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Yoongi felt the slight guilt poke at him the minute Taehyung walked out, though it wasn't because he was with Jungkook. Nope, he didn't feel bad for having feelings for the latter, what he did feel bad for and what caused the feeling of guilt was him lying to his best friend (or boyfriend?). He wasn't sure if Taehyung was bothered by the fact that he was technically cheating since from what Yoongi had noticed the boy himself also had feelings for another and was most likely too blind to notice. He was staring blankly at the computer screen in front of him that was currently playing some cartoon, too busy thinking to remember the name of it.

Jungkook sighed, "Baby, please don't think about him right now." Yoongi was startled a bit when he heard the other's voice, then let out a breath and leaning back against Jungkook's chest.

"What if he's mad?" he thought out loud, quickly frowning at his own words, "B-but like I just kind of thought he liked Jimin, so he wouldn't be upset, right?" He turned his head towards the boy whose lap he sat on, expecting an answer but was only met with a pair of lips landing on top of his. The kiss shut him up, quickly forgetting about what he had asked and instead kissing back slowly, as he clutched onto Jungkook's shirt. They pulled back after a few more seconds, Yoongi tucking his head in the crock of Jungkook's neck while the said male ran his hands through the soft blonde fluff of hair. "Just relax for now baby boy, hm? You've been so worked up for the past few hours, haven't even been little yet and I know for a fact that you want to."

Yoongi huffed, a pout on his lips when he knew his daddy was right. He didn't even notice how stressed the little run in this morning had got him until now. Looking up again at his caregiver, he let their lips meet again because for some reason Jungkook's lips always seemed to calm him down.

"Daddy," he spoke as they parted, "No wanna go to school 'morro." He shoved his head into Jungkook's buff chest, then shoving his thumb in between his lips.

Jungkook hummed, "You don't have to, baby. We can just stay at Daddy's room, yeah?" Yoongi nodded his head, liking the idea of spending yet another day with his daddy. He'd be able to relax and get the worry off his back, and maybe even avoid Taehyung until he knew how to approach the other without making him feel like shit.

They stayed in that position for awhile, Jungkook rocking slightly as he softly hummed a random tune in a way to sooth the little to sleep. Which seemed to work since a few minutes later he heard quite snores from beneath him. Smiling, he lifted the boy up bridle style and laid him down properly on the bed.

A blush slowly creeped up his cheeks as he stared at the sight of the sleeping boy in front of him. It was as if he was trying to memorize every aspect of Yoongi's breath taking face since when the said boy was awake he never really had a chance to appreciate the beauty he was displayed on a daily. He noticed the way his blonde hair flopped messily on his head was beautiful, and the way his lips formed a small pout as his thumb slipped out his mouth, or how his nose would scrunch up a bit every now and then. It was honestly such a beautiful sight, that Jungkook silently wished he could stare until his eyes fell out his head but decided against it since he didn't want to seem like some creep. Shaking his head, he crawled next to the sleeping little. When he was sure he hadn't woken the other up, he lied down next to him, then slipped his arms around Yoongi's waist, he pulled the boy closer, Yoongi subconsciously snuggling closer too and gripping the front of Jungkook's shirt.

"You fucking cutie," he mumbled at the action, planting a kiss on his baby's forehead and closing his eyes.

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