Chapter 24

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Ginny's POV

It's now June, James is two months old and laughed for the first time the other day. It was the most amazing thing, a little gurgle when Harry tickled his chin. Harry really and truly is the best father in the world, I'm so lucky to have him.

"Hey Harry, do you want to take the boys out to the park later?" I ask, calling up the stairs to Harry who is changing James.
"Yeah sure! Make sure it's a muggle one though, we'll be less likely to be found by paparazzi" he responded.
He came running into the room, "yes Ginny?"
"Would you like to go to the park today? We can bring James along and you can show him how bigs boys swing themselves on the swings!" I smiled.

Half an hour later, Harry and I were sat on a park bench watching Teddy play, every so often he would shout, "Harry, Ginny watch this!" and then do something crazy like slide down the slide backwards etc... (Harry did have to run over and catch him before the bottom of the slide). There was another slide that curled around to the out of our sight. Every time Teddy went down the slide, he would disappear momentarily, and then pop up again when he re-climbed to the top of the climbing frame.

We have been watching Teddy play for about an hour now, Harry is rocking James to sleep next me as I just finished giving him a bottle. I smiled, watching them. Harry didn't notice, he was just watching his son, concentrating on only him. When I look up again, I realise I haven't seen Teddy for a few minutes. Alarmed, I jump up and run round to the other side of the frame.

Harry notices my urgency and concern, and he too jumps up and jobs over to me.

Harry's POV

Still cradling James, I headed over too Ginny. I stopped when I noticed her expression. Something was wrong. I ran this time, waking James accidentally, and frowned at my wife. "Ginny? What wrong?" I asked, panicked.
"It's Teddy! I can't find him!" She wailed. Tears started spilling down her cheeks and she put her hands to her mouth. I wrapped her in a hug, as best I could with a now crying James.
"Don't worry love, he's probably just wondered off..." it was no use lying to myself. Teddy wasn't the sort to run off. He likes to keep close and where he can see us at all times. In my gut, I know something was wrong.

I'm pacing up and down the auror office, a couple of hours later, my best aurora lined up infront of me. Of course, Ron is stood in line of wizards, and he looks very worried as I had previously told him the problem. "Aurors, we have a kidnapping. Edward, Remus Lupin was last seen at 12:40 in a muggles park in Devon. He is 6 years old and has naturally turquoise hair, although it does tend to change. I suspect it could be a way of the remaining Death Eaters getting to me. The death eaters that are not in Azkaban are as follows: Avery, Rowle, Jugson, Macnair, Dolohov, Selwyn and Rookwood. The others are either dead, imprisoned in Azkaban. I'm going to split you into pairs and you will track them down and find Edward. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir" they all chorused.

Of course, I had paired Ron with me, I needed moral support to think clearly and Ron was the only man for the job. We were after Rookwood, the monster responsible for Fred's death. I gave all my aurors strict instructions to arrest even if they don't find Teddy. But I know that if I don't, Ron most certainly will make Rookwood pay if we find him. We headed to an area in North Wales, where he was last sighted. We apparited to the area and kept an eye out.

Ginny's POV

I'm currently sat on the sofa, rocking myself as I let the tears flow. Hermione is sat with her arms round me, attempting to comfort me, my mum was rocking a screaming James who only wanted his mummy. Regretfully I'm in no state to be holding him and I'm scared I'll drop him him as I'm shaking so much. Harry and Ron left with the other Aurors around two hours ago, and I haven't moved from this spot since. All I wanted was for my oldest son to be back home safe so I can give him a hug.

Remus and Tonks have been supportive; saying it wasn't our fault, we're amazing guardians to their son and they don't regret their decision. It's obvious from their grave facial expressions that they are both worried sick too and that just makes me feel guilty.

Harry's POV

Ron and I have found Rookwood and I have him under a body binding spell so he can't escape, unfortunately, we haven't found Teddy. To be sure however, Ron gave him veritaserum. Sure enough, "did you kidnapped Edward Lupin?"
Despite this, Ron punched him square in the face, breaking his nose. I quickly took him to Azkaban and then returned to Ron.

"Harry!" Ron yelled.
"What?" I shouted back.
"It's Auror Hastings! He says he's found Teddy, with Avery. The slimy git! Come on, he sent us a patronus and mentioned their location!"

Relief swamped over me and Ron grabbed my arm and sidelong apparited us to an unknown area.

When we ran upstairs of an old, abandoned house that was practically falling down, I quickly congratulated the two Aurors Hastings and Smith. Once I had briefly nodded my thanks, I ran over, and was met midway by my Godson. Teddy jumped up, into my arms and hugged my tightly. Ron joined the two Aurors behind me, and I heard a thud. When I spun around, Avery was knocked out cold on the floor after having received a punch from Ron. Smith laughed and apparited him to Azkaban.

With the flick of my wand, I performed a non-verbal patronus charm (to the amazement of the others in the room). "Ginny, it's ok, we've got him. He's safe but I'm going to take him to St Mungos to be sure he's not injured. Meet me there, I love you" I told my stag, and it was gone.

I hate writing bad things like this, but I felt you guys would get bored without any drama. Let me know what you think in the comments. Personally I prefer it without drama, but I'm writing this for you so whatever you want! If there are no comments, I'll just write how I like it. Thanks for reading!

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