isn't because of my cooking" Harry jokes softly, trying to make me feel better. I'm hardly listening however, as my head is still stuck in the bowl of the toilet.

When I'm finished, I spin around and curl up into Harry's arms. He tightens his grip around me and gently runs his fingers through my hair. Hearing the patter of tiny feet, I look up and see Teddy and James in the doorway. James looks confused whilst Teddy looks slightly concerned.

"Harry is Ginny ok?" Teddy asks.
"Don't worry little buddy, she's completely fine. Why don't you take James to pick out his outfit for today? I'll meet you upstairs in a minute I've just got to finish something first" Harry answers. At this point I'm still leaning into his chest in the the middle of the bathroom floor and his arms are still tightly wrapped around me. Not looking entirely convinced, Teddy takes James by the hand and leads him away. "Gin, you go and have your pancakes, eat as much or as little as you want, I'll go help Teddy with James" Harry said soothingly, and he helps me up.

An hour later, the four of us were stepping out of the Burrow's fireplace and we were greeted by mum.
"Oh hello dears!" She smiled, fussing over Teddy and James, who both ran into the living room or find some toys.
"Thanks for looking after them Molly, we really appreciate it" Harry thanks.
"Anytime, anytime!" She dismissed, " you know I love looking after them. But would it be nosy to ask where you too are off to at-" she checks her watch, "10:27 am on a Sunday?"
Harry and I glance at each other. We were actually heading off to St Mungos, but we weren't ready to tell anybody yet. "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough mum. Anyway, we must be off, come on Harry" I say, holding out a hand that he graciously takes.
Mum watches us in suspicion as we dissolve in the fireplace. I had made sure I had said 'St Mungos' very guilty so she didn't know where we were flooing to.

Harry's POV

Ginny and I quickly walk up top it the main desk. We want to get inside as soon as possible to avoid the press and crowds we normally get.

"Excuse me I would like to book an appointment for my wife to have a maternity check up and scan" I say clearly.
The witch at the desk doesn't look up, but asks, "name?"
"Ginevra Potter" Ginny pipes up.

As expected, the woman's head snapped up when the name 'Potter' is spoken, and she blinks at us a few times. Annoyingly, her eyes linger on my scar, and trace the features of my face before moving to focus on Ginny. I clear my throat.
"Ah, er, a maternity appointment? Yes I'll see if we have an available spot today" she ushered.
"We don't mind coming back another day, we understand now busy it is here" I say.
"Yes, we only really came to book an appointment, so if we need to come back next week we- " Ginny is cut off.
"Nonsense, I'm sure we'll be able to fit you in Mrs Potter" the woman hurriedly confirmed.

A few minutes later, sure enough, Ginny and I were sat in a room with a witch who introduced herself as 'Healer Mead'.

"Mrs Potter, could you please take a seat on the bed"
Ginny did as she was told, and I stood next to her bed, holding her hand tightly. Healer Mead creamed some muggle gel on Ginny's abdomen and pressed the tip of her wand to her skin. Within seconds a bubble appeared above Ginny, filled with a moving image of our baby.
"So this, is your baby" Healer Mead smiled, pointing at a tiny white figure (more like bean), amongst all the black. "Obviously it's too early to know the gender, but if you have any questions I'd be happy answer them for you" she offered kindly.

"Is there a way to tell how far along I am?" Ginny asks.
"Of course!" and the Healer performed some unknown spell. She smiled and looked back at us, "this baby was conceived on the 11th August, making you about 5 weeks along. Does that seem right to you?"
I blushed and smiled at Ginny, who nodded sheepishly, "yes, er that seems about right" she spluttered.
Repressing a laugh, I turn it into a cough and blush a deeper crimson.
"I don't think we have any other questions" I said, looking at Ginny who nodded in agreement.
"We normally do scans for the sex after around 10 weeks so if you want to know we can book you an appointment. Muggles tends to wait until 16 weeks, but magical babies are slightly easier as we can use magic rather than relying on what we can see in their ultrasounds"
"Thank you so much Healer Mead" Ginny smiled, whilst sitting up and wiping her stomach of the gel. The bubble disappeared at once but Healer immediately ha did each of us a small card with the image on it.

Thanking her again, we left the room and made our way to the front desk where we booked our next appointment.

We walk down the front steps into the sunlight- big mistake.
"Harry Potter! Why are you and your wife at St Mungos?" shouts one paparazzi.
"Can I have an interview for the Daily Prophet?" another cries.

Taking a deep breath as the cameras flash, I put on my sunglasses, take Ginny's hand and plough through the crowd to the floo network. In truth I miss appariting, but hurting the baby would be the worst thing I could ever do, so I guess we're stuck to flooing again.

I sigh, give Ginny a quick kiss good luck, (you never know what could happen), step inside, and throw the chalk-like powder down whilst saying, "Potter Manor". I see Ginny disappear as I'm pulled away in a cloud of green flames. Stepping out into my hallway, I groan. This is going to be a long 8 months.

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