Chapter 27

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Time skip. James is now 2, Teddy is 9 and it is 2005.

Harry's POV

Once again I find myself in front of a mirror, attempting to flatten my hair. I've tried every trick in the book, from muggle gels to spells that tend to leave me with a result worse than the starting point. I was just raking my fingers through the thick, unruly hair when Ginny walks into the room wearing a floor length, emerald green dress. My jaw must have hit the floor, because before I know it Ginny is blushing and saying, "you're not so bad yourself Potter"

I grin sheepishly, "hardly, I can't tame my hair!" I whine.
Ginny laughs and runs her hand in my hair, messing it up further, "leave it, I like it better like this". She quickly steps up on her tip toes to kiss me lightly before springing back down and smiling, "much better. You couldn't tame it on our wedding day, what makes you think it's going to obey you now" she teases.

Rolling my eyes, I silence her with another kiss and say, "speaking of weddings, how's Hermione holding up? Ron's in the bathroom right now, probably overdoing the cologne again". I tuck a lock of her fiery, red hair behind her ear and nod my head in the direction of the closed bathroom door.

"Panicking- of course. She keeps worrying that Ron's going to leave her at the alter or something ridiculous like that" Ginny sighed. Together, we filled each other in on what was going on in the either side of the house. When we decided there was nothing more to say, we filled the time with a kiss that lasted Merlin knows how long, only pulling away when Ginny received a slightly threatening patronus from Hermione. According to the silver otter, 'Ginny better have her arse back to Hermione in 10 seconds or else she will personally  hex her into next week'.

I chuckled inwardly to myself as I watched a rather worried Ginny disappear down the hall.

Ginny's POV

"What's the emergency?" I trilled as I stepped over to Hermione. She merely turned and glared at me, I'd never seen her like this before. Suddenly her glare dissolved into a fizzle of tears that bubbled over her cheeks. "Oh Hermione" I sighed, and wrapped her into a tight hug.
"I'm so nervous" she replied. "I've never got married before" she stated before realising how stupid she sounded.

"Trust me Hermione, I was so nervous before I married Harry! I felt like I was going to explode from fear. Several times throughout the day, I found myself wishing the earth would just swallow me up whole. There's not much more I can say to explain how I felt, you have to have been there to understand how it feels... But what I will say is this, the moment I saw Harry at the end of the aisle, I felt like I was home. I no longer felt nervous, because I knew I was marrying the man I love" I comforted.

The day seems to speed by and soon I found myself opposite Harry by the altar. Harry was Ron's best man and was smiling at me whilst holding the rings. I was stood alongside Luna and some muggle girl called Marie, (who was apparently Hermione's old best friend), as a bridesmaid. We took our seats at the front, next to Mr and Mr Granger, whilst Luna and their page boy Teddy sat on the other side of the aisle next to mum and dad. I smiled to myself as I saw Teddy lean on my mum and mum wrap her arm around him. James was now sat on my knee, and I bounced him up and down playfully as we watched the rest of the ceremony unfold.

Hermione's POV

I can't actually comprehend it. I'm married or Ronald Bilius Weasley! I'm currently walking around the reception, mingling with people I haven't spoken to in a while. When I see Marie, I smile.

"Hi Marie!" I grin. Throughout all of muggle primary school, Marie had been my best friend. Since I stared Hogwarts, I only got to see her during our summer breaks and Christmas holidays. Other than my parents, she was the only other muggle here that knew about magic. Everyone else was going to be obliviated later on. Marie bounded over to me in her floor length dress and wrapped my tightly in a hug.
"Hermione! I can't believe you're married!" She squealed. A few heads turned in our direction, but mainly they just ignored it and continued talking.
"Neither can I to be honest. Would you like a drink, we can catch up on this year if you want!" I smiled and pulled out my wand. Her eyes grew at the sight of my wand, and she simply nodded. I flick my wand and find us some seats as the fire whisky float over to us. After explaining what fire whiskey was, we finally started talking about things the other had missed. For example, I recited the story of 'The Golden Trio', which was now a best selling children's book in the wizarding world by the way. I had briefly told her of outer adventures looking for horcruxes before, but never in much detail.

Ron's POV

Just as the day was drawing to a close, about a hundred wizarding news reporters arrived and started taking pictures of me and Hermione. I growled at then for invading a private event, and Harry pointed his wand at them 'asking' them to leave. One by one they disapparited, but not before they took a photo that would be front page tomorrow.

The next day, Hermione and I stood by the fireplace with our cases ready to go on our honeymoon, we said our goodbyes, and then flooed to a very humid Brazil. The first thing we did upon arrival was 'test' the bed was comfy and enjoy the start week of our lives.

I know this is shorter than usual, but I find it hard to write Romione stuff even though I ship them. It's not like hinny where I could ramble on about them for hours and not get bored. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, don't forget to comment and vote!

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