Chapter 39

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There is a major time skip (2 years), since the last chapter tot this one. At this point I just want to finish this book so I'm skipping the time between. Hope that's ok! Enjoy the chapter!


Ginny's POV

Me and Hermione are sitting in her bedroom- grinning like idiots. The kids are with their fathers on a day out in Diagon Alley, so it's just us.

"I can't believe this" I smile, almost laughing in shock. My hands shake as I raise the stick again to take another look.

"Neither can I" Hermione squeals, "look! Positive! Positive Ginny! Both of them! Both of us! At the same time!" She hugs me.

I hug her back and lean onto her shoulder.

"Ron's going to kill Harry" I mumble into her ear. She laughs so I continue, "Harry James Potter" I say, in a deep voice, imitating my brother. "How dare you knock my sister up again! For the THIRD time!"

Hermione falls about laughing at my impression, "you almost do Ron better than Ron"

Comically, I flip my hair over my shoulder, "Well I did live with him for seventeen years"

"True" she laughs. "How do you plan on telling Harry? I'm probably going to wait a bit to tell Ron, I'm not sure he's ready for another baby yet..."

"I'm sure he'll be ecstatic about a new baby. I doubt we'll have another baby so I want to make this reveal special. Mind you, we didn't plan to have a third child after Al..."

Later that day, I went home to find Harry and the boys all watching a muggle movie together, Dumbo, I think.

"Mummy!" Albus shouts happily, jumping from the sofa, his chubby legs running towards me.

"Albie! How was your day?" I scoop him up into my arms.

"Daddy and uncle Ron took us to Die-gon!"

"Did they? Wow that sounds fun! Did you have a good time then?" I smile, and bounce him up and down in my arms. As a two year old, he's much more advanced in terms of speaking than James was at his age.

"How was your day Jamie" I ask.

"Really good! I did a drawing of us mummy! Look" he runs and gets a crayon picture, "there's me and Albus, Teddy, you and daddy!"

"That really good James! Now boys, up to bed please"

They all groan. Teddy takes Albus from me and leads him by the hand upstairs.

"Why are you sending them to bed so early?" Harry asks me, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I spin around so I'm facing him and lean forward so our lips are centimetres apart.

"We haven't had alone time in ages" I breath.

He presses our lips together and his hand tangle in my hair. Suddenly his pulls back, "you a have an ulterior motive" he smirks.

I blush, "of course I haven't, don't be ridiculous love"

"You're biting your lip. You only do that when you're hiding something from me" he points out.

Damn I didn't even notice I was doing it!

"I'm not hiding anything, promise. Come on, let's goo okay Quidditch!" I grin, pulling him by the hand outside.

We grabbed our broom and released a snitch. He doesn't know it, but it is the snitch he caught I his first Quidditch game at Hogwarts. Hermione and I may or may not have tampered with it earlier...

Harry's POV

We start a mini game of Quidditch and naturally Ginny scores against me several times, but I'm not about to let her win. Diving, I thrust my hand forewords and clasp the golden ball in my hand.

"And Potter takes the win" I yell.

"I'm a Potter too. So technically that means I could have won. Be more specific Potter" she teases.

I give her a smile before I feel something heat up inside my closed fist. Opening my palm, I see the burning snitch and nothing more. I see writing on it.

'I open at the start of a new chapter'

"What are you playing at Ginny I ask. She merely shrugs a response, so I raise the ball to my mouth and press my lips against it.

A new script of scrawny writing appears: "father to four'

I blink. Wait, what?


She nods, tears welling up in her eyes from pure joy.

I throw my arms around her tiny frame and kiss her quickly and hungrily. "I love you so much Gin" I breath. "I love our boys, and I love our unborn baby"

"We all love you too"

Later that night Ginny and I were lying in bed.

"I'm so happy. I've always wanted a big family"

"I know. Me too. How many do you want?" She smiles, half joking.

"I say we stop after this one. Then we'll have four amazing children to call our own"

"Ok. Did you hear that mr sperm? No more babies please" she laughs.

"Hey! It takes two to tango missy!"

Laughing, we fall asleep open each other's arms. More in love than ever before.

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