Chapter 30

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Ginny's POV

I step out of the green flames to see Harry pacing. "Harry!" I laugh, "stop worrying"
He spins around at the sound of my voice, and pulls me into a hug. "I'm not worrying"
I pull back to give him the 'really?' look.
He rolls his eyes and sighs, "fine, I am worrying" he confessed. "I don't want the press to attack you in the paper again. That was completely unfair on you and I felt like it was my fault because they're only doing it because of me and my bloody past! And truth be told, last time I was terrified you were gonna leave me if it got to much..." he sighs.

Tears well up in my eyes, "Harry stop being paranoid. You know I would never leave you in a million years. Not even if I was under a love potion and the imperius curse so don't you worry about that" I assured him. To say he looked relieved would be an understatement. "I love you Harry James Potter, and nothing anybody else can do will change that!"

Standing on my tip toes to kiss him, I wrap my hands around his neck and massage my hand in his hair. His hands caress my side and slide up my back making me shiver. I was just about to deepen the kiss further, when I hear a cough behind me. Reluctantly I pull away form Harry and spin around to see two people stood in the hallway.

"Hermione! Ron! How was your honeymoon!" I squeal and pull my best friend into a hug.
"It's good to see you Gin!" Hermione smiled, hugging me back. "Brazil was amazing, come on I have to tell you something!" She grinned, pulling upstairs to mine and Harry's bedroom. Once we are inside, I hear her lock the door and cast a charm so no one can hear inside.
"Hermione? What's going on?" I ask, though judging by the look on her face, I have my guesses. Beckoning for her to sit next to me on the edge on our bed, I shake her bu the shoulders.

"I pregnant" she burst out, grinning. I had guessed, but that doesn't make me any less excited.
"Oh Merlin! This is huge Hermione! Does Ron know? How far along are you? What-"
"Calm down Ginny, I know I'm so excited, no I haven't told him yet, and 3 weeks" Hermione ushered, answering my every question. "I'm so happy Ginny! What could make this day any better? I only found out this morning!"
"What would you say if I told you I knew how to make this day even better?" I smiled.
"I'm not sure how you could do that Ginny! I'm already on cloud nine!" She laughed.
"I'm pregnant too" I told her.

She stopped laughing, and suddenly shrieked. "You are? Oh Merlin you were right, this day just keeps getting better! How-"
"I'm five weeks, yes Harry knows and our babies will be in the same year!" I grinned.

Harry's POV

Ok that was weird. Hermione just dragged Ginny upstairs in a hurry leaving me, and Ron down here.
"Anyway, how was your honeymoon?" I asked
"Great fun, I think Hermione may have caught a tropical bug though" he said.
"Why do you say that? She seemed fine a minute ago!"
"Well yesterday she woke me up vomiting in the bathroom, she told me she was fine and I believed her. But today she woke me up again with the same thing. I wanted her to go to St Mungos but she shut me down quickly and has avoided the subject ever since" he whined in a helpless tone.

I just stared at him, a huge smile plastered on my face. Ron blinked at me in confusion, "why are you smiling at me like that?" he asked me.
There was nothing else I could say, except, "congratulation man". And I pulled him into a bro hug. Still looking ultimately confused, I simply shook my head, "Hey it's not for me to tell you, go ask Hermione yourself!"

All of a sudden, I was hurriedly running upstairs after Ron. When we reached the end of the hall, Ron stopped and banged on the door. I listened but couldn't hear anything, damn Hermione must have cast a spell I sigh. Nevertheless, the door swung open a second later, to reveal my beautiful beaming wife, and my other best friend.

"Hey Hermione" I smile and give her a hug. Mid hug, I whisper in her ear, "I'm so happy for you but for merlins sake tell Ron". Pulling away like I said nothing, Hermione bats my arm, giving me a 'hey, you know?' kind of look. I just shrug my shoulders and laugh.

"Mione, what's going on? I feel like you all know something I don't" Ron pleaded.
"Fine. I'm pregnant Ronald"
At first Ron just stood there and didn't say or do anything. Then I nudged him in the ribs to bring him back to earth and he smiled. Running forwards, he lifts Hermione off the ground and hugs her tight. I pull Ginny into a side hug as we watch the couple. She snuggles into my side, and I rub her curves lovingly.

Finally Hermione detaches her lips from where they previously were on Ron's, and grins. "That's not the only amazing news" she smiles.
"I'm pregnant too" Ginny smiles, still cuddled into my side.
"Again? You know what, never mind, congrats guys. I mean it" He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

Later that day, the girls were sat in the living room where Gin was more than likely interrogating Hermione for every little detail about their honeymoon, and me and Ron are sat at the dining room table with a bottle of fire whiskey each to celebrate.
"I can't believe you knocked my sister up, again!" Ron exclaimed, slightly drunk, "I mean, how did that happen?"
"Well" I slurred, "you see Ronnykins, when two people love each other a lot-"
"Ok ok I get how it happened! I meant, how did we get here? It feels like only yesterday that you me and Hermione were on the run from Voldemort! I was pretty sure we were gonna die in the war, but somehow we made it, and somehow were here now" he whined, taking another chug of fire whisky.
"I know what you mean" I confess, just as the girls appear at the doorway.

Ginny's POV

"Oh, hey Gin" Harry greets sounding surprised to see me, as if he has forgotten were married.
"Boys" I heard Hermione whisper. "Well we had better be off then, it's almost midnight and I'm still jet lagged from Brazil"
"Ok bye Mione" Ron waved idiotically.
"No you're coming with me idiot!" She laughed, as she pulls him by the wrists from his chair to the fireplace. "Bye Harry, bye Ginny!" She waves, and floos back to their home.

I'm excited for tomorrow, there is another Weasley dinner at mum and dads and me and Hermione agreed to tell everyone our news together. Teddy and James will stay over for tonight as I think mum likes having children to look after and it's already late. Harry comes over to me and makes to kiss me before I stop him. He pouts. "Harry you reek of alcohol" I whine, "come on, let's get you into bed with a hang over potion ready for tomorrow" I chuckle and lead him upstairs to bed.

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