Chapter 33

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Ginny's POV

This is it. The door swung open and I was greeted by a bright familiar face. I cautiously step inside the green office and take a seat; Gwenog offers me a biscuit but I politely turn it down.
"I know why you're here" she smiled simply.
"You do?" I ask. Stupid question, of course she does! It's  been in the ruddy paper every morning since my first appointment!
Lacing her fingers together and leaning forewords in her chair, Gwen's pursed her lips grimly. "Yes. I do, and I can't deny that we'll miss you on this team. You've made quite the impression on us and to be frank, I don't know how we're supposed to replace you". Her face remained calm, but her eyes radiated warmth and kindness that made me appreciate all the times she yelled at me even more.

"I wish I didn't have to leave, but I've had a good few years and I just want to spend more time with my boys before it's too late and they're all grown up. After the new baby is finally here, I'll do my very best to attend every match I can, I'll be your biggest fan!" I smile sadly.
"Good luck for future then" she smiles a genuine smile and stands up. "I suppose this is goodbye, for now"
I carefully take her hand and shake it, before surprising both myself and her when I pull her into a hug. Shockingly, neither of us pull away, and we remain in a friendly embrace for almost a whole minute.

"Thank you. For everything, really I mean it. This has been one of the most amazing experiences in my entire life and I've only got you and the girls to thank. I'm heartbroken to leave the team, but I feel it's the right thing to do. At least for the foreseeable future... I've decided to apply for the Daily Prophets Quidditch Correspondent job and I'll make sure to remember my friends when I right about you winning next years Cup" I laugh.

When I open the office door, I choke back the tears as my team are lined up waiting to say goodbye. I'm assuming they either heard me and Gwen, or Gwen had told them earlier. My best friend Val, the team seeker, throws her arms around my neck and squeezes me tightly. One by one, I say my goodbyes, before heading down to the changing rooms to collect my kit for one final time.

I walk past the rows of robes, until I find my peg. The emerald green jersey that reads 'Potter 07' on it, folds itself up for the last time and I glide it into my bag smoothly. I grab my broom and my pads, before hastily leaving the empty spot and appariting home.

Harry's POV

Ginny appears in the kitchen with a loud CRACK, and I immediately rush over to hug her. She rests her chin on my chest and wraps her arms tightly around my torso.
"Are you ok?" I ask her as I rub the back of her head.
"Yeah. Just a bit emotional is all. Don't worry" she mumbles, still tucked away in our embrace. "It's just a bit sad to leave my dream job... What's most surprising is that I think I'm going to miss the people more than the actual games! I've applied for this new job for the Prophet and they should get back to me within a few days so fingers crossed" she smiles, finally pulling away just far enough to look me in the eye.
"They'd be mad not to offer it to you, especially with your previous place with the Harpies. I'll bet none of the other hopefuls have played professionally" I say, rubbing her upper arms tenderly. I smirk when she shivers at my touch, and move forewords to kiss her, closing the gap between us.

Suddenly I pull away, "hey, why don't we hold a reunion for our Hogwarts friends? See who's around? It would take your mind off the Harpies and this job opportunity for sure! And I've wanted an excuse to get everyone together again!"
It's true, part of me has been longing to see everyone for a while now and I think Gin would benefit from seeing her old school friends again.

"Sure" she smiles sweetly, "that sounds fun. When would it be?"
"This weekend? I'll send an owl out today and we'll see how many people are free. I'll say that they are welcome to bring their partners along to, it'll be nice to see how everyone's got on"
"Ok, good idea" she says, wiping the last traces of her forgotten tears from her cheeks.

I run up the stairs and swing open the door to my study before pulling out a pad of spare parchment. Reaching for a quill, I start considering who to invite.
Obviously, I immediately scribble down the following names:
Dean (yes he dated Ginny, but he's one of my best friends)

And then I write down:
Katie Bell
Lee Jordan
Cho Chang (after some thought and consideration I decided it has been long enough)
Parvati Patil
Padma Patil
Draco Malfoy
Ernie Macmillan
Hannah Abbott
Terry Boot
Anthony Goldstein
Daphne Greengrass
Theodore Knott
Oliver Wood

I add a few more people to the list list and then send an owl to everyone, asking if they are free and want to come over this weekend. The invitations (just a page of parchment, nothing fancy), had our home address on it and the name to connect it to the floo network as I thought it it would be easier for them all to floo here. They also outlined that kids and partners were all welcome, so hopefully we get some replies soon!

I was climbing into bed next to Ginny, when an owl tapped in the glass pane of the window on the far side of the room.

Thanks so much for the invite! I think a reunion is a wonderful idea so would be delighted to join you all. Hope to see you this weekend,
Katie Bell
(ps. We'll definitely have to have reunion match, don't you think? x )

I traced the neat calligraphy slowly with my thumb and informed Ginny that we already had a guest.

Ginny's POV

Over the course of the next week we received several replies and found everyone but Oliver Wood to be free (he has Quidditch practice with his team Puddlemere United).

Saturday soon rolled around and I grew increasingly excited at the prospect of seeing my old friends again- some of them I haven't seen properly since graduation! Time seems to fly by, and soon enough I hear a commotion in the hall. Ron and Hermione welcomed Dean and his new girlfriend into the living room.

I stand up and walk over to Dean, "good to see you again Dean" I smile.
"Nice to see you guys again to! This is Hannah my girlfriend. We've been together for nearly three years now"
"Nice to meet you Hannah!" I smile, I must admit I'm extremely relived that he has a girlfriend. I'm not one of those vain girls who thinks that her ex should still be pining after her, but it helps me to feel more comfortable around him knowing he doesn't.

Soon all the guests have arrived and we are all having fun until I hear a glass shatter. Spinning around, I see Dean lying on the floor with foam coming out of his mouth. If I wasn't a witch with seven years of magic education, I'd say he was choking. But as I am not in that position, I can almost immediately recognise that he's been poisoned. Frozen, I just stand there. I want to move, to run and help him, but my feet justo this move.

Someone was poisoned in my house. My house.

Refocusing on the situation, I notice that the struggling sounds have stopped and Dean is lying in a pool of foam. His eyes are open and Harry is now on the ground by his side, an empty box of bezoars beside him. Dean's breathing is still heavily, but he's alive. And that's the main thing.

Harry disapparites and reappears moments later without Dean.

"I just dropped Dean off at St Mungos. Nobody goes or enters. We need to find out who did this and for what motive" he orders us. Once again, he disapperates and we are left in an atmosphere of pure panic and fear.

Sooo sorry for the late update! I'm really busy with exams at the moment but I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this book. I never imagined I'd get one view, let alone 1k reads and 100 votes! So I want you all to know that I appreciate every single one of you for reading and voting on my book, it means so much to me. Thanks for sticking with me to this point, thanks for the continued support and thanks for giving the book a chance in the first place.

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