Chapter 16 Morning

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(Ashley's POV)

I woke up and found Mitch's right leg chilling on my stomach.

And he was wearing nothing but his least he wore something..

He must took the rest off when he was feeling hot in the middle of the night.

I carefully removed his hairy leg and got off from the bed.

"fduebichwdkuv..."  He mumbled with a smile, and rolled over to the spot I just got off from.

I chuckled.  Maybe he was dreaming of cute boys.

I decided not to wake him since I bugged him so much last night.  He deserved more sleep.

I then went to the bathroom to freshen up before I went out to the living room.

Odd...Avi wasn't there sipping on his coffee as usual...

Where could he be?

I thought for a while and just shrugged it off, I souldn't care.

I walked over the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

Then I found the sandwich I made last night was gone.  And it brought a huge smile on my face for some reason.

After I made my tea, I set it on the dining table to let it cool down a bit.

While I waited, I decided to check Avi's room to see if he's still sleeping, not that I'm concern or anything though.

No, the bed is empty.  He must have gone out.

But where to?  It's still very early in the morning. 


(Avi's POV)

"So you want me to paint a big purple circle around your eye?"  Kirstie asked.

"A bruise."  I explained.

I arrived at Kirstie's doorstep a few minutes ago and asked for her help on this.  She's a professional.

"I know it's a bizarre request, but please do it for me?"  I asked.

"Okay...."  She seemed confused.

Kirstie went to her bedroom and came back with a box of  "tools".

"Why do you need a bruise?"  She asked as she open the box, taking paints out.

"Uh...for this theme party."  I lied.  

She is easier than both Mitch and Scott, she would actually believe that.

"Ah."  She replied, and pointed at the couch, telling me to sit.

"Wouln't it be easier if you just ask a random person on the street to punch you in the face?"  She asked as she pulled my face closer to her.

"C'mon, who would want to hurt my beautiful face?"  I said it with girly voice, and it made Kirstie laugh.

"Seriously though, I think Ashley would want to wreck your face."  She said as she applied some colors on my face.

"Yeah, she would.    .......totally."  I sighed.

Ashley hates me, and I......hate her.

"What's wrong?"  Kirstie asked.

"Oh no, nothing."  I replied.

A/N:  I'm sorry this chapter is so short!!

Any idea why Avi wanted a bruise on his eye?  

Hehe, comment and vote please!!:)))

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