Chapter 25

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Ginny's POV

I was pacing up and down the corridor like a mad woman, Hermione was rapidly rushing after me holding James. A loud thud filled the room, and I look over to see Harry and a widely open door.
"Finally! I was wondering what took you so long!" I sighed, giving my husband a quick kiss.

"Come on, I just left him with Ron and the Healers" he smiled, taking my hand and leading me and Hermione down the corridor to the lift. Reception had not allowed us to go up to Teddy's room due to some 'Privacy Claim' Harry and his family (eg ME!?!?) have. Despite my efforts however, they said that unless I had ID, or permission, I was not passing through. As you have probably guessed, I don't have any ID on me and Hermione doesn't legally count as family so I had to call Harry down to get us.

After the worlds slowest lift and the longest corridor, we finally stopped outside a room. Hastily running inside, I saw my Godson unconscious on a hospital bed.
"Hello Mrs Potter, Edward is fine as far as we can see, but it was right of Mr Potter to bring him here to check. You never can be too careful with these Death Eaters... I currently have him under a drug that is doing nothing but helping him sleep as he seemed traumatised and exhausted when he arrived. He'll wake up in around an hour, and I'm afraid he'll have to stay he until he does. He will be able to go home today" the Healer finished.

I moved over to him and held his warm, but lifeless hand. Harry joined me and I felt Ron and Hermione remove themselves from the room. Leaning forwards, I kiss Teddy on the forehead, "I'm so sorry Ted!" It's all my fault-" I sob.
Harry rubs my shoulder comfortingly, "it's not your fault love, no one but Avery is to blame for this"
He kissed my temple lightly and we both look back to Teddy. He looks so peaceful now he's sleeping a 'dreamless sleep'.

Harry pulls up the only chair and sits down, patting his lap for me too sit. I obey and curl into his chest. I let a few more tears fall, and then close my eyes, not asleep, but in thought. Harry's arms wrap around me and rub my sides to make me feel safe like they always do.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I next open my eyes it's because Harry is gently shaking me and whispering in my ear. Squinting through the bright hospital lighting, I see that a Healer is tending to Teddy. When she moves, I notice that he is moving. He turns his head sleepily to look at me, and smiles. I leap up and run to his side, Harry on my heel.
"Ginny!" Teddy smiled. Smiled, oh Merlin I don't deserve that smile...

"Hi Ted! How are you feeling?" I asked. Stupid question.
"Better, the angry man said that I was the way of killing Harry, but he didn't actually have time to do anything before two nice men showed up and untied me. I was scared of them too at first, but one of them knelt next to me and said he works for Harry and that he's here to help. While he did that, the other nice man caught the nasty man and then Harry showed up and took me here..." he spoke, trailing off as if lost in thought.

Just as we thought everything was fine, a new Healer walked into the room.

Harry's POV

"Malfoy? What, what's going on?" I stutter.
"Harry just let me explain. Ever since my father was arrested, I've changed, me and my mum are glad to be rid of him. Apparently she never really loved him, it was an arranged marriage after my aunt Andromeda married that Tonks and 'disgraced the whole family'. I feel awful for what I did to you at school, the way I treated you. Please, can you forgive me?" He pleaded. Wow, Malfoy pleaded?
"Um, sure. I guess. I mean, it will take some getting used to, but friends?" I offered out my hand, which he gratefully shook.

"Well, er, I should probably get on with the check up then..." he muttered. He walked round Teddy's bed and performed a few spells muttering various incantations. "He seems fine, he's quite dehydrated, but nothing to serious. I suggest you take him home, give him a drink and put him to bed. He's had a long day"
"Ok, well do just that" smiled Ginny. "Come on Ted!" She held out her hand and helped Teddy up. Together, as a family, we flooed home, James tucked away safely in my arms.

As soon as our living room materialised I front of us, I took Teddy by the hand and lead him to be while Ginny made James a bottle. Tucking Teddy up in bed, I lay James next to Teddy and picked a book from the shelf. When I was in the middle of the story, Ginny walked into the room holding a small bottle. She lifted a hungry James from the bed and sat in the arm chair in the corner of the room listening to me read. When I had finished, a sleepy Teddy could barely keep his eyes open and James was asleep.

"We make quite the team you and I?" Ginny whispered as we climbed into bed a few minutes later. James was asleep peacefully in his cot and soft snores echoed from his corner of the room.
"That we do Mrs Potter. That we do" I smiled and pulled her close.

She snuggled into my chest and I kissed her forehead. I honestly don't think I could survive without her, she grounds me. She's my world, my everything. I need her. As if she knew what I was thinking, Ginny mumbled "I love you Harry James Potter" quietly.
"I love you too, Ginerva Molly Potter" I whispered back. She grunted at the use of her fill name, and I chuckled slightly, pulling her even closer.

I fell asleep fairly quickly. I have grown used to not taking any sleep for granted and I don't waste time to get some.

Not edited! I'll edit when I have time, thanks for reading! I didn't get an comments on the last chapter about the plot, so I'm just going to stick to no drama for now.

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