Chapter 34

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3rd Person

What had been a reunion to remember had morphed into a sickly, unnerving event. The panic had fizzled out, leaving an uncomfortably quiet house full of about twenty magic folk. Following Harry's second departure no one spoke to each other, all afraid that their best friend had attempted murder.

Ginny had locked herself in her bedroom with her boys ages ago, and much to Teddy and James' confusion, she had not moved once.

Harry's POV

Heaving a huge sigh, I rock back into my office chair and hang my head. I rub my eyes and squint outside to the dimly lit muggle streets outside. Hauling myself up and out of my chair, I close my paperwork and shove it into my brief case. Accepting that I have absolutely no clue about what happened to Dean, I give up trying to find something in the information I already have, and head out to further my investigation. Stopping off at the Ministries potion supply cupboard, I grab a large tray of vials and twist in the spot, appariting home.

I appear in my living room, startling its inhabitants. After performing a quick headcount, I immediately notice Ginny's absence but decide to let her stay upstairs. I know she's innocent as she was with me the entire party.

"Right everyone" I clap my hands to get their attention. "This is how it's going to work. One at a time I'm going to speak to you upstairs in my home office, in attempt to decipher this crime. I trust that none of you have objections to Veritaserum?" The group collectively mumble responses and shake their heads. "Alright then! Who's first?" I smile, hoping that I will finally solve this case that has been stressing my all evening.

"Hang on!" Michael Corner speaks up suddenly, "how come you're doing this, not the Aurors? And why should we just assume you're innocent?"

"Michael, I am head Auror. And as for my innocence, I'd be more than happy to take Veritaserum myself if you would like to do the honours of asking me questions?"

"Sure" he mumbles. I take a small swing of the potion and look at him, awaiting questions.

"Did you poison Dean?"


"Do you know who poisoned Dean?"

"No. Anyway, I do believe that you have just volunteered yourself to be first Michael, would you follow me upstairs please, we shouldn't be too long!"

It's about half an hour later and I have almost finished my 'interrogations', only Dean's girlfriend Hannah is left. But why would she poison her boyfriend?

She sits down in the chair opposite me and looks disgusted.

"I cannot believe that you are making me do this Potter! Dean is my boyfriend, I love him, I couldn't hurt him if I wanted to!" She cried into her hands.

"I'm sorry Hannah, but you're the last person left so if you're telling the truth then you've nothing to hide nor fear from this" I pointed out simply.

Rolling her watery eyes, she sniffed dramatically. "I don't concentrate to Veritaserum. I didn't want to say downstairs as I knew everyone would immediately pin the blame on me" he sniffed again, before spontaneously bursting into tears again, whining about her 'precious' being poisoned.

"Here Hannah, have a drink" I suggest. Flicking my wand so a cup of steaming tea is summoned and stops in front of her.

Wiping her nose on the back of her hand, she takes the mug and gulps it down hysterically.

"Now Hannah" I say, leaning forwards, my elbows on the desk, resting my chin on my hands. "Tell me a bit about yourself. When did you and Dean meet?" I ask, hoping my plan is working. Naturally, as head auror, I always have a cup of Veritaserum contaminated tea at the ready, who knows when you'll need it!

"My name is not Hannah" she blurts out. At first she looks furious at me, but when she realises there is no fighting it, she begins to look more proud and thankful to finally have her secret out in the open. "I'm Rosa Nigrum, daughter of the death eater Flavius Nigrum, you might have heard of him" she grins proudly. In truth, I have heard of Flavius Nigrum, he fought in the Battle of Mysteries, and the Battle of Hogwarts. From what I know, he was responsible for many deaths, including that of Colin Creevey.

"So... Rosa, when did you meet Dean?" I asked, my lips pursed together, eager to know more.

"Last week, and I've had him under the imperious curse since mind you. I tried to have him poison you, but of course the clumsy git mixed up the glasses and poisoned himself! Never trust the help these days! If you want something done right, do it yourself! That's what daddy always says. Or he did, before you had him locked up in Azkaban!" She screams, raising her tone and lifting her wand in my direction.

Magically binding her to her chair, I call in back up and inform our guests of 'Hannah' or Rosa's arrest.

Ginny's POV

I've been sobbing on my bed for well over an hour now, the boys have been playing quietly together, running around doing all sorts. A gentle tap on the door and a click of a lock later and Harry is next to me in the bed, cradling me. He tells me about Rosa, and says he's made sure Dean is getting the best care possible at St Mungos.

I fix my make up, and thank him for being so calm earlier. Slowly he coaxes me back downstairs to join the others.

The reunion party goes on without Dean, though no one has forgotten him. Us girls chat about pregnancy an motherhood for hours, laughing like it was only yesterday we were at school. I allow James and Teddy an extended bed-time so they can meet our friends and join in the party. After a few minutes though, Teddy retreats back upstairs, "fed up of people saying 'awww' to him like he was a baby". James on the other hand, shone in the lime light, basking in it and living his dream. When it was time for him to be put to bed, he had a tantrum and screamed that "life was unfair". Harry saw to it that he got into bed, only Merlin knows what he said to him.

The party went on until beyond midnight, 1am marking the start of a 'Reunion Quidditch Match'. The teams were: Harry, Ron, George, Ginny, Parvati, Michael and Draco, and Katie, Seamus, Padma, Cho, Ernie, Anthony and Daphne. Of course Lee commentated and the end score was eventually 450-370 to Harry's team, after he caught the snitch.

All in all, it was a great evening and all the guests left laughing hysterically at 3am, almost forgetting the drama that had taken place earlier that evening. Harry hadn't however, but he focused on the positive, that Dean was safe and well in St Mungos. Everything was fine.

I'm so sorry that it's been so long since my last update guys! Can I just point out that Flavius Nigrum is a made up character, so please don't comment that I am 'wrong' or something. I know I'm awful but I've just been super busy lately so I literally have not had the time to write. Hope you forgive me, thanks for reading x

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