Chapter 22 Is she waking?

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(Esther's POV)

Yesterday night, I got a call from Avi, saying that Ashley hit her head, and now is in a coma.

I was going to rush here, but Avi told me that they only got three minutes to see her.

Then today......sadly she didn't wake I came here to see her.

Mitch, Avi and I arrived a bit earlier than visiting hours, so we're sitting here waiting for the others and for the nurse to open the door for us.

We sat in silence.

Mitch was looking around, and Avi had his chin buried in his hands.

"Guys, how's her yesterday...?"  I broke the silence.

"Her whole face was so pale, and her breath was slow..."  Mitch answered.

I nodded.  I can't believe this is happening.

I looked over at Avi with his eyes closed, looking like he was in pain.

"Avi, are you okay?"  I asked as I put my hand on his back.

Avi didn't reply immediately, I waited for like a few seconds for him to speak.

"She.....said my name..."  Avi mumbled.

"Huh?"  I was confused.

"Ashley.  Ashley said my name before she passed out!"  Avi spoke, getting more and more frustrated.

"She did?"  Mitch replied.

"Yeah..."  Avi said.

"So  how do you feel about that?"  I asked.  He better not deny his feelings again.

He looked up in the air.

"I want her to say it again..."  He mumbled.

I smiled at his answer.

"Avi, that is so sweet."  Mitch said.

Situations like this always make people realize something different.

"But if she desn't wake up, I'll never get to hear her voice again."  Avi said painfully.

"She'll wake up...I know she will."  I said.

(Avi's POV)

A while later, the others arrived and the nurse called us in.

"You guys can stay here until 8 p.m. today, and at night one of you can stay here if necessary."  The female nurse informed us and then left.

"Can I please stay for the night?"  I asked after the nurse closed the door.  I wanted to stay here, I don't want to leave til she wakes up.

They all nodded, though all of them looked like they wanted to stay as well.

I looked over at Ashley, her face seemed even paler than yesterday.  It's like she's wilting.

All of us brought something for her, some pictures and some flowers.  We put them on the counter near her bed.

Then all of a sudden, Esther's phone rang.  

"Excuse me."  She said before picking it up.

"Hello?"  She answered in a low voice. 

" Yes, I'm with all of them."

"Speaker phone? Okay, hold on a sec."  She said.

"Guys, it's Ryan, he wanted to speak to us."  She said to us.

"Ryan, you're on speaker phone."  Esther said after pressing a button.

"Guys?  Did you all forget about the rehearsal today?"  Ryan said, sounded quite unhappy.

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