Chapter 18 Food porn

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(Ashley's POV)

"Come on!!  You've been sitting there for the past 2 hours!!  Move your butts or you'll get fat!!"  Ashley said to Mitch and Scott, who were staring at the TV, SpongeBob marathon was on.

Scott and Mitch both take care of me occasionally, but at times I feel like a Mom.

They were sitting on the couch, and Avi was too, but he's looking at his phone and not watching TV.

"Guys, seriously-"

"Shhhh.  This is the good part."  Scott shoved his hand onto my mouth.

I pushed his hand away and rolled my eyes.

"Ugh."  I groaned.

I decided to watch with them and see how "good" it is.  

I wanted to sit on the couch with them but...the only space left was beside Avi...

I looked over at him, his face was serious, looking at his phone.

His face is adorable...

Wait, that wasn't right, what I meant was, his face is disturbing. I decided not to sit beside him.

I walked to the front of Mitch and Scott, and sat between them, they'll automatically gave me some space.

"Someone doesn't want to sit with Avi."  Mitch chuckled as he moved to let me sit down completely.

"I don't want to sit with that someone either."  Avi said, eyes not leaving his phone.

I chose to ignore him.

                             * An hour later*

"Guys...I'm addicted."  I mumbled, looking at the TV.

"You're one of us now."  Scott said as he held up a hand, and gave Mitch a high-five.

After like ten minutes, SpongeBob marathon was finished.

"Oh, my butt hurts form sitting.."  Scott said as he stood up.

"Same."  Mitch stood up as well.

Scott looked at the clock on the wall and gasped.

"Woah, it's 5 already?  I better go now."  Scott said.

"Hot date?"  I said while nudging Scott's arm.

"Sadly no.  I need to go to the dentist for a check-up."  He said.

"Less interesting, but okay."  I said as I gave him a hug.

"Bye, love."  He said as he pulled away.

"Bye."  I said with a smile.

Scott said goodbye to Avi and Mitch before leaving.

"So what are you doing, you've been starring at your phone for hours."  I heard Mitch asked Avi as I closed the door for Scott.

"Oh, just this blog I found on Tumblr.  It's got loads of food porn."  Avi said.

It's weid to hear Avi said the word "porn".....

"Food porn?"  Mitch asked.

"Yeah, like pictures of yummy and good-looking food."  Avi explained with a grin on his face.

"Oh, cool."  Mitch said.

"Yeah, really cool.  I saw so many mashed potato ones, and now I'm so craving mashed potato."

Mashed potato?  How's that going to be pretty?

Avi licked his lips, and his eyes just sparkled.

                                *An hour later.*

It's near dinner time, and I walked to the kitchen.

Umm...I should mash some potatoes...

Not cause Avi was craving it though, it's because Mitch and I both like potatoes.

Plus, I'll just make enough for both of us.  I reckon 3 potatoes will be enough.

I found some potatoes in the fridge, great.

Then I started to skin them.

                            *Twenty minutes later.*

Dang it, I peeled too much...

Now I had like 6 naked potatoes on the bench.

Now I had no choice but to also make some for Avi.

I totally didn't do that on purpose though.

I hummed some songs as I cut the potatoes, and threw it into boiled water.

I was about to reach for the cupboard to take some spices, and all of a sudden, I lost my balance.

I tried to pull myself back, but I still fell.

My temple area hit hardly on the corner of the bench.

" hurts..."  I mumbled as I stood up.

Holding my head, I chuckled bitterly at my clumsiness.

What's that's like..wet...

I moved away my hand on my head and looked at it.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"  I screamed.

It's all over my hand, and it's now squirting out of my temple area...

Blood...lots and lots of blood...

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