Chapter 42 Avi

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(Ashley's POV)

There we were, biting each other's face off.

For a few seconds, I didn't know what I was doing.

I was being controlled by pure hunger and thirst.

When I finally took back my consciousness, I enjoyed it even more.

His magical beard tickling me, and our lips moved in sync.

The taste was the same as the first time we kissed, yet this time it was completely different, and it meant different.

I suddenly snapped back to the reality.

What does this kiss even mean....?

I pushed him away suddenly.

I turned away from him to avoid the awkwardness.

"I'm sorry."  I mumbled as I tried to catch my breath.

"I kissed you, Ashley...."  Avi said softly behind me.

"But I did kiss you back."  I said.

I madly kissed him back.  Madly.

"'s a bad thing to kiss back?"  He said.

"Kissing back without knowing exactly what the kiss meant is a bad thing."  I mumbled.

"I can tell you what the kiss meant.  But please...look at me."

I turned around, facing him.

His cheeks were red, probably because of the long, intense kiss we just shared.

He took a step closer to me.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long.  You have no idea...."  He looked at me and chuckled.

He shook his head slightly, and then he kept talking. 

"I like you, a lot.  And I want to protect you form being hurt by bad guys...Would me do that?"  He asked.

"I..I.."  I stuttered.

It took me some time to take that in.

I was shocked, but happy, of course.

I just don't know what to say.

He waited for my answer.  And because it took me so long, he started to lose his confidence, so he started mumbling.

"I'm so sorry that I...uh..I mean, I'll understand if you doesn't feel the same way-"

I cut him off.

This time, I kissed him.

It was a gentle, quick kiss.

He gasped in surprise.

(Avi's POV)

"So...that's a..?"  I asked as we broke apart.

"That's a yes, silly."  She blushed.

I smiled my idiot-looking smile at her.


"YES, YES, I'M A WINNER!!  YASSSS!!"  I yelled, and I ran.  

I decided to do a cart wheel (a side flip) cause I was too happy.


It was not a good idea.  I fell half way through the flip.

Ashley ran to me.

"Cactus?  Are you okay?"  Ashley gasped, and held out a hand to help me up.

"Yes, I'm fine.."  I accepted her hand, and I got up.

Great, I totally embarrassed myself the second we're together.

She chuckled, and she looked at our hands, which were holding tight.

"Can I please hold your hand?"  I asked.

"You're such a gentlemen.  But we already are holding hands, Cactus.  And we already made out, why'd you even ask."  She stroked my hand, which was in hers.

I chuckled, and we started to walk home, hand in hand.

"Ash."  I called.


"I think you should call me Avi now."  I said.

"A..."  She stopped, and she giggled.

"Come on."  I smiled at her.

"Avi."  She giggled again, and she blushed heavily.

A shiver sent down my whole body.

I like her even more when she says my name.

I nodded, and smiled at her.

We walked for another few minutes.

And none of us talked, but it wasn't awkward at all.

"You know, Avi.  I always pretend to hate you because I don't want to show my feelings for you, Avi."  She said suddenly.

"You're not gonna like this but...I really do hate you."  I said very seriously.

"Huh?  Why, Avi?"  She looked upset.

"Because you stole my heart."  I pouted.

She burst into laughter.

"What?  It was smooth!!"  I superfrowned.

"It's so cheesy, Avi."  She laughed.

"You keep doing that."  I mumbled while she laughed.

"Doing what, Avi?"  She asked.

"You said my name after every sentence."  I chuckled.

"Because I like it, Avi."  She blushed.

She looked at me, and her eyes sparkled.

She' girlfriend now.  MY GIRLFRIEND.

I feel like doing a cart wheel again.

A/N:  Yay!!

Guys, thank you so much for your comments and votes on the last chapter.

I was overjoyed to see the feedbacks.

And this is not the end, it's not even close to the end.  Still more to come, so be prepared.

Thank you so much.  And don't forget to comment and vote if possible!!  Love y'all:)

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