Chapter 10

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Harry and Ginny curled up underneath a warm crochet blanket on their sofa. Resting her head in his chest, Ginny entwined their legs together so their bodies were knotted together.

Enjoying each other's company, they lay in silence for almost an hour. Harry drifted in and out of a light slumber while Ginny closed her eyes and relaxed to the rhythm of his chest rising and falling beneath her. She could feel the steady beating of his heart in his ribs.

Occasionally, Harry caressed Ginny's side soothingly. When he was awake his mind wondered to a surprising letter he had received earlier that day, believe it or not by owl.

Dudley Dursley, Harry's estranged cousin, had sent him a letter.

Hi Harry,
I was wondering if you wanted to meet up
or something, I can understand if you say no.
I feel I owe you a proper apology and I'd love
to hear how you're getting on.
Can't wait to hear from you,
Ps. I have no idea how this owl stuff works, how does it know where to go? I'll put the date here so you know when I sent this as I have no idea how long it takes.

The date scribed at the bottom of the page matched that of today's perfectly but Harry admired his cousin's efforts. What he was really interested in was how Dudley had come across a wizarding post owl in Little Whinging.

After thinking it over for quite a while Harry had decided that he did want to meet up with Dudley. He felt he should at least hear him out. Besides, Dudley was brought up to hate him, Harry couldn't really blame him. Could he? Either way Harry felt he deserved a chance to explain.

"Hey Gin?" Harry mumbled, twirling a strand of her blazing hair around his finger. Ginny hummed to let him know she was listening. "I got a letter from Dudley today-"

Ginny immediately propped herself up on one elbow and raised an eyebrow.
"What? Dudley as in, cousin Dudley who beat you up every day?"
"The one and only..." Harry sighed.

Ginny snorted and muttered "what does he want?"
She lay her hands on his chest and tested her chin on them so she was looking up at him.
"To apologise. Apparently" Harry summoned the letter and let her read it. He watched her facial expressions as she did so, but she gave nothing away as she lightly chewed her bottom lip.

Finally she sighed and looked at him, "well I think it's definitely worth going"
Harry sighed in relief that she felt the same way. He wasn't entirely sure why he wanted to see Dudley so badly. Maybe he wanted to hear him apologise, maybe he wanted to punch him in the face, or maybe, just maybe he missed him?

"Would you-"
"Oh I'm coming" Ginny answered his question before he had the chance to finish asking it. "What do you what to do about Teddy? Do you want to bring him?"

Harry pondered the thought for a minute, "I guess so" then he nodded, "yes, let's bring him along. He's part of the family after all"
Smiling Ginny stood up, holding her hand out for a Harry to take.
"When did you say that we'd be there?" She asked him.
"I didn't, at least I haven't yet. I'll owl him back now and let him know I'm up for it" Harry rummaged around a draw for some spare parchment. He wrote a quick response, graciously accepting Dudley's request and posted it off to Little Whinging.

The couple headed upstairs, playfully shoving past each other and giggling until they reach the top where Harry picked Ginny up and spun her around. She squealed "Harryyy! Put me down!"

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