Chapter 31

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Ginny's POV

Today is a lunch at the burrow. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I have decided to tell everyone our news together after dinner. Rolling out of bed, I pour out a glass of hangover potion that was brewing and I place it on Harry's bedside table. Kissing him gently, I wake him up.
"Mm morning Gin" he hums.
"Morning Harry. Come on get up we're going to the burrow remember!" I laugh, pulling him up and thrusting the tiny shot glass sized potion into his hand.
"Thanks love" he says, gratefully downing the contents in a sip.
"No problem, now get up"

I leave him to get ready and I head into Teddy's room. "Wakey wakey Tedster, get dressed and I'll make you porridge for your breakfast" I smiled. As I walked down the hall, I heard Harry sorting out James.

Suddenly Harry yelled "Gin come! Quick!"
I ran into the room, panicked thinking something was wrong. Instead I was met with a beaming Harry and a proud looking toddler.
"James just said 'morning dada'!" Harry grinned.
"Merlin well done Jamesie! Mummies so proud of you!" I smiled, running over to them.
James leant out of Harry's arms, his arms outstretched towards me, "mumma carry". I gasp but take him from Harry anyway. The three of us head downstairs and are joined by Teddy.

"Harry are we going to Grandma and Grandpa Weasleys again today? Will Vici be there?" he asks as he walks into the kitchen and sits down.
"Yes she will be, and so will Domi, Louis, Molly, baby Lucy, Fred and baby Roxy! Are you excited?" He smiled, whilst handing him a bowl of banana porridge and a glass of juice.
"Yes I'm really excited, this is going to be fun!"

"Teddy, Harry and I have some more exciting news to share with you ok?" I said, slightly nervous.
"Sure, what is it Ginny?" He asks, looking up from his porridge.
Harry and I sat down opposite Teddy at the table and I put James down on the floor to play.

Harry took a deep breath, "Ginny and I are going to have another baby, Ted"
For a moment he just looked at us, taking it all in, but then he smiled, jumped down from the table and ran around to give us both a big hug. "Was that why you were asking me questions the other day Harry?" He accused playfully, still hugging the both of us.
Harry chuckled, "yes it was. I wanted to check you were happy Ted, that's all I ever want. For you, Ginny, James and the new baby to be happy"
"Thank you" Teddy mumbled, "for treating me like your son. I love you both"

I looked at Harry in surprise. He does nothing except pick Teddy off the ground the way he does with James, and cuddle him tightly to his chest. "We love you too Ted, we always have"

"Thank you"
I turn around and look Remus' portrait directly in the eyes. Tonks is crying silently, trying but failing to wipe her tears before they fall down her cheeks. I look back to Remus, who smiles at me, "for what?"
"For looking after our son" he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "And congratulations on your second" he smiled sadly. I know he would have liked to have more kids if he had had the chance.
"It was nothing. He feels like my son but I promise we never want to replace the two of you" Harry said, putting Ted down so he could give me a hug before running to play with James.
"Don't worry about it. We can never thank you enough for everything you've done for him" Tonks smiled sadly.

Just then Lily and James walk into the frame, "what's going on?" Lily asks.
"I'm pregnant again" I tell her.
She gasps and her eyes well up with tears. "Oh I'm so happy for the two of you! Did you hear that James? We get another grandchild"
"Congratulations son" Harry's dad said, and I swear I saw Harry choke back the tears.
"What's this about congratulation?" My older brother asks as he and Sirius walk into the frame.
"Ginny's pregnant" Harry tells them.
"That's great news prongslet!" Sirius grins, "Congrats Ginny. I always knew he'd end up with a red head"
"What?" I ask, what does he mean by that?
"Oh it's nothing really. I just have a theory that Potters always fall for red heads. Fleamont fell for Euphemia who had the blazing 'do and then James here fell for Lily-love, so, well, I just kinda predicted Harry would follow through on the legacy" he explained.
James and Harry are just blinking at him, not  knowing what to say. "Well" I clap to diffuse the silence, "I'm afraid we really must be off if we're to make it in time for lunch. Fred, I guess we'll see you in your frame there, thanks everyone"

As soon as he burrow materialises in front of me and k step out of the fireplace, I'm bombarded by my mother.
"So you went to St Mungos yesterday then? Why didn't you just tell me?" she asks, waving the Daily Prophet in my face. "Are you..?" Her eyes widen but I don't let her finish her sentence.
"Mum, I'll explain later"
At that moment Ted comes running out of the fireplace and he runs straight past us to find Victoire.
Next Harry steps out, carrying James. I pick up the paper and head into the living room to read the disastrous things about me again.

Harry Potter sighted with his wife at St Mungos?

Harry Potter, (26), and his wife Ginevra Potter (25), were sighted upon exiting St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries yesterday morning. Reporters were of course eager to find out why the couple were paying the hospital a visit, an anonymous source has shared their experience with us exclusively, "when I was visiting my wife in hospital, I noticed the famous couple at the front desk of St Mungo's. Of course, only my natural human curiosity led me to listen in" more like pure nosiness I scoff, "and I heard Mr Potter requesting a maternity scan for his wife. When the Healer made it clear that she did not have a time slot available, the Potter's became quite demanding, and I saw mr Potter slip some money onto the counter. Sure enough, they were taken through immediately".

The front page was filled with a full page of me and Harry leaving the hospital. In the moving photo, I was gripping his hand and walking with my head down to avoid the cameras where possible. Harry was walking along, wearing his sunglasses, his head also down.

I slam the paper down on the table in a fury. Harry enters the room behind me and picks up the paper.
"At least they're not accusing you of being a cheat" he said, after he had finished reading it.
"It's worse though" I huffed. "That stupid anonymous source has made us out to be aggressive and snobby pricks, who use their fame. And if that's not enough, the entire world now know I had a maternity scan and therefore know I'm pregnant" I whine.
"That's not strictly true, I'll bet many don't believe this rubbish nowadays, and probably think it's all lies except for the fact we were there. Trust me love, it'll be fine" he comforts.
"Yes But Harry, don't you see? No one asks for a maternity scan unless they know for a fact they're expecting! Now everyone's..."
"Don't worry Gin! Like I said, the chances people will believe that nonsense is true are very small" he pulls me into a hug, "now calm down love, it'll be fine. We were planning on telling the family today anyway"

I am think of about a million more arguments but something prevents me from using any of them. Instead I jus hug him back. When the rest of the frailty start arriving, Hermione winks at me from across the room. When we are all seated at the table, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I all stand up.

"Everyone" Hermione spoke up, "we've got some news... I'm pregnant. And..." she smiled looking at me.
"As you've probably guessed from the ruddy Prophet, I'm pregnant too" I grin.
The room explodes with congratulations of all kinds and mum wraps me and Harry, and then Hermione and Ron in tight hugs. Finally, we sit down again and Harry takes my hand under the table. I look at him, and he smiles at me.

Suddenly I don't care what the paper says. I'm happy and I know the truth. Everything's going to be just fine.

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