Chapter 3

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The next day was spent mainly clearing and repairing things at Hogwarts after the war. Harry had barely seen Ginny all day so he had been trying to keep himself busy to avoid thinking about Fred, or Remus, or Tonks, or Snape, or Dumbledore, or Dobby, or Hedwig, or Cedric, or Madeye, or Sirius.

The list went on.

Poor Colin Creevey, he just wanted to prove himself. And Lavender Brown, she died a hero after fighting for what she believed in. Harry couldn't bare to think about them all. He felt disgust to his gut at the thought that they died because of him, instead of him.

What about little Teddy? He lost his both his mother and father yesterday. As his godfather, Harry swore to give him a better upbringing than he had, had himself. He vowed that Teddy would know love and know a family, even if it meant raising him himself.

He spent the day using magic where he could, to repair his home away from home. Sometimes, he found that an area could not be fixed by magic, so worked for hours using his hands. Soon it was getting dark and the sun was barely able to provide sufficient light to continue.

Harry made his way to the courtyard where he met up with everyone else. Everyone, whether they stayed to tidy or not, had returned to the courtyard. A makeshift podium had been place in front of some rows of pews had been conjured up for us. White candles floating above their heads burnt slowly providing light.

McGonagall, stood up and tapped the podium with the top of her wand. Immediately the hum of noise faded and everyone took their seats.

"As you all know, yesterday was a day that will go down in history" she choked back a sob. Harry had never seen her so emotional.
"We fought for justice. We did not stand down. Most importantly, we will not forget. We will not forget any soul who lost their life yesterday. They did not die in vain, nor arrogance. We should remember them in everything we do from this moment onwards and treasure the days we had with them. For they died to create a better world for us and future generations. They gave their lives, for the greater good."

Harry looked around to see Mrs Weasley bawling on Mr Weasley's shoulder. Everyone in the yard had lost someone, be it their mum, dad, sibling, partner or friend. The casualties were endless.
McGonagall spoke again. "Now I would like to ask Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger to come up here and say a few words if they don't mind"

She had pre-warned him that she was going to ask him to speak, however as he rose from his seat Harry's mouth felt dry and he couldn't remember what he planned to say.

Ginny could see him trembling as he approached the podium and wanted nothing more then to wrap her arms around him and tell him she loved him.
"Good evening everyone. I just wanted to repeat something that Professor McGonagall said in her speech. Not one person in this yard, lost someone yesterday who died in vain. I wanted to apologise from the bottom of my heart and say that I'm sorry I didn't hand myself in sooner. Maybe if I had, the casualties tonight would be by half. While I was out there, hunting horcruxes" (lots of the older witches and wizards gasp), "I don't think I could have continued without my best friends. Without their support, I may not be stood here talking to you. And with that, I hand you over to Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, and my best friend. Thank you"

A quiet round of applause broke out and most people were sobbing as Hermione took the podium. After a short speech, Ron took the podium. The three of them then returned to their seats. As Harry sat down Ginny pecked him on the cheek and squeezed his hand as a way of saying 'you did good'.

McGonagall retook her position by the podium and whispered "to the fallen" and held her wand to the sky. It's tip lit up and the audience did the same.
"To the fallen" they chorused.

After the ceremony, they mingled around as people came over to speak to Harry, eager to touch 'the boy who lived', 'the chosen one'. Ginny stayed by his side the entire side and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as some girls clambered to kiss his hand. She flashed them smiles through gritted teeth when Harry was looking and sent them glares when he wasn't looking. As soon as she did this the girls shrank back, retreating quickly.

"Oh good, there you are" Ginny heard the familiar trill of her mother's voice behind her. Mrs Weasley bundled through the crowd and wrapped the couple in a hug. When she finally let them breath she said "we're going back to the burrow shortly, get your things ready!"
Harry hadn't even opened his mouth to speak before she spoke again, "yes Harry you're coming too pet!"

Harry graciously thanked her, something which Mrs Weasley dismissed immediately. "Nonsense my boy, you're part of the family"
Hand in hand, Harry and Ginny trudged back to the castle under the setting sun, to collect the limited things they had brought with them.

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