Chapter 37

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Ginny's POV

Albus is nearly a month old and the paparazzi have been outside our door since the day we brought him home for the first time. I guess they all want a glimpse of him but Harry and I have kept him under raps quite well. So far the Prophet has only found out that he's a boy, but they
still have no idea of his name. Every article written about him either attempts to guess the name, or refers to him as 'Potter baby number 2' or 'Potter Jr.'.

I got the job as a Quidditch Correspondent for the Daily Prophet and I've been writing my columns every week since Al was born to pass the time when he sleeps. However my article today is a little different and I'm super nervous for the public to read it...

Harry read it, agreed that it was ok and then I sent it off to the publishers to make the morning paper.

Harry's POV

The next morning Ginny's article was on the front page, alongside a huge photo of us leaving the hospital last month.

Something a little different...

Ok. So as there is no Quidditch this week, I've decided to fill my column with the information you've all been waiting for. As you all know, my husband, Harry Potter, and I already have a son, James Sirius Potter (aged two). You are probably also aware that earlier this month we welcomed a second son into our family.

On 23rd March 2006, I went into early labour at 33 weeks and our son was delivered prematurely. He weighed 4lb 3oz and was born with underdeveloped lungs, however St Mungo staff have been immensely helpful and he is now perfectly healthy.

His name is Albus Severus Potter.

Albus was named in memory of Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, two former headmasters of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who were both great wizards that deserved to be remembered. Neville Longbottom is his godfather and Luna Lovegood is his godmother.

We are delighted have him happy and healthy, and his brothers Edward Lupin and James Potter both adore him as much as us. I would like to use this article as an opportunity to ask the paparazzi to respect our privacy and let us enjoy spending time with our son alone. Thank you.

Written by Ginny Potter (26), ex player for the Holyhead Harpies

Smiling, I gently fold the paper and place it back on the kitchen table. The folds of the paper land on the crumpled envelope of a letter yet to be opened. Sliding it out from under the Prophet I spin it round to see where it came from. Surrey. The Dursley's.

Carefully peeling back the seal, I tug the cream paper from the envelope and begin reading.

Hi Harry!
I was wondering if you would like to meet up soon,
I would like you to meet my girlfriend. Her name's
Isabel and she's desperate to meet you after all I've told her.
I showed her some of the papers you left us, I hope you don't mind...
Also, I think it's about time I meet your boys, don't you?
Your welcome round any time, or if you'd rather, we'll come to you,


I spin around and see Ginny reading over my shoulder, Albus in her arms  and James tugging at her leg. I lift James up in a swift movement and fold the letter again.

"He showed the Prophet to-"
"I know what he did! I read it the same as you! I can't believe he did that! Didn't I warn him what-" she flares up, angrily.
"Calm down love. He probably had a reason to show her, besides we don't even know the girl, we can't judge him yet" I reassure her, "anyway, I agree with him, he's never met James or Al, only Teddy years ago! I think it about time he met them"
She sighs, "fine, they can come over tomorrow. But if he doesn't have a good reason to have shown her, I swear I will-"
"Ok we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!"

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