Chapter 23

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Ginny's POV

April was fast approaching and James was nearing 2 weeks old. Harry and I were busy preparing for Teddy's 6th birthday on the 12th April (I just made the date up). We had agreed on getting him a 'Beginners Broom' to replace his 'My First Broom', the only difference was that the 'Beginners Broom' could fly higher and faster as it was aimed at older children. Harry really wanted to hold a party for him, and I'm not about to stop him.

The party was to be held at Potter Manor, in our garden under a marque similar to the one at Bill and Fleur's wedding. I've told Harry I want to make his cake, and he thinks that it's a great idea to shape the cake like a broom. I know Ron and Hermione are buying him a soft quaffle for him to play with, hopefully he decides that he likes playing chaser, and not seeker (sorry Harry!).

As the 16th April drew nearer, Harry and I grew more tired whilst Teddy more excited. Being a mother is the best thing in the whole world, but James wakes up for feeding thousands (it seems) of times every night; but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Harry's holding him now, and I'm currently brainstorming for this cake.

Teddy's POV

I'm so excited for my birthday! Harry says I only have to wait 3 more days and I'm so happy! I hope I get lots of presents and a party!

I'm not going to lie though, I don't think I will get a party, all Harry and Ginny seem to be doing recently is looking after baby James, or sitting around sketching stuff... Ginny says to understand that James needs a lot of attention now, but as he grows up he won't need as much attention, because like me, he'll be a big boy and can do some things for himself. I told her that 5 year is a long time to wait to be as grown up as me, but all she had done was laugh, ruffle my hair and leave. I hate it when adults don't explain things!

I still love them though, I just may not tell them that anymore. And James, I love him too, I can't wait to show him how to ride my 'my first broom' when he's old enough!

Harry's POV

The day has finally arrived. I realise I may have not spoken to Teddy as much as usual in the last few weeks, but it's only because of James and stressing over this party. I want to get it just right. Perfect. It has to show him that Ginny and I love him like our own child and nothing will change that.

Ginny and I creep out of bed, Ginny holding James, on the morning if his birthday. We walk quietly to his room, and I tiptoe over to his bed. I gently shake him awake in the same way I do every morning, and on the count of three, Ginny and I start singing 'Happy Birthday'. At first Teddy just sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily, then he smiled and said "I'm an even bigger boy now" with a proud grin.
"Yes you are Tedster! You're 6 years old today! You're so grown up!" I praised.

We headed downstairs for his special birthday pancakes, I fed James his bottle whilst Ginny made them. When James was finished I placed him in the middle of his play mat (he can't roll over yet so he can't go anywhere). Teddy finishes his pancake very quickly and asked for a second, Ginny laughed and gave him another, it's his birthday who are we to say no?

It was around noon when, as planned, they guests started arriving. Teddy was jumping up and down excitedly, running around the house with 'Moony' the toy.

Hagrid sees me and hurries over, a big grin plastered on his friendly face. He wraps me in a side hug to avoid bumping James who is currently sleeping in my arms. "Ah look at the little tyke! I remember when that was you 'arry!" He beamed. This is the first time he has met James, with Hogwarts and all. "It ain't been the same without yer, Ron and 'ermione. Ter tell yer the truth, I've missed yer and yer visits..."
"You're always welcome here Hagrid, come down any time!" I smiled at my first real friend.
He choked back a sob and had to pull out his table cloth hankie to dab his eyes.

When the time came, Ginny headed back inside, reappearing seconds later with the cake. Everyone chorused 'Happy Birthday'. Victorie babbled to Teddy about how lucky he is and Teddy jumped up and down again in anticipation. I grabbed our camera from inside and took several pictures of the pair. When Ginny reached Teddy, he blew out all six candles in one (with help from Victorie).

The party went on, mingling and chatting amongst ourselves. Teddy came running up to me and tugged on my arm to get my attention. "What is it Ted?" I asked.
"Can I open my presents now?"
"Sure you can, let's get everyone inside!" I smiled and ruffled his now blonde hair. Whenever he's with Vici he seems to change it blonde to match hers, I think it's really sweet. He raced off into the crowd yelling "I'm going to open my presents, we need to go inside" as he did.

Shortly, everyone was gathered in our living room for the present openings. "Here Ted, this is from me and Ginny" I smiled, passing James over to Mrs Weasley who had been waiting for a cuddle all day. I crouched on the floor next to Teddy and Ginny as he ripped off the wrappings with one tug. For a few agonising moments he just gasped at his new broomstick, then he jumped up and flung his arms around us both at the same time.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He shouted and hugged us tightly. "I love you" he whispered.
Ginny looked at me, mirroring my shock, and we just pull Teddy closer and say "we love you too Ted" at the same time.

Andromeda handed Teddy a flat, rectangular present. "Here you go Edward"
Again, Teddy pulled of the lapsed with immense speed, and revealed a pack of pens.
"They're grown up pens Edward, they don't come off so you have to be careful with them" Andromeda told him.

Next Ron and Hermione gave him the quaffle, and he grinned madly at it, "Ginny will you play with me? Teach me to be a good chaser?" He pleaded. Ginny laughed. I frowned.
"What's wrong with seekers?"
Everyone in the room laughed, at first I folded my arms, and then I joined in. I guess it was a little bit funny.

As the day went on, Teddy opened more and more presents, he really was a lucky boy. When we thought they were all done, Bill and Fleur piped up. "I know we've already given Teddy something, but Vici begged us to buy this for him. Victorie ran forwards holding a small rectangular package.
Teddy opened the present with care (something I've never seen before), and held up a small photo album.
"Mummy and daddy got the album, I chose and or drew the pictures" she smiled, looking at the floor.
Teddy flicked through the pages, smiling at various photos that his best friend had chosen. A couple of them were drawings, and his eyes lingered for longer on those ones, taking in everything. Victorie, is very talented (well, as talented a soon-to-be 5 year old can be).

Victorie's birthday is always difficult for us. Considering it is in a couple of weeks on 2nd May, it feels like only yesterday that we were celebrating her 4th last year. For the first few years of her short life, her birthday was mainly filled with mourning and sorrow, but now we have learnt to celebrate their lives, and the lives of those still with us, like little Victorie.

Once the party was over, everyone left to go home and Ginny and I cleared the garden. When we looked inside, we saw Teddy tickling James' belly. I Put my arm around Ginny and smiled. All my life I had wished for a proper family, and now, I had exactly that.

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