Chapter 62 Jenna is me

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(Jeremy's POV)

I looked at the piece of paper that Ashley gave me.

"What's this?"  I asked.   There's numbers on it.

"Kirstie's number."  She smirked.

Kirstie's number....?

"Call her."  Ashley said.

I look at the numbers on the paper, they're written in blue ink.  But it looked like they're glowing.

"I don't know...I mean..."  I mumbled.

I tried to kill her once!!  And I robbed her ring.  There's no way she'll go out with me.

Plus, she's god damn gorgeous.  I'm not good enough for her.

"She likes you, I can tell.  Just promise you will call her, okay?"  Ashley said.


"No buts.  I'm telling you, she likes you, and I know you like her, too."  She smirked.

"Okay..I will."  I tried to look calm.  But I'm screaming in excitement on the inside. 

Maybe there's a slight chance between us.

"Yay."  She smiled wide.

"Thank you, Ashley.  Now I'm gonna go."  I hugged her again, then I left.

As I walked out, I held that paper in my hands tightly, like it will fly away suddenly.

(Ashley's POV)

I closed the door for Jeremy.

"Kirstie and Jeremy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I.."  I sang.

"Hey, Ash."  Kirstie said as she walked out from my bedroom.

I jumped a little.

"What are you doing?"  She asked.

"Nothing."  I hid my giggle.


I finished in my head.

"Okay..."  She gave me a weird look.

The rest of them all walked out.

"Ash, we're gonna go and let you rest."  Kevin said.

"'re going?"  I pouted.

"Yes, so you can go back to sleep."  Kirstie said.

I pouted, and I stared at them.

"Don't do that, love.  We'll come back when you feel a little better, okay?"  Scott said.

He lowered himself to hug me.  They all come towards at me suddenly, and it became a giant group hug.

They all said some encouraging words.

"Someone's dying in here!"  I was squished in the middle, and I cried for help.

"Don't even joke about it, babe."  Avi said.

We broke apart, it's a satisfying hug.

After that Avi, Mitch and I walked them to the door and said goodbye to them.


(Avi's POV)

There's something that Ashley's not telling us.  I know it.

But none of us dare to ask her about what Jenna did to her.  

I'm worried about her.  When I saw her in that cell, she was terrified.  And that hanging chain above her....

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