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Barging into his dormroom, Yoongi found his roommate coming out the shower.

"Oh hey Yoongs---" before Taehyung could finish greeting his friend, he was pushed harshly against the bathroom door. He widen his eyes in shock and stared down at Yoongi in disbelief. He never knew Yoongi was this strong. "Something wrong?"he asked nervously, tilting his head to the side a bit. Yoongi licked his lips and Taehyung had to hold himself back from tasting them.

"What did you tell Jungkook?" Yoongi asked in a deep voice.

He was angry, scared, and frustrated at the same damn time, all because the thought of someone other then Taehyung knowing he's a little. Things like 'what if he knows' or 'what if he tells the whole school' or 'what if he makes fun of me about it' ran around in his head and he was 100% sure that he'd slip into little space any moment.

"What- ohhh," Taehyung mumbled sheepishly. Yup, Taehyung was dead for sure. "I-I didn't say anything I swear! It's just....." Yoongi tapped his foot impatiently. "It's just?" he urged Tae to continue. Taehyung let out a long sigh.

"I may or may not have mentioned the fact that I'm your oppa," Taehyung looked down in shame, "b-but that's all I said and from the looks of it he was really confused so I didn't bother on explaining and...well, ran away."

Yoongi let out a whine and stomped his foot, "but Yoonie say that's a secwet oppa!" Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, but Yoonie was a big boy and big boys aren't supposed to cry so he tried his best to keep it in.

Taehyung gasped at the sight of Yoongi on verge of tears. It was very rare to see him cry, little or big, and the fact that Tae's the reason for those tears made him feel even worse.

He grabbed the little by the waist and wrapped his arms around him. "Oppa is very sorry, Yoonie. He didn't mean to say anything and besides that Jungkook guy looks too stupid to know what I meant," Taehyung mumbled against Yoongi's blonde hair.

Yoongi nodded slightly. He still didn't feel convinced though, but he was suddenly feeling very tired from the all the running he did to get here. He should really use the elevator.

"O-oppa...Yoonie sleeps now," he whispered against Tae's built chest.  He felt Taehyung nod above him, before he was carried to their bed.

Taehyung laid Yoongi on the bed that was piled with fluffy blankets that could make the little fall asleep instantly. He grabbed a sky blue paci and placed it in the little's mouth, watching as he quickly fell asleep cuddling Mr. Bun Bun.


Yoongi woke up the next morning feeling the need to stay in little space which was weird since he never woke up feeling little. His mind was used to the fact that he would be going to school in the morning so he was automatically big when he woke up. He let out a soft whine and rubbed his eye with the back of his small hand.

Sitting up he looked around, he was the only one here. Taehyung usually left early since he knew Yoongi was never little in the mornings to met up with his current boy/girl toy. Fuck boys will be fuck boys. Though, little Yoongi didn't know that.

Yoongi let out a gasp,

'Yoonie get to gota sc-school!!'

He clapped excitedly with a gummy smile on his face. He's never been outside when in little space and since his oppa wasn't here to stop him nor was he feeling big, Yoonie can do what he wants. Sure, going behind oppa's back is a no no, but Yoonie really really wants to go. Plus Taehyung always told him how important school was so he'd be a bad boy if he didn't go.

Jumping off his bed, he ran towards the closet and searched for something to wear. And no, little Yoongi did not pick anything he'd typically wear when big, but instead choose someing he thought was extra cute. He chose a pair of really short white shorts, a pastel pink jumper that had the word 'Meow' written in small letters in the middle, white and pink thigh high socks, and to top it off plain white converse (which he had trouble tying and instead ended up just tying them in a knot).

Dressing himself was a challenge, but he managed. He let out a giggle and twirled around as he admired himself in the mirror that was connected to the closet door. Yoonie was more than satisfied with his outfit. He felt very cute.

He turned away from the mirror and grabbed his favorite pink paci off from the nightstand next to his bed and stuffed it in his front pocket. Smiling, he let out an excited squeal and ran out the door.

BAD LITTLE BOYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora