Chapter 20

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Time skip 5 months, Ginny is nearly full term.

Ginny's POV

I groaned. This has got to be the third time I've had to get up to go to the toilet in one night. Harry is stirs as I roll out of bed and hobble towards our ensuite. "Sorry Harry, it's James. He's pushing on my bladder" I mumbled whilst walking into the bathroom.
"Do you need any help love?" Harry offered.
"It's the toilet Harry, I think I'll manage!" I laugh softly and waddled over to the loo. In all honesty, I love Harry's enthusiasm, he always want to help. He's the best husband in the world and I don't deserve him. However, sometimes he can over worry about me, be over protective; Hermione says it's normal in soon-to-be fathers though, so I'm not worried.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Harry was propped up on one elbow waiting for me. I climbed back into bed and lay down on my side (it's basically the only position that is anywhere near comfortable) and sighed. Just getting out of bed is a struggle now, I just feel so heavy. I'm just closing my eye lids when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind. I smile to myself and snuggle into Harry. I fall into a deep sleep, and thankfully don't wake again until morning.

"Ginny, when can I meet baby brother or sister?" Teddy asked me. Harry and I have kept the gender between us, so we can surprise everyone else. Teddy will be a great big brother, I can tell; he's always asking no long it is left until he can meet the baby.
"Not long now Tedster I promise!" I said, pulling him into a hug.

I was at with Harry on the sofa, curled into his chest when it happened.

I felt a burst inside me and a huge release. Before I even knew what had happened, water was seeping through my leggings. I gasp catching Harry's attention. "Harry, I- I think my water just broke!" He helps me to my feet and gapes at me.
"W-what? Your water-"
"Yes my water has broken" I snap, "now can you please hurry up and get the hospital bag!" Ok, I know he doesn't deserve this, but blame it on the hormones and my nerves. Less than a minute later, Harry was in the living room again, clutching the big beaded bag full of things for the hospital. Suddenly I felt agonising pain. I hunched over and threw my hands to my abdomen in pain. Contraction. Great.

About ten minutes later, we were at the front desk of St Mungo's again, having pushed through a crowd of paparazzi. Before we had left, Harry had flooed to Andromeda's and left Teddy with them there.

Healers quickly ushered me into a wheelchair, and at first I argued, "I'm fine, I don't need a wheelchair it's only a short walk-". But I had been interrupted by another contraction. Suddenly a wheelchair doesn't seem so bad after all. Harry pushed me carefully up the corridor to the lift, pressing for floor 3, we were greeted by healer Gilbert.
"Hello Ginny, how are you feeling?" She asked kindly.
Stupid question.
"Ok, the contractions suck, but it's bearable at the moment" I replied.

A quick check up later, and we were being carted off to the delivery wards. I was thanking the lord that we had booked a private room when I noticed a women with a note book 'subtlety' following Harry and I down the corridor. As soon as we turned into the private ward, she was forced to stop by a spell that only allowed people we wanted through. And let me tell you, I most certainly, do not want the daily prophet present when I'm in labour. Harry and I had previously written a list of the names we were allowing through. It consisted of:
- Mum and dad
- Bill and family
- Charlie (if he can make it from Romania)
- Percy and family
- George and family
- Ron and Hermione
- Andromeda and Teddy

School friends and other family, could wait until we get home and anyone else was not welcome to see him at all.

With a flick of his wand, Harry sent a patronus to everyone on the list, notifying them I was in labour. About five minutes later, mum came rushing into the room looking flustered. Dad hurried behind her, carrying her handbag and coat. Mum was crying, no surprise there. Ron and Hermione also ran in, Hermione also, to my surprise, had tears in her eyes. She pulled Harry into a hug and whispered something in his ear.

Healer Gilbert re-entered the room, and checked me again, "things are progressing very quickly Ginny. Unfortunately as we lead up to the birth, I'm going to have to ask you all to leave". Thankfully they all left, and once again, it was just me and Harry left. Two other healers entered the room. One was fairly short, and had a slick brown ponytail that ran down her back. The other, was marginally taller, with a short blond bob. "Harry, Ginny this is Healer Taylor, and Healer Quays, they will be assisting me in the delivery of your son, and in the minutes after his birth" she informed us.

Harry's POV

I couldn't bare seeing Ginny in this pain. The beads of sweat rolled down her face, her hair sticking to it in clumps. She was still beautiful to me though, and if I could, I'd take this pain away form her in a heartbeat. She was breathing short, quick breaths in time with Healer Gilbert's instruction, and squeezed my hand tighter with every contraction. Her brow was furrowed in pain and her chin was pressed firmly to her chest. I was stood next to her, holding both her hand tightly.

"Gin you're doing so well! If I could go through this for you I would..." I ushered. I felt utterly helpless. "I'm so proud of you..."

I was silenced by the sound of a baby's cry.

Slightly shorter chapter this time sorry! Happy New Year Everyone (I'm writing this at 1:00am) have a great 2018! Comment and vote if you liked it! Thanks for reading!

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