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When you finish Electricity, please consider reading my new oneshot book!


10 month time skip

Third Person

The blinding camera flashes incessantly dazzled those gathered in the small room. The press interview was in full flow and the famous couple were in the centre of it all. The raven haired wizard and the fiery red headed witch were sat on chairs on a small podium in front of the photographers.

Directly in front of them, was a muggle like video camera, recording and broadcasting the interview live to the international wizarding world.

The witch was cradling and showing off a small pink bundle, while a toddler sat comfortably on the wizard and a raven haired and blue haired boy sat in front of the parents.

"Mrs Potter! What is your babies name? Reporting for the Daily Prophet!" One cried.

Ginevra Potter smiled, "our daughter is called Lily Luna Potter. After some very special people"

"Do you want more children? Witch Weekly!" Shouted another.

"No one can predict the future infallibly, but I thinks it's safe to say that Lily's our last" spoke the boy who lived.

"Where does the middle name come from? The Quibbler!"

"We chose Luna for two reasons. After my best friend Luna Lovegood and to match our boys. We have Teddy Remus, James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna. The name Luna means moon, and is a reminder of our dear friend Remus Lupin. An outed werewolf who fought to his death in the second wizarding war"

"Talk us through your family! How old are the kids? Wizarding Wham!"

"Our oldest, Edward, is 10 years old and he is the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. James, our oldest biologically, was 4 in March. Albus is two, and Lily is two weeks old on Wednesday"

An hour later, the interview came to a conclusion and the final question has been answered.

Four kids in tow, the couple headed home, a long life a head of them.

And there it is! I can't believe this book is finally finished. It took a full year to complete and I couldn't have had better readers so thank you to everyone who supported this book. Every vote, comment or read makes me so happy, you don't understand.
Thank you everyone x

If you liked my writing style (and I have improved a lot in 3 years), please consider checking out my new oneshot book.
I'd greatly appreciate it- I love you all for your continued support x

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