Chapter 26 Hospital beds are delicate

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(Avi's POV)

"Qauck Qauck!!"

"Awww!  They're hungry, aren't they?"  Ashley cooed as schools of fish and some ducks rushed over to the place where Ashley threw the food.

I opened my box of feed and threw some in the pond as well.  And most of the fish and ducks swam from Ashley's side to mine.

 "Wow, looks like they love me a bit more."  I stuck out my tongue out at Ashley, who's now glaring at me.

I couldn't believe that I felt so comfortable now around her.

"Oh, you'll see."  She threw more into the pond, and some of my fans went to her side.  Now we're quite even.

She looked at me, wriggling her eyebrows, and I superfrowned at her.

When we both looked back at the pond, the strangest thing happened.

One of the grey fish form my side went out of the group, and one of the white fish from her side came out as well.

The fish, they look like us somehow.  Their colors match our outfits.

They swam closer to each other, and eventually, they kissed when they meet in the middle.

We both were amazed, and we turn our heads to look at each other.

Are they indicating something...?

Ashley smiled her gorgeous smile at me as her cheeks turned pink.  She noticed the coincidence as well, I guess.

I looked into her beautiful eyes, and started to get really lost.  I was mesmerized by her.

I felt my cheek getting hot.

For some reason, I felt a bit courageous at that moment, so I leaned in a little.

She didn't move or run away, that's good.

I got closer and closer because I was so carried away.  I just want to kiss her now.

She stared at me with unblinking eyes.  

I doubted myself.  Sould I keep going?

I stopped thinking anything when I realized that I want this to happen more than ever.

Just as my hand was about to reach to touch her waist, her phone suddenly rang.

I jumped, and the hand that was supposed to grab her waist went straight up to the back of my head.

She reached into one of her pockets and took out her phone.

"It's Mitch..."  She mumbled as she looked at the caller ID.

"Oh, you should get that, haha...."  I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

(Ashley's POV)

"What's up?  Mitch."  I said, my voice was shaky.

"Where the f&^k are you!!?"  Mitch said angrily through the phone.

"Hospital....."  I mumbled.

"My butt.  You snuck out, didn't you?"  

"Yes...I just miss freedom.  I'm sorry, Mitchy..."  I apologized.

"Don't 'Mitchy' me!!  The doctor called saying that you're missing, I was worrying to death!!"   Mitch was piratically yelling at the phone.

"I'm sorry...."  I mumbled.

"Where are you and who are you with anyways?" Mitch asked.

"I'm at the park with.....Cactus."  I looked over to Avi, who's now pacing back and forth in front of me.

"Avi?  You're with Avi?  Oh, in that case, have fun!!!  Just remember to get back to the hospital to finish that check, okay?"  He's tone completely changed, I could tell by his voice that he's excited.

"Okay, I will."  I replied.

"Oh, and hospital beds are quite delicate, so you and Avi, you know, be careful."  Mitch chuckled.

Hospital beds?  Be careful?  Me and Avi?  Huh?

I didn't get that at first, but then when I did, my cheeks instantly warmed up.

"MITCH!!!!"  I yelled at the phone, but he hung up already.

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