Chapter 13

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Time skip, a couple of months later.

Harry and Ginny are living in their new house.
Harry works as an Auror alongside Ron. Ginny plays for the Holy Head Harpies professional quidditch team.
Hermione is working her way up in the Ministry ranks, currently working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Teddy was spending the day at his Grandma's.

Hermione sighed as she picked up her cup of tea. She looked across the kitchen island at her friend "I just kind of hoped he would have asked me by know you know?"
Daintily she took a sip of the steaming brew before she reset the cup on its saucer.

Ginny nodded empathetically "I know Hermione. But these things take extra long for Ron to process, particularly with his emotional range of a tea spoon"
Hermione chuckled hearing her own words spoken back to her.
"Hey I think he's at least at the soup spoon mark now!" she laughed. "But seriously, part of me wonders if he even wants to propose, or if it's all in my head... I don't want to seem desperate, but we've been together for four years and not once has he mentioned anything to do with our future"

Ginny clasped her friend's hand over the counter and squeezed it reassuringly "knowing Ron he does want to marry you 'Mione. He's just a bit... slow"
Hermione didn't look convinced so Ginny spoke again, "come on you just see the way he looks at you! He's clearly smitten with you, maybe he just needs some time?"

"I hope that's all it is" Hermione took an anxious sip of her tea.
"I'm sure it is" Ginny comforted her, opening a packet of digestive biscuits and offering them to her guest.

Wanting to change the subject, Hermione looked at the clock, "do you know what time the boys will be done with their meeting?"
The two boys were stuck in an Aurors meeting with Kingsley.
"Harry said 4 at the earliest" Ginny answered, "so I guess anytime now"

About fifteen minutes later, two figures appeared in the fireplace admits a cloud of green smoke. Harry took of his hat and frisbeed it onto a chair across the room. He missed and it skidded onto the floor.

He approached Ginny, "hi love, hi Hermione"
He gave Ginny a quick kiss and wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head.

The couple watched as Ron awkwardly lingered by the fireplace. He looked as if he didn't know what to say and Ginny was beginning to better understand Hermione's concern.
Hugging him, Hermione was the first to say something "hey how was the meeting?"

At once Ron relaxed, as he always did when talking about work.
"Boring as ever. Kingsley was just nattering on about migrating trolls causing chaos near a muggle residential area"
"I suppose we ought to be grateful there's nothing more exhilarating to deal with" Harry said. "I'd rather take boredom over near death"
"True" Ron agreed.

"Besides" Harry added, " I much prefer it when meetings finish on time for us to spend time with you girls" he squeezed Ginny who was still in his embrace.
When Rom shifted uncomfortably, Harry leant down to whisper in Ginny's ear "I'll have a word with him when I get a chance, ask him if he's ok"

Ginny smiled and turned her head so she could kiss his cheek, "thanks, I love you"

Hours went by and Ron and Hermione went home, leaving Harry and Ginny on their own. They snuggled on the sofa and soon they were kissing. Just as the kiss was becoming more intense, Sirius walked into the living room frame that the portraits were free to walk in and out of at their choosing.

When he saw the couple snogging he retreated quietly back to the other portraits in the kitchen's frame. Moments later he reappeared with Remus and James.
"Are you ready?" Sirius mouthed to them, putting his finger to his lips.
The two men nodded and all at once they screamed "BOO!"

Harry and Ginny jumped apart suddenly. An accidental scream escaped Ginny's mouth and she silenced herself by covering her mouth with her hand.
"What in merlin's name are you doing?" Harry yelled.
Sirius burst out laughing, "I wanted to throw that pillow at you, but I couldn't, which is unfortunate. So we decided to scare you instead. You should've seen your faces!"

Harry was not amused, "and why may I ask?"
"To tell you to get a room or quit it" James shrugged nonchalantly.

Harry looked up at his father blankly. Then he stood up and offered Ginny his hand "Ok! Coming Gin?"
Ginny smirked, taking his hand "sure!"

Giggling like school children they ran upstairs to their bedroom and shut the door loudly. Harry winked at her, "follow my lead" he whispered. Ginny nodded, smirking mischievously.
Then he jumped onto their bed and started shaking the bedpost.

Ginny jumped onto the bed beside him and started fake moaning "oh Harry" she drooled.
Harry felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

Downstairs, pale faced paintings looked at each other horrified.

Sirius looked at the light shaking on the ceiling, "you don't think...?"
James covered his ears "no! no. no?"
Remus patted James' back sympathetically, "it sounds like it to me mate"

Sirius cringed "ergh yuck!"
"Just because he has someone to bang padfoot" James chortled.

"James!" Lily silenced her husband, "leave them be, besides you are the idiots who told them to why a room. What did you expect them to do?"
Fred felt faint as he plugged his ears with his fingers. "That's. My. Sister"

Sirius, notorious for suggesting the worst ideas, said "you don't think someone should go check, just to see you know? So we can stop worrying if it's nothing"
"It doesn't sound like nothing" Remus muttered.
Lily smacked Sirius round the head, "no I said leave them be!"

Ignoring his wife, James said, "I vote you Sirius"
"Me too" said Remus, not caring as long at it wasn't him who was sent.
"Why me? He's your son Prongs!"
"All the more reason for me not to go! Besides, I have a wife!" James cried in defence.
"and what's that got to do with anything?"
"I don't know but it does"

Sirius huffed " Moony then!"
"Hey no he's your godson!"
"Fred then" Sirius tried desperately.
"I'm her bloody brother I don't want to see that however brief it is!"

"Well then it's settled! It only has to be a quick peak Padfoot" James said.
"I'm warning you, I promised Harry we wouldn't use the frame in their room unless it was an emergency!" Lily argued.

Sirius looked helplessly between them, then puffed out his chest. "Right... I'm going in"

Lily looked at him despairingly, "did you listen to anything I just said?"
Her question was answered through the lack of an answer she received.

Slowly Sirius crept into the bedroom frame with his eyes closed. Squinting one eye open very slightly, he was met with the sight of the two adults jumping on the bed and burst into silent laughter.

Pleasing him to keep their joke going for longer, Harry gestured for Sirius to play along.
"Er James, I really think you need to be the one to deal with... the matter in hand" he called.

Moments later James reluctantly shuffled into the frame with one hand covering his eyes and the other stretched out in front of him so he didn't bump into anything. When his outstretched hand accidentally slapped Sirius in the face he opened his eyes.

He too began laughing hysterically at the sight of his son hunched over wobbling a bedpost. Dramatically, James screamed "LILY! HELP"

One by one each witch or wizard was called in, Lily first, then Remus, Tonks and finally Fred who was the most reluctant.
"No I don't care" he had yelled from the frame downstairs, "I refuse to enter that room"
It had taken Sirius to drag him in for them to all be collected in the bedroom.

Harry and Ginny roared with laughter and flopped back onto the bed with literal tears in their eyes. Ginny's stomach hurt she was laughing so hard.

Sirius too, was hunched over laughing "genius... Not funny... But genius!"
Harry took a bow, "why thank you!"
Lily composed herself and said, "ok, ok now let's leave them in peace!"

Once she had ushered everyone out of the frame she paused, "Harry dear? Could you refrain from the inappropriate jokes please"
Harry stopped laughing and turned beetroot red, "Sorry mum" he apologised.

Ginny laughed when Lily left, "mums will be mums"

Electricity- a Hinny fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang