Chapter 32

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Ginny's POV

"Hey Harry?" I call.
"Yeah Gin?" He answers, walking into the room.
"I wondered if you wanted to go to Diagon Alley today. I need to pick up a few things, and I thought, maybe, we could give George a visit. See how business is going" I suggest hopefully.
Thankfully, he smiles and nods, "sure love. That sounds fine, I'll go get the boys up for breakfast!"
"Thanks Harry. I love you" I smile.
And with a quick, "I love you too Gin", he disappears up the stairs to wake the boys for the day.

I hum softly to myself while I make us all bacon rolls for breakfast. Suddenly, the usually appetising aroma of bacon makes my insides churn and I have no choice but to run too the bathroom. I heave out the contents of my stomach, feeling a familiar pair of hands pull back my hair and rub circles on my back comfortingly. When I'm finally done, I nestle into Harry's arms and sigh. "This is going to be a long few months"
He chuckles softly, kissing my now sweaty forehead lightly.

A few minutes later, the four of us were all sat around our dining room table tucking heartily into our rolls. James has ketchup everywhere and seems to be very happy with himself because of it.

Hours later, Harry and I were strolling peacefully through Diagon Alley. We had dropped the boys off at Ron and Hermione's moments earlier, to give them some 'practice' and allow Harry and I some peace.

No sooner than 30 seconds after we apparite, we are surround by reporters, cameras and fans. I grit my teeth and put on my usual fake smile. We soon find out that all the reporters want, is to know if I'm pregnant again. Rolling my eyes, and gripping Harry's hand, we desperately try to make our way to Weasley Wizard Wheezes... to no avail.

We're surrounded. The blinding bulbs flash in our faces, leaving us blinking madly after a time. Finally, a rather plump man with a camera yells out above the crowd.

"Well? Is it true? Are you having another baby?"

Glancing at Harry, I see him take a breath. "Yes, my wife is expecting our second child"
I squeeze our interlocked hands and draw a deep breath. Of course the crowd erupted in a murmured and hesitated applause, and I knew they were wondering if the Prophet had been completely true.
"No, we did not demanded an appointment. The Prophet is notorious for exaggerating, if not entirely making things up!"
I sigh, earning an "oi!" from a Daily Prophet reporter. I glared at her, and she shrunk back into the crowd.

When we were finally rid of the crowd, we escaped to the back room to see George. For the first time in my life, I saw him sat behind a desk, actually concentrating on something.
"Hi Forge" I say with a sad grin.
He looks up from his paper supposed, "Oh hey guys! I didn't hear you come in, it's these owls you see. I can't hear with only one ear and all their bloody screeching!" He nodded his head in the direction of about 15 owls, all perched impatiently waiting to fly home. "Business is booming" he continued, "these owl postals are bringing in a fortune, but Merlin do the birds eventually get annoying. Sometimes I just wish Freddie was here to take over, you know?" He asked us, a gleam in his slightly watery eyes.
"I certainly do Forge" said a recognisable voice. Both me and Harry look up. Behind George's desk is a huge portrait, in which my brother is grinning back down on us.
"I don't know you connected another frame in this office George!" Harry exclaimed, as surprised as me.
"Yes" he murmured, "I had one connected immediately after he got a frame in the Burrow. Now he has three frames in which he can move between. Of course he spends most of his time here though" he adds with a grin.

George's POV

Harry and Ginny have just left for the Three Broomsticks, leaving me alone. Again. Rubbing my forehead to ease the inevitable headache, I sigh and head for my room. I lie on my old bed and allow a few, secret tears to escape down my cheeks. Dripping incessantly on the tip of my nose, they fall onto my pillow, forming a small wet patch.

I curl up in a ball, the same way I do every night before I go home to Angelina and act like nothing happened. Despite what I may look like to anybody else, I know I'm improving. Healing. Slowly, but healing.

For the first couple of months after it happened, I locked myself away up here and didn't speak to anybody. The shop was closed and I had no contact with anyone but myself. But that was the problem. I couldn't look myself in the mirror, without feeling a pang of sorrow and longing in my heart.  Finally I had to do something. The only thing I could. Dye my hair.

I went months with blue hair. It helped, not seeing him every time I saw my reflection, and I slowly started to heal. Now, a few years on, I still mourn for my other half, and I know I'll never be fully complete again.

Harry's POV

I'm sat next to Ginny in a booth in the Three Broomsticks ignoring the stares I'm receiving. I watch Ginny twist her wedding ring around her finger, like she's got something on her mind.
"Ok him what's up?"
"What do you-" she starts.
"You're thinking about something" I point out, "something's troubling you, I can tell" I say, placing my hand on hers to stop her fiddling.
"I think I want to leave the Harpies" she blurts out.
"Yes well I already knew that. What with you being pregnant and all"
"No, I mean permanently" I stare at her in shock for a few seconds, before she continues. "I've been thinking about it quite a lot recently and, well, I saw a job that would mean being the Daily Prophets new Quidditch Correspondent. I just thought-"
"Gin it's fine! I support you, and will continue to support you in everything you do. If this is what you want, then you should go for it" I calm her down, running my arms on her arms gently.

I give her a delicate kiss and then grin, "what do you say we go home Mrs Potter? I'm sure Ron and Hermione wouldn't mind keeping the boys for a few extra hours...", wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.
"Harry!" Ginny laughs, and then she looked serious and grabbed my hand, standing up. "Let's go Potter"

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