Chapter 32 Meet and greet

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A/N:  You might be confused when reading this chapter, but you'll get it when you finish it. :D

(Mitch's POV)

It's been two month since we have started touring, and we're now back in America.  We were still far from home though, and we can't possibly go home.  It was sad.  And I called Ashley to see if she can come to any of our concerts because I miss her so much.  But she can't, she said she has work, and she gets lost easily.

I heard something interesting the other day, I heard that Avi and Ashley have been talking on the phone and even texting a lot.  I wonder when will they be together, I reckon it's close!

It's seven p.m, and we are doing our meet and greet for the V.I.Ps before our concert.

After a while, there's only a person left.

He was bending down, tying his shoe laces.  The line in front of him was cleared out completely.  All of the V.I.Ps except him were gone to the other room next to this one, where we will perform a song just for them.

He was so slow that the staff, who was at the door to the next room, looked over at us.

"Please tell them to wait for a while."   Kevin said to the staff.

The staff nodded, walked to the other room, and shut the door.

Now there're only us and the boy in this room.

"I'm very sorry."  The boy said after he finished tying his shoe, and looked up.

His voice is a bit weird.  But damn he was cute.

His eyes were golden color, you could tell that he was wearing contact lenses.

He was wearing a cap, which I have the exact same one.

I checked him out, he is a bit skinny for a boy, and he was short as well. 

But his face is like an angel.

"Dibs."  I called.

"What?  You can't do that!"  Scott, who was sitting on my left, whispered.

Obviously he was thinking about flirting with that boy as well.

The boy walked over to Kevin.

"Hi, what's your name?"  Kevin asked.

"I'm Adam."  He smiled.

"Hi, Adam.  How's your day?"  Kevin asked, as he signed his poster.

(Adam's POV)

After chatting a bit with Kevin, I moved on to Kirstie.

"Hi!!"  Kirstie smiled her signature smile.

"Hi, Kristie!"  

I don't know why, but I just had to do that. I called her Kristie instead of Kirstie.

"It's Kirstie."  She chuckled.

She is just so nice.  Reason number one hundred why I love her.

(Avi's POV)

After Adam's done with Kirstie, he went to me.

"Avi, hi!"  He smiled, and reached a hand out.

"Hello Adam."  I shook his hand.

The moment I touched his hand, something happened.

I felt...a shock.  Why does it does that?

I haven't had that feeling since the time that I grabbed Ashley's hand in the hospital.

I looked into his eyes as I released his hand.  He was blushing, and it was so cute.

Am I having feelings for a guy...??

(Scott's POV)

After Adam finished chatting with Avi, he went to Mitch.

"Hi. Adam!!"  Mitch said with a nice smile.

"Hi."  Adam replied.

Mitch stood up and gave him a hug.

"I love your hat.  Actually, I have a same one."  He said.

"Oh, really?  That's cool!!"  He said.

"Yeah, too bad I left it at home and didn't wear it.  Otherwise we would be matching."  Mitch chuckled.

He flirt with Adam for some more, and I glared at him.

Finally, they finished talking, and Adam walked to me.

"Hi, Scott."  He said to me.

"Hello!!"  I said.  

I stood up, and held up my arms to hug him.

He looked at me with a smirk.  But he didn't came in for a hug.

I was confused, and I tilted my head a bit.

"I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!!!!"  He suddenly yelled.

And I was shocked.

He stepped on the table between us and he jumped on me completely.

Because of the sudden action, after I caught him, I fell onto the ground.

He pinned me down.

"Ahhh!!"  I yelled in panic.

I struggled, but I couldn't got out from him.

"Omg!"  The gang all covered their mouths with their hands, and they don't know what to do.

"Don't you move!!"  He said to me, he lowered himself, and his face got closer to me.

"Nooo!!!"  I was truly scared.  

"I love you to death."  He widened his eyes, and said it creepily with a grin.

He pursed up his lips, and he closed his eyes.

His face is now only inches from mine.

He is cute, and I'm glad that he likes me, but this is too over.

I looked at him, and I noticed something.

There's a noticeable scar on his temple....

OMG!!!!!OH MY GOD!!!

I chuckled in excitement.

A/N:  Haha, I hope you all get that. 

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