Chapter 16

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Another time skip a couple of years. It is now 2003 and Teddy is now 5 years old. Bill and Fleur now have both Victoire, Dominique, and are expecting a baby, Percy and Audrey now have Molly, and George and Angelina are expecting a baby.
Sorry for another time skip, I just really want to get this fan fiction on the road.

Ginny's POV

Hermione, Luna and I were sat in the living room whilst, Neville, Harry and Ron were chatting in the kitchen. "ok guys, so real reason I asked you to come over was that I found out some exciting news last night!"
Hermione looked confused and a bit worried "what?"
"oh merlin! Are you going to play for England in quidditch?" Luna guessed.
"what? No! Keep guessing!" I was really anxious but excited. My hands were clammy and I kept fidgeting with my hands.
Suddenly Hermione eyes lit up "I think I've guessed it!"
I blushed and couldn't wait for her to say it out loud "what do you think it is?"
"Ginny oh I'm so happy for you!" She hugged me and grinned from ear to ear. "Does Harry know yet?"
Luna catches on and smiles. In a sing-songy voice she said "that's amazing Ginny congratulations!"
"thanks, and no, I haven't told Harry yet... when do you think I should?"
Hermione thinks I should tell him immediately, yet Luna decided I should surprise him when the time was right. Me being me, I don't want to do either. No, I plan to tell Harry in my own, Weasley way.

Harry's POV

The next day I woke up early the next day and rolled over in bed to find the space next to me empty. In shock I sat bolt upright within seconds on opening my eyes. To my relief I saw a note on the pillow:

Harry love,
I woke early and don't want to wake you,
Ginny x

I climbed out of bed and made my way down the stairs to see my gorgeous wife. I walked into the kitchen and saw an open jar of pickles in the side, that was weird... As I entered the sitting room, I saw the beautiful red headed girl I love curled up under a blanket on the sofa with a bowl of oats and pickles? I decided to shrug it off, whatever made her happy...

I noticed mum was watching us from the frame on the wall, had she been crying? I mean, she's grinning now so probably not. I'm so confused.
"Harry?" Ginny looked up at me with love yet I thought I could sense some nerves.
"Yes love?"
"I got you a present". She handed me a small white box tied up neatly with a sliver ribbon. Surprised, I undid the bow and lifted the lid. Inside was a small golden ball I was not unfamiliar with. I lifted the snitch carefully from its box and it almost immediately opened to reveal a small piece of parchment. It read 'what has a shower but does not get wet?'. I was even more confused now.
About 10 minutes later I was still figuring out this riddle. Eventually Ginny gave up and handed me an envelope. I opened it and started to read it. I read it at least 3 times and was crying by the first read.

'I do not have a face to see
or put inside a frame,
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss
I don't yet have a name.
You can't yet hold my tiny hands
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.
But all will change come March,
That's when they say I'm due.
I'm your new son or daughter.
I can't wait til I meet you.
All I ask between now and then
Is your patience while I grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait.
Because of all the love we'll know.
So what I have to give you now,
Is a wish to you from me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family.'

The tears flooded down my face and I wrapped Ginny with a hug, I held her so tight I didn't think I'd even be able to let go. My mum was sobbing again and my dad was smiling proudly at me. Then it dawned on me. "Hey! You told them before you told me!"
"Only your parents, I wanted them to watch your reaction with me. I didn't say a thing to the others, I though you'd want to do that together."
"I love you" I pulled her even closer to me so she was practically on my lap, and stroked her soft, shiny hair with my fingers.

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