Chapter 49 Not a vocal warm-up

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Warnings: If the content of this chapter makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading immediately.  Though the author is underage, she can be very disgusting.  She apologizes deeply.  But she did add Mitch's POV at times to make this whole thing less disturbing, just saying.  

(Avi's POV)

Ashley dragged me to her room and pushed me down onto her bed.

She climbed on top of me.

"Ash...."  I mumbled.

She looked at me with her big brown eyes, and gave me a smirk.

She put her hand on my chest and leaned down to kiss me seductively.

"You trying to seduce me?"  I asked after we pulled away for air.

She didn't say anything.  She just blushed.

"You're so cute."  I mumbled.

She pouted, getting off me and stood up.

Oh god, I'm stupid.  She was trying to be sexy and I told her that she's cute!!

"I don't wanna be cute."  She pouted.

But she's still so cute when she said that.

"Oh, I know what to do."  She smirked at me.

I widened my eyes as she started to take off her shirt sexily.

And my mouth just opened automatically, I was almost drooling.

She bit her lip, watching me staring at her beautiful breasts.

All the times I tried not to stare......

She didn't stop there, she took off her pants next.

Then I just lost it, I felt like I can't breathe.

I completely understand what Scott's been saying right now.

"Oh god..."  I mumbled as I realized that I need to calm down or I will probably die.

She climbed back onto the bed.

I sat up from where I were lying, and I pulled her closer.

I kissed her neck eagerly.

"Avi...."  She moaned softly.

"I saw you're wearing that uni-gon bra..."  I whispered onto her neck.

It's the bra that I accidenly held in my hands two years ago, the bra that caused us numerous fights.

She pulled me away suddenly.

"What?  It bothers you?"  

Oh dear, I hope she wasn't mad...

"I-"  I was ready to explain.

"Then take it off."  She growled at me.


(Mitch's POV)

After long hours of shopping with Kirstie, we decided that we'll go back to my house and hang out for some time.

"What do you feel like doing?"  Kirstie asked after putting all the stuff that she bought on the floor.

"Game of Thrones?"  I suggested.

"Game of thrones."  She agreed.

She sat down on the couch.

"Hey, maybe we should go get Avi and Ash to watch with us, they're home, right?"  Kirstie asked.

"Good idea, I'll go get them."  I walked off.

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