Chapter 11

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Time skip of two years. Teddy is now 2 years old, Ron and Hermione have a house together and Harry and Ginny are still happily living in Grimmauld Place.

Harry was pacing up and down the Burrow's creaky wooden floor like a crazy man. He stuffed his fists into his pockets anxiously as he finally stopped and looked up.
"So?" He probed his company for their opinions. "Do you think it will work?"

Ron shrugged, "well George can keep her out for least an hour... So probably"
Harry was stressing, "good. I wonder what he's going to do to keep her away?"

Just at that moment, George walked into the room and smirked mischievously. "That Harry, is a good question! One you will have to wait to find out the answer to"

At this point Harry was hardly listening, "oh yeah, yeah good idea" he said staring into space. Suddenly he snapped back into reality and yelped.
"I need to talk to your dad about it... Mr Weasley!"
He hurried out of the room leaving Ron, Hermione and George blinking after him.

Mr Weasley rushed down the stairs "Harry, is anything wrong my boy?" He looked around the room concerned, as if he expected to hear that someone had been kidnapped.

Harry led him into the empty garden. He fumbled with his hands, as he walked. Taking a long deep breath he finally said "I wanted to ask your permission to do something"
Mr Weasley looked at Harry intrigued but didn't say anything. He nodded his head to tell Harry to continue.

"I want to propose to Ginny"

For an agonising moment Arthur simply looked at him blinking. Finally his face cracked into a beaming smile and Harry knew his answer.
"Why of course you have my permission Harry!" Arthur stopped and clapped Harry on the back, "I couldn't think of a better husband for Ginny"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief "thank you sir, I mean Mr Weasley"
Arthur grinned widely, "I couldn't imagine a better son-in-law"

Harry's heart felt full, "that's very kind of you. I think I will go and tell Molly now"
Arthur nodded and Harry turned towards the house when he heard a shout behind him.
"Oh and welcome to the family officially!"

Harry walked back inside with Mr Weasley on his tail. Somewhere in the house Mrs Weasley's voice was screaming at Ron for forgetting to de-gnome the garden. Harry followed the voice and decided to wait outside of the room so as not to interrupt.

He leant against the door frame and listened to the muffled argument.
Ron raised his voice "mum! Seriously, you would have thought after moving out nearly a year ago that you wouldn't have as many things to shout at me about, but noooo!"
"well if you did what you were told..."
"you would not have to shout at me?"

As the heated conversation drew to a close, Harry slowly pushed open the door and stepped into the room.
"Um... Mrs Weasley, may I have a word?" Harry held his breath in anticipation.
"Of course dear" Molly smiled, "about what?"
Harry gulped "Ginny"

Looking suddenly alarmed, Mrs Weasley asked "what about her? You've not broken up have you?"
Behind him, everyone else had crammed into the room and were lingering by the door.

"Oh merlin no" Harry hastily responded. "Actually it's quite the opposite"
Mrs Weasley's expression changed, softening as she looked around the room.
"Am I the only one who doesn't know about this then?" She asked, judging by their expressions that they all knew. "Alright then out with it Harry"

"I want to propose to her" he blurted out.

Molly's face contorted from shock to delight in less than a millisecond and she flung her arms around Harry's neck. She embraced him tightly, hugging him in a bone-crushing hug while she sobbed on his shoulder.

Suddenly she pulled away and whipped out a hanky. "I must bake a celebratory cake!" She declared and hurried out in another sob.

Harry just stared after his only maternal figure.
"I guess you should be glad she's happy Harry" Ron suggested, "when Bill proposed she wasn't half as amused"

Mr Weasley dismissed himself to go and check on his hysterical wife.

"Right" Harry collected his thoughts and pulled himself together, "let's get me engaged"

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