Chapter 69 Things are changing

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(Avi's POV)

"Where's Mitch..?"  Ashley mumbled.

After Ashley and I decided to move out, we got dressed and looked for Mitch.

But we couldn't find him anywhere in the house.

"Maybe he went out.  Cause you know...we're too loud."  I said as I followed her back.

We walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Do you think he's mad at us?"  Ashley asked in concern.

"I don't think he's mad.  But if he is, it's totally your fault."  I smirked.

I had no idea why, but I love arguing with her.

"Whaaa?"  She glared at me.

I pulled her close and press her head down so she's lying on my chest.

"You heard me.  Your fault cause you're louder."  I said.

I wrapped my arms around her body.

"You made me, so that's your fault."  Ashley pouted.

"It's totally your fault."  I whispered into her ear, and I kissed her cheek.

"Okay."  She shrugged.

Odd, why did she let me win this easily.

She wriggled and escaped from my arms, and she tackled me down.

I lay on the arm of the couch with Ashley on top of me.

She looked at me with a grin.

Oh my gosh, she wants to do it the second time?

I must be really good.

She leaned down to give me a sweet kiss.

Her hands snaked up my shirt, and she unbuttoned it slowly.

But she stopped when she reached the third button.

Her cold hands rubbed my chest.

She pulled away slowly.

"I love.."  She said.

Suddenly, she pulled a chunk of my chest hair off from my chest.

"Ahhhh!!!"  I yelled.  It burned, it burned!!!!! 

"You."  She finished her previous sentence.

I looked at her while wincing in pain.

"Who's louder now?"  She chuckled.

It turns out that she's not letting me win.

"It hurts, babe.."  I mumbled.

I looked at her with puppy dog eyes, earning her sympathy.

"I'm so sorry."  She rubbed my chest, trying to ease the pain.

She leaned down and kissed the spot she just rubbed, making it better than ever.

"I love you."  I said about the forth time today.

"I love you, too."  She said.

We kissed once again.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Not this again!!"  Mitch whined as he saw us making out on the couch when he entered.

We untangled from each other, and sat still.

"Mitch..."  Ashley started.

"We have something to tell you."  I said.


Mitch put down his 3000$ bag, and walked to us.

We made space for him in between us.

"What do you guys tell mama?"  He said as he sat down.

"We're really sorry for not closing the door.."  Ashley blushed.

"Yeah.  Though it's totally Ash's fault."  I teased.

I could feel her glaring at me.  I love it.

"Nah, it's okay.  I just went to Scott's, it's alright."  He replied.

"There's another thing though."  I said.

I just realized that telling him we're moving is so hard.  

Living with Mitch for so long, we're like a family now.

I looked at Ashley, hoping she'll say it.

"Mitchy, we're thinking about moving out."  Ashley said as she carefully watching Mitch's facial expression.


(Mitch's POV)

Like I thought, this is really happening.

I didn't expect it to be so soon, oh well.

"Oh , okay.  You should."  I faked a smile.

"We kind of already decided, Mitch.  I mean, we've been bothering you so much."  Avi said.

"You guys never bothered me."  I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Mitch, we're sorry."  Ashley leaned her head down on my shoulder.

"Sorry for what? I'm okay with it.  Don't feel sorry.  And it's not like we won't see each other once you guys move out, right?"  I said, numbing myself from the fact that they are leaving.

They didn't speak for quite some time.

I brought them into a group hug.

"Give mama some love."  I said.

Ashley kissed my left cheek, and Avi kissed my right cheek.

I hate that things are gonna change.  But I'm so happy for them.

Reminder:  Please vote:)

A/N:  Next chapter will be the last one:)

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