Chapter 2

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After a few minutes, the couple finally decided to go back down to the great hall. They walked hand in hand, mostly in silence except for occasional comments. As they stepped through the wide doorway, the hall fell completely silent and everyone stared in awe.

At that moment Harry almost forgot how he was a Gryffindor. He wanted to turn on his heels and run, it was too soon. He cursed himself for being so cowardly. Ginny looked at him with a reassuring smile and he immediately had more confidence.

Harry took a long breath. With Ginny by his side as his girlfriend once more, he felt strong. A few people began to murmur and others started clapping. Suddenly everyone was in full applause.

Clutching tightly to each other, they sat down on the bench besides their friends and family. A few of them made quiet and disjointed conversation but most sat in stunned silence.

"It's not your fault Harry" George muttered, staring into space. He swallowed deeply as if gulping down the pure pain that was etched upon his face.

Under happier circumstances, Ginny may have been smug as she learnt her head onto Harry's shoulder before saying "I told you so"

Mrs Weasley raised an eyebrow at her daughter leaning on Harry. Ginny spoke before she had the chance to say anything "yes mum we're back together"
Mrs Weasley smiled warmly and said "oh good, I'm glad you worked things out"

Behind them, a smaller but noticeable round of applause announced that Ron and Hermione were approaching. The pair took a seat next to Harry.

"We wondered where you had got to Harry" Hermione said just as she was interrupted by Ron.
"Hang on, Ginny why are you on Harry!" Ron eyed his sister suspiciously.
Ginny sat up straight and snapped, "I'm not on him, I'm next to him. There's a difference"

Seeing where this was heading Harry decided he need to say something if he didn't want his girlfriend and best mate to fall out.
"Ron, Ginny and I have just talked everything out and decided to get back together"

Ron's face folded into a frown and he narrowed his eyes "Ginny are you mad! He broke your heart leaving you..."
Ginny thumped her fist down onto the table (a few heads turned in our direction) and almost yelled "Ron! How dare you! You know better than anyone that Harry only left me to protect me from Volde.."

Equalling Ginny's tone, Ron interrupted "don't say his name!" He shuddered.
"Ron he's dead" Ginny folded her arms angrily.
"I know it's just memories that's all. Hang on don't change the subject!"
"Ron, Ginny makes me happy I swear I would never have left her if I had the choice" Harry pleaded Ron to see his view.

Thankfully Hermione could see sense and spoke up. "Ron stop it. Leave them be, besides Harry of all people deserves to be happy"
Mrs Weasley also spoke up in a stern mother-like tone, "leave them dear"

"I want proof"
"Of what?" Ginny exclaimed furiously.
"Well how can I believe it won't end in heartbreak"
Hermione once again, came to Harry's rescue "Ron, isn't it obvious, it all fits together!"

"What does?" Ron looked at her in confusion.
Eyeing her 'stupid brother', Ginny herself wanted to hear of this proof.
"Remember when we met those Veela somewhere in Wales? Well remember how stunned you were in their presence but Harry wasn't affected at all was her?"

"So what does that prove" huffed Ron, "I don't understand how that's proof"

"It proves that Harry likes me" Ginny interjected in attempt to shut him up.
"No Ginny" Hermione disagreed, "it proves that he loves you as veela can only be resisted by true love for someone else"

"Oh!" Hermione gasped as if she had just remembered something huge, "oh Ron, don't you remember how he stared at the marauders map every day?"
She was growing increasingly more excited by the second.

In denial, Ron dismissed the importance of this, "so? He was looking at Snape wasn't he?"
"No Ronald, though that's what we thought, but you were watching Ginny weren't you Harry!"

Harry nodded his head slightly.
"I figured once you had re-started the DA you would be alright..."
This surprised Luna, Neville and Ginny greatly.
"You knew?" Luna questioned.
Neville was just as confused "yeah Harry how did you know?"

Harry shrugged, "I saw you all go into the room of requirement everyday and simply assumed. I wasn't 100% sure but it helped my state of mind to think that you were all looking out for each other"

Neville smiled "of course"

Ginny's mind was racing at 100 miles an hour. She was still trying to comprehend that Harry, her Harry, loved her. He loved her as she loved him.

I hope you liked the second chapter guys!

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