Chapter 38

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Hermione's POV

They hand me a pink bundle.

I look up and Ron and see tears in his eyes. I smile at him and he kisses my sweaty forehead.

"Do you have a name yet?" Our Healer asks us kindly.

"No, not yet" I reply. Me and Ron both agreed that we would rather wait and pick a name after the baby was born. After she was born. A girl. I have a daughter. Wow.

"Ok. I'll leave you three alone for a moment while I return these files"

The Healer closes the door softly behind herself, leaving us completely alone.

"What are you thinking?" Ron asks me, "name-wise? Suddenly I'm not feeling like Daisy or-"

"Rose" I whisper. "It's keeping the flower theme, and it matches her pink cheeks and tufts of red hair..."

"It's perfect"

"Rose Granger -Weasley"


Harry's POV

"HARRY! HARRY! Ron says Hermione went into labour last night! Oh Harry they've had a baby girl!"

I stumbled downstairs in a hurry. "What? A girl? Merlin that's amazing! I'll go get the Ted and James ready to drop off at Andromeda's, can you get Al up and sorted please?"

"Sure thing love" Ginny smiles, kissing my cheek before running upstairs.

"Teddy" I call.

The bubblegum haired boy scuttled into the room clutching a stuffed toy. A wolf. "Yes Harry"

"You and the boys are going to go to your grandmas, I need you to be a good boy for her. Set a good example for the others and don't mess her around. I'll pick you up again later to take you all to visit uncle Ron and Auntie Hermione ok?" The boy nodded. "Ok, now run upstairs and get ready. Good boy" I ruffled his hair and watched him disappear up the stairs.

No less than fifteen minutes later, Ginny and I were at the front desk at St Mungos, asking for Hermione's room number. The grumpy witch behind the desk informed us that Hermione was room 409 on the fourth floor.

I knocked gently on the door, and it swung open moments later to reveal a very red and tired looking Ron. His ginger hair was stuck up a t all angles and he had massive bags under his eyes. Nevertheless, on his face he wore a massive smile. The type of smile that reached his eyes.

"Harry! Ginny'! Mum and dad left a few minutes ago, come in!"

Ginny slipped past Ron and into the room leaving me and Ron alone in the hallway. In silence we just looked at each other. Then he pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations man" I grinned.

"A girl Harry! I know nothing about girls! What if she hates me? What if I'm a terrible dad? I've never done this before? I don't know what to do when she cries! Or when she-" Ron laughed nervously, growing more and more anxious as he spoke.

"Ron mate. Calm down. You'll be a great dad. And no one has a clue on how to be a parent. It's not something you can revise from a all learn on the job. Yeah, we all make mistakes, do you know how many times I've called one of the boys the wrong name? Or how many times I've sworn in front of James? Ginny is still wondering where he learnt to say arse... and believe me when I say that that wasn't the worst thing he repeated... My point is, nobody is perfect. And we certainly don't know what we're doing. But we're fathers. And that's what we do. We're responsible for bring new people into the world and all we can do is make sure they turn out to be kind, loving and amazing young people, just like their mothers"

"Thanks Harry. Now, come inside. You need to meet little Rose"

"Rose. That's a beautiful name"

"Hermione chose it" he blushes.

He pushes the door open again, and this time we both walk inside. Hermione is sitting on her bed, cradling a tiny pink bundle.

"Hey Hermione" I say softly, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm good thanks Harry. I just feel like I'm dreaming, it's all a bit surreal to be honest. I can't believes she's mine!"

"I remember the feeling" Ginny chuckles, stroking baby Rose's head gently. "Cherish the first few days when they are so tiny. I miss when Al and James were her size. Mind you, Al is nearly two months old and he's not much bigger. His due date was only two weeks ago"

Hermione hummed in acknowledgement of Ginny's statement. "Do you want ahold Harry? Ginny's already had a cuddle when you and Ron were talking outside"

"I'd love to!" I smile and make my way over to her bed. Taking Rose in my arms, I look at her properly for the first time. Her head has tufts of adorable ginger hair like her father. "She's beautiful guys" I say. I perch in the side of Hermione's bed.

Part of me can't quite believe she's theirs either. I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Somehow I feel like I'm part of this, yet left out at the same time. Most of my life it's been 'the trio' or 'Harry, Ron and Hermione',  never 'Harry and Romione' or just 'Ron and Hermione'... It's hard for me to think back to when we were practically kids ourselves, on the run from Voldemort, hunting horcruxes; I'd never imagined we'd see a day where they were married and had a baby girl.

Hours later, we'd left st Mungos and we'd collected the boys. After tucking them all into bed, we chose to call it an early night and head to bed.

Hi guys! Sorry it's late! It's also very short but I wanted to give you something and I figured it was better than nothing. Please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter x

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