Chapter 25 Ducks

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(Ashley's POV)

"Stay closely behind me."  He whispered after we walked out of my ward.

I listened to him, and followed his back as closely as I could.

I tried so hard to not giggle at how cute he's acting.  It's like he's on a mission or something, so serious.

We managed to dodge every nurse and doctor half of our way to the elevator.

But then, the doctor that was supposed to do my check was walking over.

We're so close to the elevator, if he caught me now, everything would be in vain.

"Cactus, that's my doctor!"  I whisper yelled.

Dang it.  He's getting closer!

"Back up, Ashley."  Avi whispered.

I took a few steps back, and he did the same.

We backed up to a door, Avi opened it, and I went in to hide.

After I got in, I was quite shock, this room is so small.  It seems like a storage room.

He quickly stepped in after me, and he closed the door behind him.

After he closed the door, he seemed to realize that this is a tiny room as well.

I was always aware of not touching him.  But in this situation, touching couldn't be avoid.

Our bodies kind of just slammed together.

Cause we're facing each other, everything is just awkward.

I looked away, blushing like an idiot.  And he chuckled nervously.

He reached his hand up, which hit a bunch of stuff, and scratched the back of his head. 

"You...look nice today."  He said nervously, filling the awkward silence.

I  just woke up from a two-day coma, how could I be looking nice?

"You don't have to talk."  I chuckled.

"I'm sorry."  He said.

"It's fine.  You think he's gone?"  I asked.

"Yeah, I think so, let's go out."


We escaped successfully, and we went to the park just across from the hospital.

We walked quite in silence, but it's actually not that awkward.

The warm wind was blowing, and birds were chirping in the sky.  It's very nice.

Eventually, we sat down on a bench to rest.

"Are you tired?"  Avi asked while sitting down next to me.

"Nope.  Two days of sleep, Cactus.  Two days."  I reminded him.

None of us speak for a while, we just looked at the ducks swimming in the pond in front of us. 

"Umm, Cactus?"  I called, breaking the silence.

I used to call him cactus just to mock him, now it seems different.

"Hmm?"  He turned his head to look at me.

"Thank you."  I looked at him for a brief second to give him a smile, then I just went back to looking at the pond.

"For what?"  He asked.

"Everything."  I replied.

"Hey, I said and did so much harsh things to you, I owe you."  He said.

"No, I owe you...."  I said.

"Okay, from now on, no one owes anyone anything, let's just be nice to each other."  Avi said.

"Yes, I agree."  I said.

He smiled, and looked back at the ducks.

"You wanna feed the ducks?  There's a vending machine selling duck food over there."  I suggested.

"I thought you'd never ask."

A/N:  The park scene hasn't finish yet:)

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