Chapter 36

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Harry's POV

Ron's and Hermione have just left and I'm sure the Weasleys will be visiting soon. In the time we have alone I ask Ginny a question.
"The godparents?" she repeats, "what about Neville and Luna seeing as they helped me sixth year when you were away?"
"Good idea, we'll ask them" I smile and kiss both her forehead and Albus's forehead.

Moments later the door bursts open and Mr and Mrs Weasley hurry in, followed by the rest of the Weasley clan, James and Teddy who had been dropped off at the burrow by Ron and Hermione earlier. Arthur pats me on the back and offers me congratulations as Molly rushes to Ginny and starts cooing over Al.
"Well? What's my grandsons name?" She asks excitedly, eying the blue bundle on her daughters lap emotionally.
"Albus" Ginny smiles.
"Albus Severus Potter" I add proudly.
Molly let's out a sob and pulls me into a tight hug. Over her shoulder I see Ginny laughing softly, the gleam in her eye radiating her beauty around the small hospital room.
"Oh Harry, Ginny! That's a wonderful name! Did you hear everyone? Albus Severus! Perfect." She smiles, clapping her hands together at the last word.

"I think zat eet eez a wonderful name! Formidable! Parfait!"
Ginny chuckles, "Thanks Fleur"
"I agree! I can't think of a better way to honour them!" Says Bill.

About a hour later, everyone has left but Teddy and James who stayed in the corner playing a muggle game of some sort. I breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason I was panicking about their reaction to his name; despite having told them all the truth, I was particularly worried about the announcement of his middle name.
"Boys" she calls, "why don't you come over here and meet your brother properly?" As if they had been awaiting the call, both of them jump up and run over, jumping on Ginny's hospital bed (I help James), to get a better look at Albus.
"Brother?" Says James.
"Yes brother" I smile, "now you and Teddy are going to have to be good big brothers and help show Albus how to be a big boy like you. Can you do that for me?"
"But James isn't a big boy? He's only two! I'm a big big boy because I'm eight and I'll be going to Hogwarts in three years!" Teddy says. Recently, Ginny told him that he'll go to Hogwarts aged eleven and he's been very proud the fact ever since.

Moving over to Ginny's bed, I take Albus from her and sit down in the chair by her bed. She sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed.
"Ginny! What are you doing?" I ask quickly.
"Honestly Harry, I only had a minor operation and they magically healed the cut anyway. I'm fine" she laughs, throwing her head back as her vibrant hair cascades over her shoulders reflecting light on the grey walls. For a moment I find myself just staring at her. I feel life I'm 16 again, in sixth year watching longingly as she dated other guys. I remember how I felt when we kissed in the common room for the first time, in front of everyone- in front of Ron. I think about how I've never regretted anything I've ever done since we got together. Even when I broke up with her, I know she wouldn't be here if I hadn't.

"Harry. Harry you're staring"
"Oh- oh right sorry. You're just too beautiful for me to handle sometimes" I grin sheepishly.
"I was saying, tell me what you were thinking earlier. You looked lost in thought after Ron and Hermione left" she smiles enticingly, knowing exactly how to get what she wants from me.
"I want to go to Hogwarts, see the portraits. Introduce Al to his namesakes..." I confess, staring deeply into her hazel brown eyes.
"That's a great idea!" She agrees. Pressing a small buzzer to call a Healer.
"Can we come too?" Asks Teddy. Eagerly, hoping he has a chance to go to Hogwarts.

A few hours later, we were allowed to go home, we put Al in his carrier. I cast a lightweight charm on the carrier, pass it to Ginny, picking up James. Teddy takes my spare hand and Ginny takes his other hand. Together, we walk down the front steps and immediately we are bombarded with paparazzi. Ginny turns Albus away from the flashing cameras and we walk, one big family, through the crowd to the floo network. We floo home quickly and I immediately send an owl to McGonagall, asking if we could visit.

