Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

A soft cry filled the room immediately. I walked over to see my son and smiled. Small tufts of thick, unruly hair stick out at all angles from his tiny head, the Potter hair curse. Healer Taylor picks him up in a towel, and takes him over to weigh him and do other tests. My eyes went from my son, to my beautiful wife.

"Well done Gin! I'm so proud of you!" I congratulated her. I kiss her passionately for a few seconds, and then pull away. We watch as the Healers gently wipe down our son, then Healer Gilbert, picks up James and says, "So new mummy, would you like to hold your son?" Kindly.
Ginny, who is still panting slightly, breathed, "no, I mean I will, but let Harry hold him first, I still need to catch my breath"
I look at her in shock. "Gin are you sure? I don't mind waiting for you..." I trailed off as Healer Gilbert approached me. She handed me a tiny bundle and then stepped away. I hadn't noticed that the other two healers had already left us in all the commotion.
"Do you have a name yet?" Healer Gilbert asked us patiently.
"Yes, James Sirius Potter" I smiled, Ginny looked up at me. I hadn't told her about the middle name yet. Suddenly I was filled with anxiety, what if she hates the idea?
"I love it"  she seemed to answer my fears calmly. "Let's just hope he's nothing like his namesakes!" She chuckled. I laughed too, and I sighed. This is the best day of my life.
"He was born at 21:47pm on 16th March. He weighed 8lb 5oz. I'll give you three a minute" Healer Gilbert smiled, after writing his birth certificate, and left the three of us alone.

I smiled down at my son in awe. When he opens his eyes, I smile wider, (if that's possible), and see the beautiful chocolate button eyes I first fell in love with. "He has your eyes Gin" I mutter, and carefully hand her our son.
Ginny accepts little James with open arms, "hello baby..." she whispered. "I'm your mummy! Do you recognise my voice, they reckon you could from in there" she chuckled softly and quietly. "I love him so much Harry" she smiled looking up at me. I kiss her forehead, and look down at James.

I'm honestly not ashamed to say that tears were spilling down my cheeks. "I know, I love him too" I whisper.

Once we had been tidied up, I went outside to the conjoined but private waiting room full of our family members. From the moment of my entrance, they were all hanging in my every word. "It's a boy!". The room erupted in a round of a applause and congratulations. "Mother and baby are safe and doing well. In groups you can all come in and see them, but first Ginny just wants Teddy to see his little brother"

Teddy bounds up to me and hugs my legs. "It's more boring at grandma dromeda's house, I missed you and Ginny" he mumbled.
I laugh, and take him by the hand leading him inside. Ginny was lying upright on the bed, holding a saddle of blue blankets. I lifted teddy into the bed, and allowed him to crawl over to Ginny and James.

"Teddy, this is your little brother James" Ginny smiled whilst looking down at our son.
"Brother?" His face broke into a smile, "James? His name is James?"
"Yes little man" I smiled, ruffling his turquoise hair. "And I bet you, James is going to love you so much, you'll be the best big brother ever!"
Teddy face fell and he looked towards the floor.
"Hey, what's wrong Ted?" I asked, worried about my oldest child.
"You and Ginny don't love me anymore... you have a proper baby James now, you don't need me-" Teddy confessed.
"Teddy, having little James here, does not mean we love you any less! You are part of our little family. I love you like my own child" I comforted.

A couple of minutes later, I carried (he was feeling clingy), Teddy back to the waiting room, and announced that we wanted to see Ron and Hermione next. They both leapt up as if they've been ready and waiting the entire time. Hermione pulls me into a tight hug and whispers "congratulations" in my ear. I lead them both through, and open the door revealing my wife and son. Hermione rushes over to Ginny immediately and starts fussing over James. Ron on the other hand, watches from a distance before he too, pulled me into a 'manly' hug.
"I can't believe you have a son. I feel so old now, my little sister has a son!" He chuckled to himself. "But seriously, congratulations. I mean it. I'm sorry for how I reacted 8 or so months ago, I hope I've made up for it since" he apologised. It's true, Ron has made up for it, apart from the day we announced it, run has been very supportive. "I hope you understand that my initial reaction was as her brother, not as your best friend"
"Ron I forgave you for that months ago! Now come on! I want you to meet James!" I smiled, pulling over to the others.
"James!" Hermione squealed. "Oh Harry! What's his full name?
"James Sirius Potter" I smiled proudly.

Ginny's POV

Ron and Hermione stayed for a few more minutes, and then left with the news that my mum and dad could come in. Less than ten seconds after their departure, mum bustled into the room with a box of tissues.

"Mum, dad, this is James Sirius Potter" I introduced James.
For some, unknown reason, mum let out another sob, and smiled at Harry. "They would be so proud of you now" and she pulled my husband tightly into a famous 'Mrs Weasley hug'.
Dad came over to me and smiled, "he's beautiful"
"Thanks dad, He mainly takes after Harry though"
"That's not true, he has Harry's hair, yes, but he has your eyes, and your nose"
"He's perfect" I smile. I couldn't care less what he looks like. He's my son, I love him either way, and nothing will ever change that.

Group by group, the visitors kept coming in. By the end, I was exhausted. So Harry took James from me and told me to get some sleep. Of course, for a while I simply lay down, watching Harry and James. He took him over to the chair in the corner and sat down. Holding James very carefully, Harry simply rocked him gently, admiring him. I honestly can't believe he's mine, that's I made him. He's perfect and everything I could have dreamed of. I can't wait for the next chapter in my life to begin. I'm ready.

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