Chapter 35

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Time skip

Ginny's POV

Harry and I are currently sat filling out paper work at Saint Mungos. We have agreed to repeat the same thing we did with James, and book a private room as we both believe it is the best thing for us, mainly because I don't fancy a parade of nosy paparazzi flashing cameras in my face when I'm in labour! Either way, we figured it was best.

I'm 33 weeks pregnant, so in around seven weeks I should have a little baby in my arms. Honestly I'm so excited for Ted and James to have a new sibling, I can't wait for them to meet him or her!

We collect the boys from my mum, and all get into bed. I fall asleep almost instantly, Harry's arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders, pulling me close. I sleep soundly until early the next morning when a sharp pain causes me to bolt wide awake. In our sleep Harry and I must have separated so he remains fast asleep the other side of the bed. My eyes water and I curl up in a ball hugging my swollen belly. The pain ceases and I convince myself that it was just a strong kick from the baby and fall back to sleep.

The next morning, we are all eating breakfast when I cry out in pain.
"Ginny! Are you ok? What's wrong?" Harry panics, "is it the baby? Should I-"
"Harry! Please. Stop. I can't think straight with your yelling" I cut him off. When I see his deflated reaction I realise what I said "sorry love, but I'm fine. The baby is getting stronger, so naturally it's kicks are getting more painful" I reassure him. Teddy and James watch on in concern.
"All the same, I think we should head to St Mungos to check love" Harry asks, while he whips out his wand. Sending a patronus to Ron and Hermione, he runs upstairs to grab some of the boys' stuff.

All the while, I just sit at the dining table, digging my fingernails into the wood as the baby kicks me again, hard. I'm vaguely aware that someone has flooed away, but my vision blurs and I feel myself slipping. Another sharp kick in the abdomen. I feel my forehead hit the table and loose consciousness.

What feels like days later, I begin to hear various sounds around me. The steady beep of a monitor, the soft murmur of chatter and the quiet hum of a fan. I feel a sweaty hand clamped around mine and recognise Harry's rough fingers tracing mine. Opening my eyes to check, I look up into his emerald green eyes and swoon.
"Ginny!" He sighs in relief. "You gave me such a fright! I came back from dropping the boys off and you were unconscious!"
I frown. "I- I fainted?"
"Yes, from pain according to Healer Mead. You've been out for about an hour because they also gave you a pain potion when you arrived" Harry informs me.
Pain? "From pain? The baby was only kicking!"
"No Ginny. It seems you're in early labour. They say it's nothing to worry about though, but you are seven weeks early" he tells me, stroking my hair out of my face. "The healers want to give you an operation to deliver the baby, to lower the risks or something" he continues.

"Oh good your awake Mrs Potter!" A Healer smiles at me.

Hour later, Healer Mead hand me my son. He's small, only 4lb 3oz and needs a little support breathing as he is premature and is therefore slightly underdeveloped. She gave him a small injection with a potion it it that should strengthen his lungs, and then handed him to me. Harry and I are currently marvelling over his bald head.
"I bet he'll have your black birds nest like James!" I joke.
"Nah, I reckon he'll get your flaming locks" he contradicts with a grin.
"Maybe" I smile, stroking his cheek.
"What's his name?" Harry smiles, looking between us.
I thought for a moment, "what about Albus? I know Dumbledore meant a lot to you, was practically your grandfather and he could be Al or Albie for short". I just look at our son and see if I can imagine his as an Albus. I suddenly realise that Harry has not responded and look up.

I am greeted by a massive grin and his watery eyes locked on me. Raising my hand to his cheek, I wipe a stray tear and smile at him.
"Thank you" he smiles. "Thank you Gin, you completely understand me. I love you, Ted, James and Albus so much. I love my family, and it's all thanks to you"
I didn't even realise I was crying until he wiped away my tears as I had done to him moments earlier. "Hang on we haven't given him a middle name yet!" I laugh.
"Severus?" He suggests. "After two great headmasters of Hogwarts"
"Albus Severus Potter" I nod and look down at the bundle of blue in my arms. Harry leans down and plants a kiss on his forehead softly then he tilts his head and kisses my lips. We kiss passionately over our new son for a few minutes and then pull apart, our foreheads pushed together as we breath heavily together.

Harry's POV

"Is this a bad time?"

I spin around and grin at my two best friends. A very pregnant Hermione and Ron leaning in the doorframe.
"No, no come in!" I say, before looking at Ginny to check she fine with visitors. She just smiles at me.
Ron helps Hermione over and I move a chair for her to sit on.
"Well?" Ron asks.
"You have another nephew. Meet Albus Severus Potter" Ginny introduces him, shifting the blanket to reveal his face. He is currently asleep and looks so peaceful I feel like I could cry if Ron and Hermione weren't here.
"Oh Harry he's beautiful!" Hermione gasps when she leans forward to stroke his smooth head. "How are you feeling Ginny?"
The girls start a conversation between themselves about babies and how Albus was premature.

"Congratulations man" Ron smiles and pulls me into a 'manly hug'.
"Thanks mate" I grin and peer over his shoulder to where Ginny is laying.
"Albus Severus? Merlin I'd bet they'd both be honoured by that tribute. Who would've thought it aye? Harry Potter named his son after Severus Snape!" he laughed.
"We thought it seemed fitting to remember them and this seemed the best way" I smile.
"It's a pity there's no way to tell them" Ron sighs.
"Wait! There is a way! Looks like we'll be returning to Hogwarts after all these years..."

Thanks for reading and being so patient while waiting for me to update! Sorry it's taken me so long, I'll try and be quicker but no promises... Please vote and commented you liked it!

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