Chapter 26

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Before I start, I just wanted to say I'm sorry the update took so long to come, and unfortunately they might continue to be slow for a few weeks. Obviously I'll still update as much as possible, but I'm back to school and I don't have as much time... Thank you in advance for reading and I love you all so much!

Ginny's POV

Spooning the cereal into my mouth, I watch Harry play with James. They're both laying on the floor and Harry is tickling his belly. Suddenly Harry looks up at me, "You feeling ready for your match today Gin?" He said with a kind smile.
I hastily swallow and nod uncertainty. "I think so, I mean compared to the way I felt before my first match I'm fearless... But in all honesty, this is my first national championship final for the Harpies, and yeah, well, I'm feeling the nerves!" I state nervously.

Picking James up and placing him in his play gym, Harry walks over to me. When his strong, muscular arms wrap tightly around me, I melt into his embrace and lean my chin in his shoulder comfortably. "You'll be amazing Gin! Me, Ted and James will be supporting you from the box, not to mention the rest of your family! You're perfect" he comforted softly,

I smiled into his neck, "thanks Harry but I've still got a lot of moves to learn. I'm not perfect just yet!" I almost laughed.

He chuckled and pulled away slightly, "I didn't necessarily mean just quidditch". Smirking he raised an eyebrow and I blushed.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, smacking his arm playfully. "But thank you. I love you" I settled back into his embrace.

Over his shoulder I watch James in the pen, on his back as he grasps out for the toys just out of reach. He seems perfectly happy.

"Only doing my job" he responded. "And I love you too" leaning down to kiss me.
At first I kiss back, but then I pull away just enough for me to ask "job?"
"Yeah, your my girl. I gotta protect you, not from other wizards, you can do that for yourself. One of the many things I love about you. No, I have to save you from yourself, you underestimate yourself too often Gin! You need to know how special you are, and that's where I come in..." he smiled and kissed me again. This time there was no reason for me to hold back. I surrendered into the kiss and let our mouths move in sink.

Teddy ran in from the garden and ran over to James. He pressed his forehead to the bars and reached an arm through the gap to stroke his forehead tentatively. Of course, I was only vaguely aware of this, what with Harry and all. Harry's hand knotted in my hair, pulling me closer to him as if his life depended on it.

Ron cleared his throat and me and Harry jumped apart blushing furiously. I don't know why I'm embarrassed, we're married, have a baby and were not expecting guests! Anyway, Ron and Hermione stood in the doorway, Ron raising an eyebrow in a bored manner, and Hermione grinning sheepishly.
"Morning Ronald, to what do we owe you the pleasure" I sarcastically welcomed. I'm all for visitors, just not when they just barge in.

"We just came to wish you luck for your match today, but apparently you were busy already" he glared at Harry.

"I was just wishing her luck myself" Harry replied, scrambling to think of an answer.

Suddenly something snapped. "You know what Ronald? I'm 23! Harry and I are bloody married! We have a baby, you how they are made Ronald so just get over it and move on! I'm fed up with all these awkward chats when you catch us kissing! If you don't want to intrude on something, then don't bloody walk in to my house without letting us know first!" I flared. I really was fed up with sneaking around.

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