Chapter 41 Crave

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(Ashley's POV)

No, no,no!!  I can't cry.  Only babies cry!!

I mentally scolded myself. 

How stupid am I to think that being nice to him is a good idea?

I just fall more and more in love with him and then realize that there's zero possibility between us.

"Ash!!  Wait up!!"  A deep voice came from behind.

Avi...he is that last person I wanna see.

I kept walking, faster and faster.

"Please!!"  He yelled.

His steps were getting closer.

He's running, chasing after me.

I chose to stop.  There's no way I'll run faster than him.

After a few seconds, he stopped behind me as well.

I wiped my tears away.  I hate people seeing me cry.

"What do you want?"  I asked, quite softly.

I didn't turn around though.

"Ashley, I am so sorry."  He said while trying to catch his breath.

I didn't reply him.  I was busy holding back my tears.

"I didn't mean to call you that."  He mumbled.

"Then why did you say it?"  I asked.

"Because...seeing you with those five guys-"

"So I can't be with guys?"  I cut him off.

I turned around this time.

"That's not what I mean."  Avi said.

"Then what do you mean?"  I asked.

(Avi's POV)

This is the time that I tell her that I am in love with her...

"I...I...Ashley.."  I stuttered.

I looked into her brown watery eyes.  They were full of sadness, and disappointment.

"Cactus..."  She mumbled.

"I don't think this whole 'being nice' thing works for us."  She said.

"What are you saying?  We should start hating each other again?"  I said with confusion.

"Yes."  She said with a nod.

I could hear my heart broken into pieces.

"If that's what you want then fine."  I said painfully.

"Fine."  She mumbled.

"Good."  I added.

"Good."  She mumbled.

"Fine."  I said.

"Fine."  She said.

"GOOD."  I said, this time with a bit anger.

"Good."  She mumbled with the same volume as before.

"Stop copying what I said!!"  I spat.

"Then stop saying good and fine, say something else!!"  She spat as well.

"Seeing you with those five guys just piss me off!!"  I said.

"Enough with 'the five guys' talk!!"  She yelled.

"I thought you wanted me to say something else!  So what the hell do you want from me?"  I asked.

"Anything besides that!  Urrrgg, you are so annoying."  She said, taking a step closer to me.

"Me?  Annoying?  God, you are annoying.  And that shirt, what?  You want to blend in with the trees?"  I said.  And I stepped in as well.

"I love this shirt!!  You have to get your fasion sence checked.  Also, check your brain as well, would you?"  She spat.

Her face is all red and puffy.

"Your brain wasn't so clever as well.  Remember the time you fell in the kitchen and almost die??"  I spat. 

I grabbed her waist and pull her closer.

"Like you never fall in your whole life!!"  She said.

"I fall for you!!"  I said.


"I hate you!!!"  I yelled.

"I hate you more!!!"  She yelled as well.

I took her by her waist, and kissed her right on the lips.

Rough, harsh, and with hunger.

Ashley press down my head, allowing me to go even deeper.

Our tongue fought furiously.

Heat running through my veins.

I forgot how to breath, and how I needed air.

All I want and crave is her lips on mine.  I won't ever need anything else...


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