Chapter 59 Here to take you home

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(Jeremy's POV)

I rung the door bell, and stood by the door.

A guy opened the door.

This is Mitch, I recognize him from Jenna's picture.

He looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

"There's no time to explain, but-"  I spoke quickly.

I looked inside the house, and met eyes with Avi.

"Jeremy!!!"  Avi said with rage.

He walked towards me.

Mitch stepped back.

Avi grabbed me by the collar.

"Where is Ashley??"  He growled.

A familiar face ran into the living room.

It was Kirstie.

"What's going on?"  She asked, trying to see who is Avi talking with.

Then she saw me, and gasped.

She hid behind Mitch, and Mitch acted confused.

"Answer me!!"  Avi yelled.

His grip tightened.

"Avi, he can't talk if you do that..."  Kirstie mumbled behind Mitch.

Avi let go of me.

"I know where she is.  And I'll take you guys there.  Call the police first."  I said breathlessly.

They stared at me for a few seconds before reacting.

Kirstie covered her mouth with her hands, and she cried, those are happy tears I suppose.

She walked out of Mitch's back., and I can finally see her entirely.

She is as beautiful as I remembered.

I was too caught up that I didn't realize Avi's handing the phone to me.

I took the phone from him and told the police where Jenna's house is.

After that I hung up.

"Oh, I'll call Scott and Kevin."  Mitch said as he took out his phone.

"Do that on the car."  Avi said as he walked out the door.


(Kirstie's POV)

We followed this "Jeremy" guy, and Avi drove.

"You trust him?"  Mitch asked Avi, he was sitting in the front seat, I was sitting in the back.

"We don't have a choice, do we?"  Avi said.

He's right, this is our only chance to find Ashley.

"Guys, there's something that I didn't tell you."  I spoke softly.

Mitch turned his head, and Avi looked at me in the rear view mirror.

"Jeremy showed up at my apartment last night."  I said.

Mitch gasped, and Avi bent his brows.

"He took my ring."  I held up my hand, and showed them my non-accessorized hand.

"Did he hurt you?"  Mitch asked in concern.

"I thought he was going to, but he didn't.  He choked me at first, but then he asked for my ring.  He ran away after I gave it to him."  I said.

He looked like he didn't want to do it.  He looked forced.  I believe he is innocent.  And not that it's important, but he is cute.

"Why did he need your ring though?"  Mitch asked.

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