Chapter 28

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Ginny's POV

"Wait outside Harry" I told him.
"Why Gin? It's not like I haven't seen you there before? That's kind of what got us in this situation!" He pleaded.
"Ok fine, I let him in and he sat on the side of the bath as I squatted over the toilet. I held the tiny stick beneath me.
Being the gentlemen he is, Harry's had eyes only for my face and nothing else. I don't know why I ever doubted.

Three minutes. Three agonisingly painful, minutes. I paced up and down the bathroom in anticipation. Harry remained on the side of the bath, watching his watch. When the time was up, he looked at me and picked up the stick. Without reading the results, he beckoned over and we read it together.

Two lines. Pregnant.

Again. Merlin, what if Harry isn't ready? Before I could even dream up another scenario, Harry smashed his lips to mine with force. Pulling away slightly I said, "you're happy?"
"Happy? Gin, I'm ecstatic! All I've ever wanted was a proper family, thank you for everything. You've made all my dreams come true..." he whispered and pushed his lips against mine once more. This time, I didn't hesitate to kiss back, and our lips moved in sink.

I can't wait to meet the our new addition! It only feels like yesterday that I was holding James in my arms for the very first time: the best day of my life.
When we finally pull apart, I just wrap my arms under Harry's armpits and rest my head against his broad chest. He closes his arms around me, rubbing patterns and shapes on my back.

"I can't believe we are having another baby" I smile, deep in thought.
"Neither can I" Harry responded, "I can't wait to meet the little guy"
I tilted my chin upwards do I could look at him, "guy?"
He chuckled, "fathers instinct. Something tells me that in a year we will have 3 handsome boys running around this house, maybe even a little girl one day"

"Really? Because my mothers instincts are telling me that in a few months we will be welcoming our very first girl Potter into the world. What do you say we pick up our bet again?" I smiled mischievously.

"Our bet? Sure. I'll bet that I will be picking the first name again and you will be stuck on middle names" he grinned as he led me out of the bathroom and into the living room where we sat down on the sofa.

"Deal!" I laugh and Teddy looks up from his muggle Lego, James is playing on Teddy's old 'Beginners Broomstick'. At first we were unsure of how teddy would share, but so far he seems to be fine with it. Hopefully it stays that way.

"What's a deal?" He questioned. He was becoming very inquisitive, if not nosy, but I think that's just his age. I glance over at Harry and with a slight shake if his head he tells me not to tell Teddy yet.
"Oh nothing Tedster, don't you worry about it" I smile and subconsciously put a hand to my abdomen.

Harry places a hand on top of mine, and kissed me on the temple. Leaving a trail of kisses down the side of my face, he eventually reaches my lips and pressed his to mine with force but care. I laugh inwardly when I hear Teddy cringe, but kept kissing Harry nonetheless. As per usual, our lips move in sink and I feel as if our hearts a beating as one.

When we finally pull away, I snuggle into Harry's chest and breath in his sweet, masculine scent. I listen to the gentle, incessant patter of his heart in his chest. My eyes flutter closed, and I fall into a light sleep.

Harry's POV

For about half an hour, I remain on the sofa stroking Ginny's beautiful red hair and watch Teddy and James play together. I force myself to tear my eyes from my gorgeous wife when I notice the time and head to the kitchen to make us all lunch.

Deciding to let Ginny rest a little longer, I feed the boys and then take them into the garden to practice their flying. Obviously James only uses his 'Beginners broomstick' and is therefore limited to the things he can do, but Teddy is using his very first, real broom. It is only a 'Firebolt 700' but it has no height or speed limitations. At first Ginny and I were anxious about him owning the broom, but after a lot of consideration, we concluded that 9 was perfectly old enough to start learning to fly properly.

I mounted the newest model yet, my 'Turbo 5000', and take off so I could spot Teddy and help him if he needed me. Following Teddy as he zoomed around the garden, I was able to find out how Teddy would feel about another sibling.

"Well done Ted you're doing really well! One day you'll have to teach James how to fly!" I compliment, steering the conversation nicely to where I want it.
"Thanks Harry" he replied, more concerned with dodging a tree then looking at me.
"Do you like having a brother Tedster?" I smile.
"Yes I do! It's really fun and I can show James how to be a big boy like me"
"Would you like to have more siblings one day Ted?" I hold my breath in anticipation, Teddy's opinion means so much to me. I just want him to be happy.
"Yes why? Only a boy though, girls are smelly" Teddy responded. By now we were simply hovering in mid air and I used my hand to show Teddy how to rise up and down without moving forwards or backwards.
"Oh really?" I laugh, "what about Vic, or Ginny?" I ask. This conversation is starting to feel very similar to the one we has two years ago. I can predict what Teddy will say next-
"I guess they're not that bad. Vici does run after me all the time trying to kiss me though. She always asks me to play mummies and daddies when we see them" Teddy confesses and squirms at the thought of kissing.
I laugh and help him off his broom after we touch down on the lush, green grass.

Walking inside, I hope that I haven't given anything away. I take a seat besides a still sleeping Ginny and shake her very gently. When she doesn't stir, I lean for down and press my lips against hers softly. I feel her body shift slightly beneath me, and I whisper, "sorry Gin but if you don't wake now you'll never sleep tonight and then you'll be mad at me for not waking you" I kiss her again and sit up, pull her up slowly.

Rubbing her eyes and running her fingers in her messy, knotted hair, I can't help but sigh at her beauty.

"What's time is it?" She mumbles quietly, and scraps some hair behind her ear from where it was pressed against her cheek.
Glancing at my watch, I inform her that it is "2:00pm" and that "I've already given the boys lunch about an hour ago"
She kisses me lightly and makes to get up when I use a wandless and non-verbal spell to hover a sandwich I had prepared for her earlier over to us from the kitchen.

Chuckling to herself, she whispers something like "you're so cute" so softly it was almost inaudible. I smile at her, and once again lose myself in her radiant beauty. That was of course, until she snapped at me for daydreaming and laughed.

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