Chapter 37 Kevin's phone

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(Ashley's POV)

I opened my eyes.

My eyes are blurry, but I can tell that I'm lying in between two very very sweaty men.

Oh my god!!!  What have I done???

I turn my heavy head to the left.

My eyes can finally see clearly.

Oh, it's just Scott...not some random guy.

I looked over to the right, and I saw Mitch.

I chuckled to myself, and it hurt my head a little.

So many people would love to be in my position right now.

All I remember from last night was playing that game with Avi.  I have no idea how I ended up in the hotel with Scott and Mitch.

Where's Avi..?

I sat up, and felt a huge headache.

I looked over to the right.

Avi was there!!  I understand now why Scott, Mitch and I were lying together so closely.

Avi took up most of the space!!

His hair was a mess, and his mouth was opened. 

It was so cute.  If I could just go over there and kiss him....

No, wait.  What am I thinking.

Looking at him though, make me think of something.....something that I might have forgotten.

I shrugged.  I couldn't recall what it is.

I got off the bed. 

I need to take a shower first, so I went into the bathroom.

(Scott's POV)

"Cuddles..."  I mumbled, only half awake.

I searched for Ashley with my eyes still closed.

But I couldn't feel her next to me.

I panicked.  

My eyes wide opened.

 "Ash?"  I questioned.

She wasn't there by my side!

I looked over to the right.

Phew!  Avi's still there.  

Yesterday we had to pin both of them down until they both fell asleep.

It's so terrifying seeing the slightly kinky side of Ashley, I mean who would like to see a cactus manhood....

Oh god, I'll never look at cactuses the same way ever again.

Where is Ashley anyway?

I sat up on the bed, then I heard the shower from the bathroom.

Uh, it must be her.

I hope she won't remember anything from last night. I know Avi won't though.

I scratched my head and sighed, and I heard the doorbell.

I walked over to answer it.

"Morning."  Kirstie said with a deathful glare.  And Kevin didn't look too happy as well.

Oh dear.

"Morning.  Come in."  I laughed nervously and let them in.

They looked furious.

After Kirstie went in, she grabbed a pillow and hit directly on Mitch's face.

And Kevin, he took out his phone and took a picture of Avi first, and then hit him with a pillow.

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