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It was nearly lunch time when Jungkook decided to wake up the little prince. He had shifted positions so now Yoongi was laying on his tummy, with his head on his daddy's lap, and his legs spread out across the bench. Tapping Yoongi's plump butt, he attempted the difficult task; waking Yoongi up.

"Baby it's time to wake up," he said, moving his hand up to shaking Yoongi's back. Yoongi whined out loud, though it was muffled a little by the paci that had been in his mouth as he slept. He snuggled deeper into Jungkook's thigh, clutching onto the hem of his plain black tee.

"Yoonie, aren't you hungry? It's almost lunch," Jungkook tried again, and as if on cue a low, but audible, growl was heard from the other's tummy. "See? Now get up so we can eat," he laughed as he watched Yoongi blink his eyes open.

Blood rushed up to Yoongi's face when he made eye contact with his new caregiver. He sat up quickly and scooted to the opposite end of the bench, clearing his throat.

"I...y-you," Yoongi stuttered, the ground suddenly becoming something interesting to stare at. Jungkook looked up confused as to Yoongi's sudden change im behavior, before realizing he wasn't in little space anymore. He smirked, big Yoongi must really be embarrassed right now.

And embarrassed Yoongi was so fucking cute.

"What was that? Use your words baby boy" he said, raising a brow as he stared Yoongi dead on even though the other tried his best to avoid his gaze. Jungkook just made Yoongi feel some type of way, and to be honest, he didn't know weather to love the feeling or hate it.

"S-sorry," he let out a quick cough, "y'know, about.....little me. He's kind of weird and whiny, so if you just agreed to be my caregiver because I was annoying--"

"I didn't agree because you were 'annoying', I genuinely want to take care of you. I want to be your caregiver, " Jungkook frowned, "and little you is not weird or whiny or annoying! He's just as adorable as big you, which is really adorable, so shut up."

Yoongi bit back a smile. He wasn't quite sure if Jungkook had meant what he said or was just trying to tease him in some way.

"But seriously, if you don't want to be my caregiver, it's fine."

"Are you refusing me as your daddy? Since when did you make the decision baby?" Jungkook asked, his voice deeper then usual. He moved closer to Yoongi, their knees bumping into each others, while his griped the blonde's thigh.

Oh how much he loved to tease Yoongi. His reactions were just so cute, yet so sexy at the same time.

Yoongi licked his bottom lip nervously, rubbing his nape.

"N-no. That's not wh-what I m-meant," Moving his hand up and down the little's thigh, Jungkook waited for Yoongi to continue.

"I-I was just saying-" Yoongi inhaled sharply, Jungkook's hand was just so close to his area and it was honestly to distracting. Jungkook nuzzled his nose against Yoongi's neck. He didn't know what came over him. He's just wanted to touch and hold Yoongi for so long and having his crush finally not fighting back made it so easy for him to do so.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Yoongi let out a soft sigh.

"D-daddy stop."

And boy did that have Jungkook falling out his seat. The way Yoongi called him daddy  when he wasn't even in little space, and how he said it so breathlessly with a slight whine in his tone, drove Jungkook nuts.

Though he didn't automatically listen to his little's plead, instead he kissed the boy's neck and gave one last squeeze to Yoongi's inner thigh. He pulled away and smiled smugly at the shorter.

"What's wrong Yoongi? You're all red."

"S-shut up, you idiot!" Yoongi snapped with a red face. "I-I'm going to lunch! Don't follow me."

Jungkook laughed. There wasn't any point for Yoongi to act tough and bad around him now that he knew about his little space, but Yoongi didn't know what to do so he acted on instinct.

Yoongi stood up, ready to walk out when he remembered one small detail. "Damn it!" he groaned. "I don't want to go outside wearing this," gesturing towards his outfit. He's had enough of the unwanted attention. Jungkook nodded understandingly, standing up, and interlaced their fingers together.

"We can go to my dorm and I'll fix you something to eat there."

"And stop cussing."

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