Minutes later a small screech owl flies in and delivers a neatly written letter explains that we'd be most welcome but we should floo straight to her office to avoid any commotion. We all floo to her office and find her behind her desk and a mountain of papers.
"Sorry about all of these papers, our new transfiguration teacher Professor Carrington has been taken ill and his third years had essays to hand in. Naturally I agreed to take a look at them on his behalf. Now, I believe introductions are in order!" She smiles, standing up to greet us  properly.
"Well you know Teddy Lupin of course" I say and she nods her head, shaking his hand firmly but kindly.
"Hello Minnie!" Teddy grins confidently, no doubt trying to act grown up compared to James and Albus.
She chuckled, "hello young man, and I'll have none of that name when you join in three years!" She winks.
"This is James Sirius Potter, he's just two, his birthday was earlier this month"

McGonagall leans over, "my, my, you look like your father don't you? Mind you, you're probably more similar to you grandfather"
"But grandpa Weasley had red hair and James doesn't" Teddy pointed out.
"Aye, but I meant grandpa Potter. Harry's dad" she answers and Teddy nods. "And Harry", she looks at me, "are you trying to kill me, naming him that? The marauders killed me, you and your trio crucified me and now you present me with your son named after two of the biggest trouble makers this school has ever known?"
I laugh, "sorry professor, I guess I wasn't thinking about how you'd react!"
"Oh no bother, and will you stop with Professor, your no longer a pupil here Harry, call me Minerva, you too Ginny"
"Thank you Minerva" Ginny smiles politely.

"Now, who's this little fellow?"
"The reason we're here. His name is Albus Severus Potter. We thought we might be able to tell the portraits here" I answer as Ginny carefully lifts a sleeping Albus from his carrier. She cradles him, stroking his cheek, oblivious to being the centre of everyone's attention.
"Oh Potter that's a wonderful name. Albus would be overjoyed, of course you may speak to the portraits as long as you remember that is it not the wizard, merely their memory" she smiles, wiping a glinting tear from her eye. "I'll leave you in peace, I need to speak to Professor Flitwick anyway!"
With that, she exits the room gracefully, disappearing down the corridor.

"Thank you Harry"

I spin around. My eyes meet those hidden behind gold rimmed, half moon spectacles and I smile. He smiles to, wiping his tears on a white handkerchief.

"Thank you Harry" he says again. "And thank you too Miss Weasley, or should I say Mrs Potter"
Ginny blushes the same way she has always done, ever since she was eleven.
Out of curiosity, my eyes search the walls for another man, and I find him. Too my shock, I think I see him smile. Maybe, or maybe he's just imagining himself in bed with my mother. Either way, he's smiling and I've never seen him smile before.

"It was the least we could have done, you both deserve to be remembered and this was the best way to show our appreciation for you" Ginny says, gently rocking Albus.
"Well thank you". This time it was not Dumbledore who spoke, but the painted man in the corner, with grease yet black hair a crooked nose. Severus Snape looked me in the eye for the first time, and said, "it's an honour".
"Indeed it is" Says Dumbledore. "And I'm sure your father and Sirius would be equally as honoured"

I blink hastily and choke back the tears but it doesn't go unnoticed by Ginny.
"I think we better get going soon Harry, Al may want feeding" she suggests, giving me a way out if I want it.
"Oh right. Yeah ok" I say.

"Might I have a word with you Harry, I'm sure Ginevra can cope alone for a minute?" Dumbledore asks.
"Yes of course, as long as that's ok with you love?" I ask Ginny quickly. She nods, stepping into the fireplace and disappears in a cloud of smoke.

My eyes linger on the cold brick behind where they were moments ago, but I soon look back to my old Professor. Guardian.

"You've grown into a fine young man Harry" he smiles sadly, "I hope you know that I haven't stopped caring for you"
"I loved you Dumbledore" I whisper so quietly it's barely audible.
"I loved you too Harry. You were the grandson I never had"

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