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"Again! Again! Again!" Yoongi cheered, clapping his hands in delight. They had just finish their fourth replay of Cinderella, and Yoongi still didn't seem to get sick of it. Jungkook hummed, hitting play on his laptop that was resting on his lap, then cuddling closer to his baby boy. They were covered with a large furry bight yellow blanket, cuddled up close, with Yoongi's head laying on Jungkook's chest.

The movie started again, but Jungkook wasn't paying attention. His eyes were locked on Yoongi lips, that seemed so tempting with the way he kept licking them and nibbling at the bottom in anticipation while he watched the movie. He gulped when Yoongi moved his head to look up at him. Even if Yoongi was in little space, he could still feel those eyes on him, and to be honest, he loved the fact that his daddy was paying more attention to him then the movie. "Daddy?" he asked, eyes sparkling a bit as he stared up at Jungkook.

"Y-yeah, baby boy?" he stuttered. Yoongi looked absolutely adorable with his messy bed hair and childish smile, it made him wish he could stay in this position longer. The loud drumming sound his heart was making made his cheeks flush, and the mushy feeling in his stomach made him smile, bunny tooth showing.

Yoongi giggled, poking his daddy's cheek while a gummy smile grew on his face too. "Why does daddy keep staring at Yoonie?"

Jungkook's blushed harder, biting the inside of his cheek. He squeezed Yoongi's waist with that hand that he had spooned under him.

"You're just so beautiful baby, I can't look away." Yoongi's smile grew wider, his own heart matched Jungkook's, their rythym fast, yet steady at the same time. The line was cheesy for sure, but little Yoongi appreciated the compliment. "Is okay daddy, Yoonie likes it when you look at him," he giggled, shamelessly.

Jungkook laughed at that, shaking his head while he placed his forehead on Yoongi's, never breaking eye contact. "I'll always only look at you," he whispered, daring himself to inch closer.

Yoongi breathed in his daddy's scent, closing his eyes. "Goodie, 'cause I want all your attention, daddy." Opening his eyes again, he noticed the small distance between them slowly decrease. Little Yoongi didn't know what was going on, he didn't think to move out the way or shove the other from getting any closer, though Jungkook didn't get any closer.

He stopped a few centimeters away from those captivating lips, and stared back at Yoongi's half lidded eyes.

"Yoongi," he whispered, "I have something to tell you."


Taehyung stared at his phone, rereading the text his parents had sent him an hour ago, then letting out a sigh.

Meet us at the company. Dress formal.

Running a hand through his ash gray hair, he checked himself out in the full leanth mirror that was attached to the bathroom door in their dorm. He was wearing a pair of black fitted slacks that hugged his waist nicely, with a dark maroon button up that showed off his broad shoulders. Nodding to himself, he stuffed his phone in his pocket before heading out the bathroom and putting on his shoes.

He knew he wasn't late, his parents always texted him plans a few hours before because they knew he had a habit of taking his sweet time. Once he slipped on his shoes, he pulled out his phone, typing a quick text to his mother.

On my way there.

He surprisingly received a reply quite quickly.

Your car has been outside there for half an hour already. Hurry yourself up.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, shutting off his phone, walking out the door, and heading over to the elevator. He stopped in front of the closed elevator, before frowning in confusion. Why did his parents suddenly want to met him? They usually didn't bother him when he was attending school, wanting him to focus more on studies than what the company had planed for their next product release. Maybe something happened? He didn't know, but from the way his mother urged him to hurry instead of telling him not rush, made him get the hint that this was something important.

The ding from the elevator, indicating that it was here, dragged him out of his thoughts. He strolled in, hitting the L button, to go down to the lobby.

The ride down was short, the dinging sound insyc with the opening of the doors. He walked out and was greeted with his personal driver, Kim Seokjin, who was also a part time model.

"Oh, hyung," he waved with a grin, rushing over to the older male who was busy smiling down at his phone. "Did you wait long?"

Jin rolled his eyes at the stupid question.

"Of course I waited long, I was waiting for you." Taehyung snickered at that, shrugging his shoulders and walking out to the black cadillac suv that was parked out front. Jin followed behind, opening the door for Tae, letting him hop in, before walking over to the drivers seat.

"I heard there's a big meeting going on today with another company," Jin said as he started the engine. He drove out the lobby, glancing up at the rear view mirror to look at Taehyung.

"Yeah? Which company?"

"The Parks."

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