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Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Yoonie pouted, he really didn't want to cry, but he was so frustrated. He had no idea where he was going and the hallway he was walking in was completely empty so it's not like he could ask for directions. Not to mention Yoongi is extremely shy when in little space, so even if he had seen someone he wouldn't have the guts to actually speak with them.

He stuffed his hand in his front pocket and took out his paci. Usually, sucking on his paci would calm his nerves, but it also made him sleepy so he stayed clutching onto it, in hopes holding onto it would have the same effect.

He was about to turn back around and head back to his room before his oppa found out he was missing, when he heard his name being called from behind one of the closed doors.

He let out a quiet gasp, "Oh! That's me! I'm M-Min Yoonie!" Giggling, he walked up to the classroom door. He knocked politely, since he didn't want to be rude, and waited till he was offered to enter.

"Come in."

Yoongi suddenly felt nervous, but he's alreday knocked so he should at least go inside. Biting his bottom lip, he pushed the door opened and walked in.

"H-Hi," Yoongi whispered, staring at his feet as he played with the hem of his sweater.

Mr. Oh smiled sweetly at the small boy standing in front of him while his students cooed at the boy's cuteness.

"Are you new here, kid? What's your name?" Mr Oh asked. The class began to whisper amongst themselves about the 'new' blond cutie, unaware of who the cutie actually was.

Jungkook, who had been sitting at his usual seat, ignored the whole situation. He was too busy wondering what made Yoongi run off the day before to notice the boy at the front.

Yoongi shook his head, and titled his head to the side.

"N-no. I-I'm Yoongi," he said, a confused pout sitting on his pink lips.

The class was, to say the least, shocked. I mean this was defiantly not the same Min Yoongi that came yesterday. His attitude seemed so different, like he was another person, his voice sounded more child like, and, well, his outfit was something very new.

Jungkook nearly jumped out his seat when he looked over at the front of the classroom.


He wasn't sure if he was in another one of his fantasies, or he died and went to heaven. Licking his lips, he glanced down at Yoongi's legs. And man, was that a mistake. Those thick milky thighs and that curved small ass really did wonders to Jungkook's crotch area.

Min Yoongi was just so captivating.

"O-oh? W-well, Mr. Min, you're late as always," the male teacher mumbled, shooing Yoongi off, not wanting to pay attention to his new look. Yoongi whispered a soft 'sowwy' and looked around for a seat. He was standing there for awhile with a confused look on his face when he saw someone waving towards him.

'Jungkookie!' he squealed in his head.

Skipping over to the boy himself, he smiled shyly. Jungkook's ears turned a light shade of pink. Of course Jungkook always knew Yoongi's bad boy facade was fake, he just wasn't prepared for this amount of cuteness. So having Yoongi dressed like this and actually smiling at him made him feel all sorts of things. Jungkook cleared his throat and glanced over at the empty seat next to him; Yoongi's seat.

Little Yoonie noticed the seat too. He pointed at it, "C-can Y-Yoonie sit there?" The constant stares and whispers he received from the other students went unnoticed to him. Jungkook looked at the boy confused and had to resist the sudden urge to squeeze him in a big bear hug when he heard him speak in third person.

"Well, yeah. It's your seat remember?" Jungkook asked before adding, "And you look absolutely adoreble in that outfit, babe."

Realization hit Yoongi like a truck.

He's in little space at school in front of Jungkook.

Alarms went off in his head, and he instantly felt big. How could he be so careless! Glancing down at his clothing, he let out an annoyed huff. What the hell is wrong with him? How could he come to school in fucking little space.

He clenched his fist tightly then realized he had something in his hand. Confused he opened his closed fist only to find his paci that little Yoongi had brought with him.

"Is that a--"

"Fuck off and leave me alone asshole," Yoongi growled lowly.

He quickly stuffed the thing back in his pocket and dropped himself in his seat. Jungkook was shocked at the sudden change in behavior but decided not to ask.

Instead, he was more interested in why Min Yoongi had a pacifier in his pocket.

thank you for all the love babes:') it means a lot!!

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