Chapter 30 We are so bad

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(Ashley's POV)

After singing on the stage for 2 hours, which is my work, I sat behind the bar and went through my phone.

Wooo!!  Sleep war picture!  Nice, Kevin!  

I chuckled at the cute photo.

Avi's dozing off on the plane.  He had a headphone on, and his lips were parted.  It's so cute.

"AHHH!!"  A girl screamed and tripped towards my way.

The next thing I know, my shirt was soaked with liquor.

"Are you okay?"  I asked the girl who is now on the floor.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine.  Oh my gosh, I spilled all over you!!  I am so sorry."  The girl got up from the ground and gasped.

As soon as she stood up, I recognized her.  She the beautiful waitress that the bar recently hired.  She must be delivering the drinks when she fell.

"No, it's okay."  I looked down at my wet shirt, and then my phone.  Thank god my phone looked alright.

"I should clean you up.  Follow me to the rest room."  She  said to me with concern.

"You don't have to really."  I smiled at her.

"No, I-what's the word..insit?  Insist.  I insist."  She said.

Okay, so she's not good with words....

She grabbed my wrist and took me to the rest room.

After we're in the rest room, she grabbed some tissues and started to dab my shirt.

"You're new here?"  I started the conversation so it won't be awkward, one of her hand is currently placing on my boob....

"Yeah. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.  I'm-"  She threw the tissues aside.

"J-E-N-N-A, My name is Jenna and you can call me Jen!!!!  Goooo, Jenna."  She waved her hands around, cheering.

I was quite confused, but I still clapped.

"Wow, that was impressive, Jen."  I smiled.

"Thanks, I was a former full time cheer leader.  My coach said I am too old to be in the team, so I left.  And now working here."  She shrugged.

"But you look young."  I said.  She looked like 22 or 23, probably my age.

"I know, I wonder what the coach was thinking.  Ugh, stupid elementary school."  She said.

Elementary school...?

"Anyways, I love your performance."  She said as she grabbed some more tissues.

"Thanks, I'm Ashley by the way."  I said.

"I know.  Ashley Happlesful right?"  She said as she kept on dabbing my shirt.

"Yeah, how did you know...?"  I asked.

"C'mon, you're the only reason why people came to this bar.  How can I not know your name working here?"  She said.

"That's not true, people come here for many reasons."  I said.

"You're just being humbly."  She said.

I'm sure she meant humble.  But it's alright.

"You're done for the day right?  Why did you stay here, but not going home?"  She said.

It's true, I finished my performance an hour ago, but I didn't go home.

"Umm, my room mates are touring at the moment so....yeah, I don't want to be home all alone..."  I said.

I knew I had to go home eventually though.

"Touring?  Wow, are your room mates famous?"  She asked.

"Well, they're in a band called Pentat-"  I said.

"Pentatonix??"  She literally jumped in excitement.

"Yeah."  I said.

"OMG!!!  That's so cool!!!  You live with Pentatonix!!?" 

"Not all of them though, just Avi and Mitch, but I do know all of them."  I said.

"Wow, that's like, super cool."  She said.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool."  I chuckled.

"So do you got eyes on anyone of them?"  She asked as she threw the tissues away into the trash.  Looks like she's done.


I blushed. I don't know what to answer here.

 "You're blushing, so that's a yes??  Omg!!  Is it Scott?"  She smirked.

I didn't reply her, I just nervously scratched my face.

"You know what?  I'll buy you a drink as an apology for what I did, and then we'll talk about this, okay?"  She said.

"You don't have buy me a drink, it's fine."  I said.

"I insit, damn it, I meant insist.  I insist."  She said.

Well, think about it, if I spend a bit more time with Jenna, I can be home later.  Plus, she seems nice.

"If you insist, then okay."  I smiled at her.

"Yayy!!!  Let's go.  Oh, but first, can I please take a picture with you and tweek it?"  She asked.

"You mean tweet it?"  I asked.

She nodded.

"Yeah, sure, of course."  I said.


(Scott's POV)

After a few hours on the plane, we finally got into our tour bus.

"Hey, guys, Ashley has a hot friend!"  Mitch said at the front area.

We all gather around Mitch and he showed us the tweet.

It was a picture of Ashley and a girl posing in front of a full-length mirror.

The girl was wearing tight shirt, and she was wearing lots of make-up.  She was a bit taller than Ash, and she has blonde hair with some pink highlights. 

"I think Ashley's hotter though."  I said.

"Agreed.  Do you remember the time we went to the beach, and she was wearing that tiny bikini?"  Mitch said.

I could see Avi blushing from the corner of my eye.  

"Oh, yeah, I can't even look at her without blushing."  I said, and emphasized the word 'blushing'.

The gang instantly noticed that Avi was blushing, and we exchange some looks.

"You know what would be hot though?  If the two of them hook up."  Kirstie said.

I know she's trying to test Avi, but that's just nasty.

"Kirstie!!!!"  Kevin dropped his jaw.

Avi's cheeks were literally so red right now.

"Woah, and the tweet is extremely misleading. Listen, 'Oops, I got this girl all wet, and-'"  Mitch read.

"I'm gonna go take-take a n-nap."  Avi said as he stood up and walked away quickly.  His face was so red that I think it's about to explode.

"He can't handle that!!"  Kevin chuckled.

And we all laughed so hard.

"We are so bad."  Mitch chuckled.

A/N: Jenna is not just a normal character, she will be important.*laughs*

I love your comments so much, guys!!!  Thank you!!!!  I hope you like this chapter.  And please comment your thoughts, and be sure to vote!!  I LOVE YOU!!!!  BYE:)

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