Chapter 9 This happened on the dance floor

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(Avi's POV)

The next day, Ashley went out late again, and I decided to stalk her.  Not because that I care who left those hickies, but ONLY because I want to go out.

Seriously though, I'm not used to seeing her touched by someone else...

Living with her for more than a year, she had never once brought guys home, nor did she ever talked about her relationship with guys.  

I stalked her into the club that's near our house.  That's weird, she seldom go to places like this.

 She got in before I did, and I lost her immediately when I went in.

Dance floor in the middle, I sat in one of the tables beside it, and watch people dancing crazily along to the heavy music.

I think Ashley might be dancing as well, but I don't want to go near there, it look crowded, and so many people looked drunk.

Although I didn't bother going in, I was still searching for Ashley, again not because I care...

Oh, I see her!!!

She is on the dance floor!!  But she's looked quite awkward over there, and she looked not very comfortable.

I shook my head.  She is just stupid and clumsy.

All of a sudden, a tall, black hair, black eyes, with some obvious tattoos, tough, strong, drunk guy moved over to her.

 He grabbed her hips rudely from behind and it took her by surprise.

Ashley turned around, giving him a warm smile.

Why is she smiling!!??  Slap him right in the face, Ashley!!

The drunk guy took her by the waist and pulled her in until there's no extra space between them.

They danced together, with her boobs just rubbing against him.  

Look at that dirty grin on his face, makes me wanna punch him.

He grabbed her butt with his hands, and gave it firm squeezes.

That's way too far!!  

I clenched my fist real tight just as I was crushing his bones.  I'm so angry, I don't even know why.

The guy finally moved his hands.

I calmed down a little, but still very angry.

No!!  He's snaking his hands up from her waist to her breasts...

They turned a little and I saw Ashley's face.

Judged by her facial expression, she's not okay with this.

He lowered himself and bit harshly on her neck.

"Please don't.."  I saw  Ashley mouthed.

That's it.  I'm going over there.

I stood up, and walked to their direction furiously.

Ashley saw me, and she just pushed that guy away from her.  

"You son of a-"  I yelled over the music, and pouched him right on the face.

"Ah!"  He groaned, and passed out on the floor.

Woah, he must been really drunk.

"You're welcome!!"  I yelled to Ashley, who was certainly shocked.

She knelt down beside him with concern on her face.

"What are you doing?  Let's get out of here!!"  I yelled over the music to her.

"I can't just leave him here!!  He's my boyfriend!!"  She yelled back.


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