Chapter 5 Tickle me

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(Esther's POV)

"We're here."  I pulled off in front of Avi's home and said to him.

We went to our cousin's 21th birthday party, and he was forced to  drink.  

"You're getting heavier.  Ashley feed you well, huh?"  I chuckled as I helped drunk Avi out of my car.

Ashley would only cook for Mitch,  because she "hates" Avi, then she "accidentally" cook too much, then Avi could have all the leftovers, and call her cooking "disgusting", but he still finished all of it.  

Arriving at the doorstep, I rung the doorbell, and I made sure that Avi was standing still by himself.

He was standing still, but he had a strange smile on his face.

"Oh hey Esther!!"  Ashley opened the door and greeted me.

"Hey Ash, is Mitch here?"  I asked.

"No, he's out with Scott.  ....What's wrong with him!!?"  She asked as she noticed Avi's weird behavior. He's leaning slightly to the left.

"He's...drunk.  Please take care of him, it will be hard, but for me, please?"  I asked.

She won't refuse if I say that it's for me, she's nice to everyone but Avi.

"Yes, of course.  Well, I'll try not to let him fall at least."  She said.

"Yay, thank you."  I gave her a hug.

There're three states on Avi being drunk.  One is tipsy, this is when he'll ask tons of questions.  Two is the middle one where he'll be all cute and silly.  Three is completely wasted, he'll be lustful.

 He's at probably the middle now.  I reckon it's safe.  Maybe they will develop something special!

(Ashley's POV)

After Esther left, I pulled Avi into the house and closed the door.

"Now, you sit."  I pointed at the couch.

He giggled as a response and went to the couch.

Since I didn't want to touch him, I just followed behind him to make sure he didn't fall.

He finally made his way to the couch and sat down, and I sat a bit far away beside him to keep him from doing something stupid and hurt himself.

I opened a book to read, to pass time, and to avoid the awkwardness....Avi's singing "talk dirty" to the lamp beside him right now, and I'm pretty sure he superfrowned at it as well.

I ignored him and kept reading.  Then he suddenly stopped, and I looked up at him.

He looked at me very seriously, like there's something wrong.

"Tickle me."  He said.

"What?"  I said in shock.

"Tickle me."  He said with a grin.

"What? No!"  I replied.

He pouted as I got back to my book.

I thought he gave up, but he didn't.  He reached out his arms and grabbed my hand.

I gasped and tried to struggle out of his grip, but it's no use, I gave in eventually.

He took my hand and placed it on his stomach as he laid back comfortably.

A/N: To be continued.

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