Chapter 54 Don't worry

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(Mitch's POV)

I walked out of my bedroom, and found that Avi was sitting still on the couch.

"Hey, you didn't sleep at all?"  I asked.

He shook his head.  He had been waiting.

I did sleep a little, but not well.

"It's been a whole night, Mitch."  He said with frustration.

I sat down on the couch.

"You think she just don't want to see me..?"  He asked. 

"Maybe.  Wait, no..."

Suddenly, it clicked.

"If she just simply don't wanna see you.  She would still call me and tell me not to worry.  That's what she would definitely do."  I said.

And it makes so much sense.  She hates letting people worry about her.

Avi took out his phone, so fast he almost drop it.

"I'm calling the police.  Right now."  Avi said.  He looked like he's panicking.


(Ashley's POV)

I opened my eyes.

Where am I??

This is clearly not my room!!

And this is...not even a room.

As I was fully awoke, I looked around me.

I tried to move, then I realized that I was chained.

I gasped and struggled.

My hands were above my head, and my legs were spread apart, also chained.

My knees were bent, kinda looks like I'm giving birth.

I was lying on a iron table.

It was a quite a big room, and everything in here all looked specially designed.  Including a toilet....

Then I suddenly felt cold.  

That's when I realized, I was only wearing underthings. And they were't even mine.

I screamed my lungs out.  This is so scary.

"Now, now, what is it?"  I heard Jenna's voice and footsteps getting closer.

And then the silver door opened.

"Oh, you're awake."  She smiled wickedly at me.

I looked at her angrily.

"Aww, you're angry?  Adorable."  She pouted.

She walked closer to me.

"I just changed you.  I didn't do anything else.....Yet."  She laughed.

After she stopped laughing, she looked towards the door.

"Damn it.  Jeremy!!!"  She yelled.

He peeked his head out.

"Come in here, you worthless piece of sh&t."  She ordered.

Jeremy walked in carefully, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You, watch her while I go and get prepared."  She ordered.

Prepared for what...?

"You, get comfortable."  She said to me.

She gave me a smirk as she walked out.

After the door closed, I opened my mouth speak to Jeremy.

"I didn't see anything, I promise."  He blushed.

"That's not important.  Can you please free me?"  I said.

"I would love to.  But I don't have the keys, and I weren't suppose to..."  He looked at my eyes, and not anywhere else.

He is a good guy, I assume.

(Jeremy's POV)

"Please tell me that Avi is okay..."  She said to me.

She's imprisoned but she is still concerning about her boyfriend.  She must love him very much.

"I'm sure he's fine."  I tried to give her a smile.

She sighed in relief.

"If you can't let me go, can you please tell my friends that I'm fine and don't worry..."  She pleaded me with her watery eyes.

"You are not fine, Ashley."

You are not going to be fine after Jenna comes back.  You won't even have the strength to speak...

I wanted to tell her that, but I can't. 

I looked at her.  She reminded me of my own sister, who was Jenna's previous victim.

"Why is she doing this?"  She asked.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Jenna walked in.

"Because I love you."  She laughed, cold and harsh.

Her hands holding the thing that would make Ashley suffer...

The whole image of the past came back to me...

The moment I opened the same door, seeing my sister lying at the place where Ashley was lying right now.

It was the sixth day my sister went missing.

Her face was still, she is numb to what Jenna's doing to her.

She looked at me, but she didn't seem to recognize me.

Her eyes had no soul in them.

Nothing matter to her anymore...

Jenna made a deal with me.

She'd let my sister go, if I stay here as her helper forever.

Reminder:  Please vote and I'll give you virtual cookies.  They're REALLY delicious.

A/N:  I'm sorry that this is intense...

There's a hurricane hitting our Country so I don't have to go to school tmr.  On the bright side I'll be able to spend more time writing.

Thank you so much for reading, voting, and giving feedbacks.  I love y'all and stay safe:)

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